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ÍLI PAY YOU TO GO TO DETROIT m AND HAVÜ YOUB EXAMINAD AND FITTE!)" WITH 8PBCTACLE8 OR EYE GLASSE8 ROEHM &AWRIGirPS, 1MPOKTER8, JEWELER8 AND _ TICIANS, 140 WOODWARD AVE. I THEY MAKE NO CHARGE POR! EYE8, AND 8ELDOMÍ FA1L TO GIVE REUEFJ Robust Health r ís not nhv;iv cnioyrd by tliose who seera to possoN ' it. Tne talnt of corrupted blood may be wcretly ondermlntoK the conutituticm. [n Mme, the poion wlllcortainlysliowilsrilict.s, and with all the moro vlrulcncc the longcr it ha.s been allowed to penneate the aystem. Kneh pimple, sty. boíl, skin iliMjrili'r and srnse oí uuuaturai nintude, or languor, ¦ ne of Nature'a waruingu of the ixnueiiuenaM of ncglcct. Ayers Sarsaparilla o Ü ís the only rrmedy tliat can be rolled upon, in all cásea, lo ('radícate the taintof heredltarj' disenso and tho special corruptlon of the blood. It is tile only alterativo that la suflioiently powerful to thoroughly cleanse the systeni of Scrofulous and Mercurial lmpurtUea aud tho pollutiou of Contagious Diseftges. It also neutralizes the poisons left by Dlphtheria and Scarlet Fover, and cnables rapid recuperstion froni tho enfeebleineut and dubility caused by tlieso discases. Myi'iads of Cures Achicved by Ayp.r's Sarsaparilla, In the pastforty years.iire attest?d,andthere Ís no blood disease, at sil possible of cure, that will not yield to it. Whatever the aumenta of this class.and wherever found, from the scurvy of the Aretie circle to the "veldt-9ores" of South África, this rem-, edy has afforded health to the suffererg by whom it wu employed. Druggists' everywherecan cite numerous cases, with-f in tbelr personal knowledde, of remarkable cures wrciufrht by it, where all other treatraent had peen unavailing. People will do well to - - Trust Nothing Else than Atur's SARSAiniLf.A. Numerout crude mixtures are offered to the public a "blood purifiers," whith ouly allure the patiënt witli the preteiise of jnany cheap doses, and with which it is folly to experiment while discase is Bteadily becomlng more deop-scatod and difficult of cure. Some of these mixtures do much lasting harm. Bear In miod that the only medicine that eau radically purify the vitiaUd blood ia Ayer's Sarsaparilla, ritEPARED BT Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mas. Sold by all Druggists: Price $1; Six bottles for $5. LI7MBER! LUMBER! LUMBEE! U yon contémplate building, cali at FERDON 1.1 1 KI lililí! Corner Fourth and Depot Sts., and jje our figures for all kinds of LUMBER! We niiinufacture our own Luinbcr and guurantec AERY LOW PRICES 4-S-Give us a cali and we will make t to vou interest, as our larLe and weil gratled stock fiilly sustains our assertion. Tclephone Connections with Office. T. J. KEECH Supt. JAMES TOLBERT, Prop W. TREMAIN, GEAERAL Insurance !! OFFICE : Oyer Casper Rinsey's Grocery Store, COK. IIUKON AND FOÜRTHSTS., North British Insurance CCo., Of London and Edlnburg. LCapital, $1,000,000, Gold. Detroit FIre and Marlnp Insurance Co., Cash Ameti 600,000. Sprlngfleid Ins. Co. of Massaclmsetts, Cash Atsets f1,800,000. Howard Ihs. Company of Xew York, Cuh Aisete f 1,000,000. Agrlciiltural lus. Co., Watertown,N.Y., Cah A set l,ü00,000. LOBses Llberally Adjasted and Promptly Pald. Mmcir.: thun ut aiiyüilnelue b Oik iiiK an ageucy for tho beet bc-IIIuk loik out. Iteciimers siiccei-d grandly. None rail. Terme free. Hallxtt BouK Co., Portland, Main.


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