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A club house at Pleasant I.ake, in prospect Municipal taxes aie being collected at Clielsea. H o vest hands appear to be plentiful tliis yeí. liaying is about over and harveet well uuder way. Israel ciily, ot' Hcio: ilied July 9, 'S5, aged 33 yt-ars. A new residence is balng built by II. li. Wiitsun on liis farm in Loüi. Saline farmers will lmve an Immense Bohemlan oat crup this season. The wool boyera ot' Uhelsea clalai to have bought 305.0(10 lbi tbis season. Herbert A. Willimn is a tiew elerk in tile biink of Orcgory tíons at Dexter. .Manchester iscrowing terribly over the faat tliat she is to bavo a circus July 2-ltli. John Green and wife, of Holligter, California, are visiting at tlieir old hoine, Chelsea. Bomtrd L. HUI of Saline, ind Miss Edith Phelps, of Cornnna, we re married July Hth. M.i and Mrs. ,1. C. Snyder, of Webster, lost their üttle daughter Mabel, 6 years old, recently. Manchester wlll be able to sweep 'era clean when her new broom factory gets fully under way. Einanuel Hutzel, of Lodi, lost ¦ valuaMe colt recently. It was cut by a scythc left hanging in a tree. Ncxt Tuesday the newly forined Woman'oTeniperuncc Aid Society of Cbelsea will hold a business meeting. The wool clip of the county is much less than for several years. Some estímate the decrease at 50 per cent. from last year. A pretty large fijrure. Prof. VVallerof the Dexter schools,proposes to raise the grade of the high school uutil graduates shall be idmitted theret'rom to the university, The Clielsea school district hns Bpent $3,669.40 the past year, and ha $202 68 on hand. AI. J. Lehman and J. Bacon have Deen elected trustees. On Friday, Couch Dorrsold bis span of line black horses to John Mason.of Adrián, for #r00. They are to be used on a hearse - Manchester Enterprise. Elenezer Sinith of Lima bas been paid $10.83 for sheep killed by lightning recently, and John Harris, jr . received $10 tor a beifer killed in the same way. Now that tbc 17 year locusts have come and goiieleavingü forest of girdled limba .....o._. .. .. . H' ¦¦uiri oomee on to the stage and proposes to have bis doy. Allen Baker, of Pittsfield, c:irriedofTthe two largest prizes in competitiou in the sports at Milan, the Fourth, nntwithstanding tlie Aun Ardor boys claimed everything. - Saline Observer. It is asserted Chelsea last Thursday Mury lliitchin-on diew a revolver on Mr. Jamei" Higan, with wliora she lixd a ¦ lispntf, and upon being arrested anl fined tlieretor marched up and paid her fine with great relish. It looks as though mifny of the wheat flelds between 8aline and Ann Arbor are nearly total ly destroyed by the Hessian fly. In manv lields the heavy straw bas been cut otï and the gruñí lies flat upon the ground.Saline Observer. At the Sanitary convention at Tpsilanti, recently, one of tlie doctora told that malaria is it " micioscopic vegetable which enters the 9ystem and propogates there." We have often wondeml and asked what malaria was, büt couldn't llnd out before. - Deïter Leader. Gage Begole, a young business man of Ypsilanti, was hit Uon the forehead by a ball while playing cricket, at Detroit a lew days 8ince, and died n few hours thereatter. He was a nephew of ex-Gov. Begole, a popular gentleman, and his deatb cast a gloom over the community. On Saturday morning last tbere were live men in L. D. Loomis' store whose resiective ages were seventy-two, six, sixty-nine, elsrhty tb ree, eighty years aud wliose agreate ages were three liuiulrod and eiglity years, and whose birthdays all cauie iu tlie month of Manli. - Chelsea Ilerald. C. II. Van Riper, of Webster, K-ft witli lis ten heads of barley picked from straw the sei'd of wliich was procured in the tate of New York. The heads averagcd live inehes t the end of the keruel, and iiine inclies Includlog the heard. It is slx rowed, hd1 said to ylelil 60 bushels to the acre. - Dexter Leader. It is Huthoritatlvely reported liere tliat botli Messrs. Pattison, of the Ypsilanti Conimerciiil, and Woodruft; of the Sentinel, have been convcrted bv the Rnlvationiats, and they will probably enliet in the army and inake a tour of the state this fall. - Saline Observer. A person living publlcity to stieh n rumor sliould give his aiithnrity. What's the use of harrowing np one'í Teelins in such h inanoer? Boya are great things for fun; but one boy in thi towo had more the otherduy than he baijiiiniil tdr. Ilewentf ut where a cow was ticil with aio pc, untied it and al'aclied the rope to his body, the cow tlioiiht that slie would have sonie fun too, o she starteil to run, and the way tlmt the eurth canie up to meet the boy was astonishinjr. But for the aid of a