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IVIACKINAC. Th Kolt Dalightful SUMiVIER TOUR P]o Staunera. Low Kitea. Tour Tripa par Wk Batwoan DETROIT AND MACKINAC And Bvary Wcak Day Botwean DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Wrtta for our "Picture9que Mackinac," Illustrated. Oontslu iuU Fartioulara. Malled Fraa. Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nav. Co. C. D. Whitcomb, g. pass. act. OtTBOIT. MICH. GILBEKT BL1SS, ARont. A Kemarbablc Excapo. Mrs. Mavy A. Dailey, of Tunkliannock, Pu. was aítlieted for six years wllh Atthma and Bronchitis, during wliich time tlic best phyglcians coukl give no relitf. 1 Der lite was deipalred of, until in last Octobler she procured a bottle of Dr. Kiog'a New Discovery, when iminediate relief was lelt, and by ConUpuiog its u' fura sliort time she was coinpletely cuied. gaining in llc-sli 50 lbs in a luw montlis. Free trial boules of thlscertain cnre of ill Throat and Luáx diseases at Eberbacli & Son's ding stor Large bottles $1.00. An Indiana man has appüed for the position of sexton of the ost olliee departnient. Tliis s tomb inucli. We íUípet lie wants to inter tlie deed letters. - Norristown Herald. Josliua Tutliill, Suginaw Mich., had Jtright's Discasc, and was cured by llnnl'.s Hemcdy. A bruised r:iv onlon i suid to be 1 (Ufe chic f o serpent Lite if tpplled at onde. Amateur lislieiinen, bowevr, II keep onuiingtbe good oíd pmedy.- Boston Courler. Tliis Idea or Going West lo Colorado or New Mexico, for pure air to relieve Consumption, is all ;i jnistake. Any reasonable mu would use l)r. Bosanko's Oougli and Lung Byrop Ibr Copnmption tn all lu iir.-i itagea, Jt, uever fails to give relief In uil cases of ougliB, ('olils, Bronchitis, Pain in the Clie.t and all affoctions that are considered priinarv to Consumption. Prlce, 50 cents and $1.(X). Sold by Eberbach & Sou. We beüeve tbere is no trutb in the rumor fluit membersof the Jockey Olubare fcvtng to Klüutoum in the interest of a Btablfl government.- liOndon Moonsliine. H. B. Cocinan, dniggisf, Limcaster, Pa. has gnaranteed over 300 bottles of Kurdock Blood Bitters for dyspepsiii, bilious attacks, livcr auj kklneya. Brown- "And lie .ictually fa.xe yon Hulie? And of course yon knoekéd liim down n lus trucks?" Fo'g- "Oh, dear. no; he ineant to be kind, no doubt. Poor fcllciw it was 11 he liad to give."- Boston TrunscHpt. Many a man wbo bad lost nerve, vigor and toergj, has been cnred by riuiit's Remedy. HneklenN Amica Salre. The Best Salve in the world for Cuta, Bruises. Sores, ülcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chajiped Hands, Chilblains, Oorna, and all Skin Eniptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to jive perfect satistaction, or money refunded. Price 25 centi per box. For Sale by Eberbaoh A Son.


Ann Arbor Courier
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