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TRUE ECONOMY. Kvury onc must practico tru econnmy to HMcecrl in Ufe. Bui li ík no eooaomy to buy " nhou ¦ ly" articles: bd Klour, bad Buttnr and had Pood of any kind ara not economlcal to nse at any price : a thousnnd timen worae I a " shoddy ' medicine that pretenda to cure, but maken the dtlent worse. , ïSAsihe lest food is the cheapest becmise i! nniritlono and i-trenethenlng to the whok-Hystcm. eveo in ainall qoj}ntitle, eo is a pnce medicina whicli riiro evi-ry ilmi, even in ïmull dose ;, alwayv keep in mind Iheae 7en Solid Faclx : h..TV'ifL..rfCl.i'.o.ll.d ruro In one botlie eni's l is irrmred lor Ilinii In a barrel of the socaUed i ares; tne doe is 30 iu 30 dropa. tS& It cures, restores, rctulalca and Invleorte the Ijï.t, .Momach. Kldney, Bladd.r un.l Urlnary organs, craatei a (aatrelou appctlte and rebnfMe the ontlro syntem, and Itis "Never known to fail.'1 !é& 1' wlll prevpnt 88 well as cnre. Malaria, Kevers and Hieumatism and all diseaneB whlch rom ¦ irum inipure iikx.d. Keep the lountaln and Uiciprtnn ihat supply it, pure, and the utream flowinfi ILerelromwill bu lienlthful and life-üivi ilt. iSpccinl and Intercsting cae of Bright' disi Ibed on Hccond paeof our Baunerbouk. m BH"N'F(KIdney and Liver) Rkmkdy puriBei the blood, thereby keepine the Kidneys, Livr, Htomnch. lllndilcr hik! Urlnaty orKanu vigorous wlthjiraod uction, tuusinft Ihem to Iree the ¦- tem trom the pdaonöo waste whlch brlnga dis'iiM- iind dt'ah. W 't reachee the seat of the dlsease at once- remove thecansB'-irtimarates and nssisis the runenou ol the Kidneys, Uver and Urlnarjontana. Br Suve vour health by usiu(; Hunt'i (Kidncy and I.'veri Kkmkdy, as miliona will not recom. pense the loss ol tbs brícele boon. It wlll cure Female Weukncss and prevent moulhly BuRerlng. Correspontltnee freely antwertd by our Om¦stdling rhysician at thU offlee. __ 1é& The largest sale are . - - "-"vviü "T " ""-' nome of the medicine; ¦UI'fNT-'X' wbereit I best known, Hit ¦! V.: 1-JL used moet exteusively and KlDNEY.8-:i prcrlhed by 75 physlciana. ÜiLIVERT'' """' better endornement 'TJp?yfppY could ba oflVrod. PPI PaiOE,1.251PEEBOTTLE HDDfsReiDeiyCo, 3 PROVIDENCE, R. I. ""¦Í Fur eale by all Druggists. Yule - " Wliat s tlie üifTeronce belwetn :in (Holanda pretly tíirl ?" Harvard, witli alaerlty, Imving just read Lam poon - "One is iinincnsrly (imple and the ollier is aimply immense.- Itoston BeaOOII. The President of the Cambridge, , Firc Iiisiinuice Co., rciunuincixls Hood'n Suiiariiliia3 a building np and Btrengtbenlng camey. A iolilic:in wIki was :i f;reiit gtickler for ()iinlily !n :ill lililíes, perceiving two crowa flying sido by slde, exclaímed: "Ay, that is just as it gfeould be. 1 líate to see One Crow over iinother.'" - Ex. For Karaclie, ToothAehe, Sore Throat, Swelled N'cck, and t lie resultsof colds and inlliiiinnatioii, use Dr. Tlioums' Eolcctric Oil - tb; great pain destróyer. Try It Yourseir. The ptaoiot the pudding is not in cliewIng the sti-injr, but in harina anopportunity lo try the article yourself. Eberbaoh & Snn.tlic pvggipts, iiavo i fijee Uial botUi1 of Dr. Brtsatiko's ('uugh .-nul Lunr Synip lor cacli mul i-v-ry one u ho is afllictcd witli Ooughs, Colds, Asumía, C'imsumptioii or aiiy Lun iflt'otion. Some one hassaid that tlio Engüsh take their pleMures sndly, Uut on Epsom Dovyna riiii peppl tlicie wil] be jockeylur. - hondón Fun. The Terrible Drain Which scrofula lias upon the system must be arrested, and the blood must be purllitil, nr Krloui conscqiiences will ei)sue. For parifyhlg and vltalizing effect, Hood'l SampariHa lias been found superior lo my cithcr picparation. It ex pels every tracé of impurity f rom tbe blood, and bestoivs new life and vigor upon every function of tlio body, enabling it to ontirely overeóme disease. "It man trant! to invn the earth wliat doei wofnaii want?" inquired Mr. Onapp of liis better tuilf, after a little family, .1 few day ago. " Well, my dear," responded tlmt lady in a gentle tone, " to own man i suppose." A Pure and Reliarle Mbdicinr - A cüinpoiind lluid extract of roots, leavee, burksanil beiries is Uurdock Blood Bitter I They cure all diseases of tbe blood liver, I and kidneys.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News