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LTwn Foes to Lifel 'Ars Indigestión Atul ('onstipatlon.' Thelr primary ymptoms are among the ! most distressiug of minor human otlments, ' and a host oí disrasos, speedlly rcsultaut from them, mutually aggravate each other and asaall at once the whole niachlnery of Ufe. Nauseo, Foul Breatb, Sour Stomach, Dizziness, Headaches, Bllioui Fever, Jaundlce, Dyspepsia, Kldney Dlseases, Piles, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Dropsy, and varlous Skin Disorders, are among the symptoms und mftlcvdics caucod by dornttgoment of the stomach and bowcls. f) A Thorough Purgativa M medicine Is the first necessity for cure. Then the catbartlc effect must be ' ttlned, in a mild degree, just sufficient to prevent a recurrence of costlveness, and at the same timo the liver, kldneys and stomach must bc stlmulutcd and ¦trengthened. Ayer's Pilis 'Accompllsh this restoratlro work better than any other medicine. They are earching and thorough, yet mild, In thelr purgativo action. They do not gripe the patiënt, and do not induce a costive reactlon, as Is the effect of other cathartlcs. "Wlthal, thoy possess special propertles, dluretlo, hepatfc and tonic, of the hlghest medicinal valué and Absolutely Cure AH dlsrmes proceeding from disorder of the digestivo and assimilatorr organs. Tha prompt use of Ayer's Pillo to correct the first indicatlons of costlyene, averts the serious illnesses whlch neglect of that conditlon would inevitably Induce. All irrcinilHrltips In tho octlnn nt - - mm - iwiwnpss as wcli as constlpatlon - are beneflclally controlled by Aver's Pills, and for tho stlmulatloa of digestivo organs weakened by Jongcontinued dyspepsin, one or two of Ayer's Pills daily, aftcr dinner, will do more good than anything else. Leading Physicians Concede Tht Ayer's Pills aro the best of all cataartlc medicines, and many practitlonn, of the highest standing, customarilr prescribe them. w AYER'S PILLS, PREPARKD BY rBr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mast.] S'. [Analytlcal Chemists.] For sale by all Drugglsta. kWP"1PWKaw. lioutetter's Stom(NV III rffc!L ach '"¦'¦ri',ailsjuJI1 bl tM #ciflcrorindiKetl,)n. ff] V CEI EBRATED "Ij mand alone. When W B the r. sourcea of the -mJL pbarmacopiHa have ijT? lSjÉL without, at least, dof ÏreL iatinfjthecomplalnt CfJti_ " wholeenme torn?WSjT 'T"' Jyf fec' Hnti PermDrnt Nft3"il)ë' thie important gland feW STOMACH aft the H"ur" act uith Q ÍL J#% W regalar distlnctoess, QITVPUS rcL'ulatlii(r mul in 3 Ea 1 vigorating every Be,,., ¦ ¦ ¦¦" cretive and apeimi Ji.vÍg ?Tt;'l" "" Vhich bodi'y Mnd mental health Keílcíáliy y a" Dr"8K8t8 and dealere REAL ESTÁTE RENTS Special attention givea to Collecties of Rents and Miawgeaent of Real Estáte Interests tor Non-Uesideuts. Eutire tlsfaction lo Owners Guaran teed. A. DEFOREST. FIRE INSURANCE! I am agent for a line of Old and staunch American and Fcreign_Fire Insurance Coap's Lowest Rales, Honorable Adjustments, and Losses I'romptly Pald. THIS PAPER SE; Ncwgpapor AdvcrtUlngr Bureau (10 Spruca ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ -- - tisiug contracta may HClIff VfflDlr be mode lor it in 11 E II lUlllV. "CANDEE" Ordinnry Uubbor Boots JuiJüf''l!fJ Iways wonrout flrpton ¦¦S'HSnlUs iii.'iiaii. riu'i v.MiKK mSl'TMILl IlootB aro doublé tliirk wfmJJ VTTxS on the ball, and (jiu II m''WLcU DOUBLÉ WEAR. PEïi5ri Most economieal Ituhhrr flETfrr3PrMD Mout in the markct. nMU JrtjmWÍ I.nstp longor thnn uny IklfIlHM otbcr loot and tho BmlilJWm PBICE NO HIGHEB. ttfTJÊtM C'all and jétk M&ÈSaBi araino tho R 5ÏV9B goods. JÊt BWfjrw3 1 WFQR SALE BY Direct Oom Japan to Aun Arbor. The finot 1888, liay plcked, ís pan Tea. Strong, iweet, and deUclons. Bost in the market. Dean & Co.


Ann Arbor Courier
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