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TEST TOUR BAKING_POWDER TO-DAY Jirami-t HdrrttMd usalJS"lr,t. 1 pan COWTAIW AMaaOWIA. THE TEST: PtUSaoanl I liul stovr untll hmtlvl.thll romura corer n.i i chemlal ül uui bo n,nii .1 tu üeMol llM prtMOM ol lunnioiita. DOES NOT CONTAÏN AMltfOMA. its ni.Ai.iiin iakns has NEVER bkk gt khtionid ín a millinii henM ftw a i]iinrtr of & ontury lt bu tüd til'' iwtjMlmf V rOli.lMr ti-st, THE TEST OF THE OVEN. PRICE BAKING POWDERCO. íi ki-:hs or Dr. Price's Special Flayoriiig Exíracts, fhl i. p:i-. i.1;. i .i.'IcIi.m itnil natural tutor Lno"n,and Dr. Price's Lupulln Yeast Gems Ir U ht, llr.ilthv Iir.n.1. Thf. Dest IHj" H p i iM In the World. FOR 5ALE BY CROCERS. Mí ACÓ. - ST. LOUIS. jbPRICL$ EXTRACTS MOST PERFECT MADE Purostand stronci'st Natural Fnilt Fiaron Venilla, Leiiion, Ocaotft Alüiond, Kose, etc. lUvor as dellcately and naturully as the fruit. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., CHICAGO. ST. LOUIS Invalids HoteliSurgical Institute BUFFALO, -S". Orcnnlznl lili a mil siaor of eightccn Exprrlenced and Sklllfnl Phyalclans and Snrgeons for the f rrafnirnt or all t'hronic IHmum . OUR FIELD OF SUCCESS. Chronic IVaxal Catarrh, Throal and liiiiB Uinea-e, LIver and Kidnry "ini.c. Uladilor Ui.rasis, Diacasra of Women, Blond Diaeases and Nervous Affections, curod hcrc or at home with or without sueing the patiënt. Come an see us, or eend ton cents in stanips for our 'Iniallds' Guide Book, whicb givcs all partieulurs. - ._ Ni Tl ons Dobi lirj, Impo I tin mifr I teoryi IVooturiial Lossen I UlLIGhTE I umi all fflorbid C'onditioiiH l„ I cnused by tuuiliinl lol. IQlCriOCO Ilies and IVriiirlon sH. J tarjr lrai tilín are sneedily mmmm and permanentiy eund by oui Speciali8ts. Book, jjost-paid, 10 ets. In Btamps. -mm,- Rupture, er Breach, radiI HUPTURE 1 itiioiit truases, withóut'pain I "ur '"¦¦ „nd without danser. Cures ¦"¦ Ouarautecd. Book Bent for ten cents in stamt. PILE TlíMORS and STBICTIRES treati'd under frnarautee to uro. Book sent forten cents in stampa. Address World's Dispensary Medical Association, (%3 Main ....f lf,,fV..I . KT V ¦___- The treatment of maro n,..,... nr thousands of cases of those UISE&SES OF liseases peculiar to Wnupy women numen. at the invalid8' Hotel and " Surifical Institute, bas afforded largre experienoe in adapting remedies for their cure, and DR. PIERCE'S Favorite Prescription is the result of thia vast experience. It is a pmverful IteMomtl e Toulc and Nervluc, imparta vüjor and streiijrtli to the systein, and cures, as ir bv maule,'orrhea, or " h iit ¦.,- pxressive flowiuK, paiiiful uncí 'iiation, unnatural nu ppresHioiiM, prolapviis or tullinu of the uterux, wrak back, aiitevcrxioii, retroversion, bcarinudOWH ¦ 11 s;l! O ns, C'llrOlliO CO1IK'Ktlon, iiillaiu !¦¦. ¦.¦ .¦! nlnimUii of tho n'omu, i m laniinnlion, pain and tenderiipx in ovarle, infernal beat, and "teníalo iveakness. It proinntljr relieves and cures Nausea nnd Wi ¦akni '- of Stoinai li. Indiees. i Ion, Bloal iiiii, Nervous li-oi ration, aud NleeplesHiicsH, in Uur sex. PRICE$I.OOf?on6rBT.oS Send ton cents in stampa for Dr. Pieree's largre Trcatiso on Uiseases of Woaicn, iilustrated. World's Dispensary Medical Association, 663 Main Street, BUFFALO, M.T. êSICK-HEADACHE, Blllons Headachc, lilii - .. Conotlpatton, Indlgeation, and BilloiiB Attack, proraptly cured by Dr, Pierce's Pleasant Purgativo Pelleta. 25 cents a vial, by Druggists. I lie wiíges paici ín Ailelaule, Australia, agrégate $20,000 a week Iets than tlicy did one year upo at tbis time. There are 1.500 rentable houaet in the city, and the ni iiituf the pinir fund has had to be ralsed ftem to $150,000. For Burng, Scalds, Bruises and nll pain iiml Borenew of the flesh, the grand reinedy is Dr. Thomas's Electric 011. Be gura yon get thepenuine. Germán Inventive talent is improvlng, oneSiX"ii gnrjius making forty iiivenlious dnrlng the paat thrre years, sevententbg oí wïiicli have proved practicable. Ebrrbach & Son thn Diusrists.wbo are always lookinj; al ter the uitereifU" of thcir caotonyn, Ikivk iiow secnred the sale of Dr. Bositnko's C'ugb and Lu"jr Syrup, a reincilv that iit-vci' tu i I s to cure Cofds, Pal no in the Cbwl and all Lung AVecttom. Forproot', try a frte sunuta bottle. Keular size 50 cents and $1.00. Mr. Ruskin is to ddiver a serles of lectuies on "The Pleasureg of England," but only to private purjllí and such as wil I li.-ten to tliLMii witli becoming reveience. "Ilunt's Kirncdy Is the most effective nieilicine I evT used in my praclico tor dropsy and kldney dlseaset, It has rimoist rafied the dead." L. A. Pai.mkr, M. D., Mystlc. Víctor IIuu'o WA excefdlngly vain. One day a gfentlemsn dininjrat his table asked wliom he consulered the greatest poet of ourepneh. The-WiíWM wae: "The sec-, ond Kreatest is Alfred de Musset." Am Important Dfscorery. The most important Discovery is that wliich brings the ffood to the rentest number. Dr. King'a New Disnovery for CoMumption, Coughs, and Colds, wiïl preserve the hcaltli and save Ufe, aml isa pricelefs t)oon to the afflicted. Not only does it positively cure Consumption, but Cough?, Colds. Bronchitis Hoarsem ¦-, .-iiiniM, Nnd all affectlong of the Throat, Chest, and Lungs, yild at once to lts wonderful curative powers. If you doubt thla, get a Trial Bottle, Free, at Kberbacb & Sou's drug store.


Ann Arbor Courier
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