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Will Worden had a profitnble fishing trip Prlday. Dr. W. H. Jackson and family are at Wkitmore Lake. Miss Hattie Long gocs to Chelsea to vislt relatives to-day. Dr. W. B Smith arrived home Tuesday from his western trip. Right Rev. Gco. r. Gillespic was in the city over tlie Babbath, B. Frank Bower, of tlie Detroit Post, mi la the city yesterday. Will Hatch and wife took a quick trip over to the Lake Sunday p. in. Mis. C. V. Waldron has gone to the sea shore for the sunimer. Misses Mnggie and Mamie Kearney, are visiting in Cliatüeld, Mlun. Geo. Osius left Monday for the east, to be absent some two or three weeks. Nelsen B. Beers has moved into the David Finley house, on Liberty st. Dr. Will Terry is quite ill with an attack of inllauituatory rheumatism. Kev. R. B. Pope and family expcct to leave for Petoskey the coming week. Mrs. Prof. Perry's twins have been quite seriously ill for several days past. Mis. D. B. Bently, of Detroit, is visiting her niece, Mits Nettie Ailes, on Fifth st. J. Etnrnet Robison, of Detroit spent the Sabbath with lus parents, iu Ann Arbor. Mrs. Dr. Hallock and son left Monday morning for Beaver Lake to visit friends. Mrs. Phoebe Houghton moved into the house of E. 13. Bealon División st. yesterday. John Bannister, pharmio, '8G, is helping out at J. J. Goodyear's drug store tb is summer. Geo. O'Hearn, of Detroit, visited his parents, P. O'Hearn and wife, the first of the week. J. A. Mnraery, of the 6th ward, takes a trip to Niágara Falls, this week, to visit his old home. Ex-Regent Climie goes to Indiana this week, iu the interest of the Edison Electric Light Co. Charlie Gibson bas had a wrestle with sickness during the week, and got throwed on his back. Miss Hattie Ailes who has been visiting at Siielby, Oliio, expects to go to Charlevoix this week. Fred Rettich, Sr., and Fred Retttch, Jr., left Monday for Niágara Falls, to reniain during the week. Joe Martin, Fred Stpfiey aiiclWill Litnburner went to Base Lake Saturday last for a week's stay. Mrs. N. W. Gilbert, of Glenn Falls, N. Y., is visiting her son, Erastus, for a couple of moiitbs. Mrs. O. M. Martin, Jr., and her mother, Mrs. Samuel Foster, are visiting friends iu üosbe'i, N. Y. Mrs. Grave?, of E. Catherine st, is In Ypsilanti this week to try the efflcacy of the mineral baths. Mrs. Clara Slawson, of Houghton, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Conover. Mr. 8. will follow soon. Frank Hughes and sister, Miss Irene, ofBronklyn, N. Y., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Sullivan. Mrs. Chas. II. Perkins and two sons of Grand Rapids, are the guests of Alex. V. Hamilton and family. Jerome Culp, of Athens, Mich., has been visiting friends in the city this week, on bis way to Toledo. Geo. Johnson, better known as " Barney," who bas been 111 for a time, has gone to Ypsilanti to recruit up. Misses Anna and Emma Taylor of Ann Arbor are visiting at J. K. Stanley's.- Stockbridge Sun, July 10. Mrs. Lutz TKeDj'gart, of Elmore, Ohlo, is visiting her motlicr on William st, and nunierous friends in the city. .MTS. Af innip Swindlnr (lnturlif-or nf T!l('ti Marshall, of this city, returned to her home at Ottawa, 111., Friday. Visitors at Grand Rapids are pleased to see Geo. HarlUnd In the Rathbun house, where he is clerking at present. ïhos. Devaney, of Fort Smith, Ark., formerly a resident of this city, is visit i n r his brotber's family, on E. Ann st. Mrs. N. II. Drake, accompanied by her daughters Mattie and Minnie, have gone to their cottage at Whitmore Lake for the summer. H. E H. Bower, of the Democrat, bas been under the weather several days during the week, having a severe attack of peritonitis. Hudson T. Morton left Monday night for Lincoln, Nebraska. to be absent abmit three weeks, looking after his interestsln that section. Miss Ione Hunter, of South Lyon, who bas been visiting her friend Miss Susie Spoor for several days, left to-day for a western tour. Mrs. Cadwaladerand chlld of Delaware, Ohio, are spendine some weeks with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Royer, on División st., N. Mlsses Mattie and Addie Ladd deferred the tr departo re forCharlevoix until Monday nightlast. Tiiey expect to be absent about six week?. John Miller, Esq., came to Ann Arbor, Thursday, and will remain here two months with his family, who are living upon E. Catherine st. Monroe Conover, one of the old time Ann Arbor boys, now looated atDubuque, Iowa, is visiling his mother, and other relatives and friends in the city. Mrs. M. J. Jam toon, whose husband is editor of the Louisa Co. Times, atColunihus Jiuictlon, Iowa, Is having a suecessful treatment of her eyes In this city. A. O. Cro.ier is spending the nimmer lecturing on temperance in Canada. He is now in Newfoundland having greatsuccess in temperance revivals and catching cod. Rev. Fr. Fierle left the city Monday to be present at a retreat of tlie Catholic clergy of tliis diocese convened at Sandwich, Ont., andwill bc absent a week or ten days. Chauncey II. Milieu receivcd a diepatch Sunday morning from Wm. Dowd, Esq., of New York City, announclng the deatta of Mrs. Dowd, the night previous, of Brlght's disease. Lewis Hallock of Emporio, Kansas, formerly of Wliittnore Lake, is visiting li3 mother on Liberty st. Mr. II. ia an officer of a national bank where 12 per cent. is obtained on short loans. Nelson J. Booth, formerly a resident of thia city, and part owner of the St. James at one time, is in the city for some weeks. He is engaged in the Texas cattle trade - owns a ranch- and is making money. Prof. C. H. J. Douglas, of the University of Wisconsin, at Madison, bas been in the city the past few days, in the interest of his paper, The University- formerly the Index, which Journal is now imblished in Chicago, and after Sept. lst, will be issued weekly. Prof. George W. Knight, of tliis city, has accepted the position of professor of history and English languag! and literature, in the Ohio State University at Columbus, and expecta to remove thereto about Sept. lst. Mr. Knight and hls amiable wife will be missud from the social circle of Ann Arbor. Jay Taylor, formerly of tliis city, but now of New York City, is spending the summer wlth bis father. Having been a formermemberof the M. E. church cholr, he occupied his old place therein last Subbath. and favored the congregation wlth a flnely executed solo from the oratorio of Elijab. Mr. Taylor is under engagement wlth Emma Abbott the coming seasou as first tenor. Those who are capable of judging pronounce him tlie most promosing young tenor in America, at the present time.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News