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A sad accident happened Friday evening...

A sad accident happened Friday evening... image
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A sad accident happened Friday evening last, by which Fred Q. Gauss, a young lad ubout 16 years oíd, and for the patt year uitii Osito & Co., lost his life. All day Friilay young Gauss liad been arglng two other boys in the store, Chas. Dietas and Martín Schaller- lads about his own SlZe and age - to go in bathing after business honra. These boys baving been down the Ttnlng previous did not wisli to ro again, but being urged so hard linaily cónaented, At about 8}L they went to the nuil late, at the place where thc oM head-gutes used to be. and wbere th bottom recedea vcry fast from the bore. W(Hag ont tné was bood bevond hla depth, and being unable to gwtm, dong to hit ootnpanion, Charlie Dietas, but In sucli a nianner as not to allow of the latter's dm of his nrnisand liinlis. and liotli cainu near drowning. All efforta of the two boys to rescue their diowniíii; oompanion were anariiling, and tlicy iinmediatcly gave the alarm. The body of young (auss was found In about au hour after the drowning occurred. The deceased was an exemplarv boy, one whom everyone liked. He was the oldcst of six childien of Kred Gau6S, of tlie 2d wurd, who keeps a shoe store on W. Liberty street. Funeral services were held Sunday, from Zton'l Lntheian ohurch, and many who witnesscd it say that thi' I uncial procession was one of the larxcst ever Been in the city, so great was the estoein for tlie lad and synipathy for the beieaved parents. A copy of the Journal, published at Bralnerd, Minn., datcd July 2d, contains an extended notice of the death of Hon. Harmon I). Follett, of that place, who dicd June 24tli, aged 47yenrs. Mr. Follet iiraduated from theliterary department of Michigan Dnlvenltywitb theclassof 1862, and from the law department in 1866. (n Oct. 23, 'GO he married Miss Lillia Iforwick, daughUr of Jas. Merwldi, of Washington st., in this city, and nimediately thereafter entered upon the practice of bis profeaslon at La Kalle, III. In 1871 lung trouble nccessitated achange oflocatlon and after travellin{ two years in the south he removed to Bruinen], Minn , where he has caridad ever sinee. He held the office of judga of probate for many years, had been justice of the peace, superintendent of public schools, pólice justice, court comniissioner, etc., a cilii'ii who was always held in high esteem by the oommunity in wbiota he resided. He leayea iiis widow ¦ oonpeteney, aecumulated du ring his busy thougll brief caieer. Mrs. Follett will have the sympathy of maiiy fiiends of her early days in Ann Arbor.