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i7u"i.I8ELEOTED8Y TMK O.&.uOv . TOCARRV THE PAST MAIL. It Is the only line with lts own track frcm CHICACO TO DENVER, Either by way ot Omaha, Pacific June, St. Joscph, Atchlson or Kansas City. i It connects In ilnion Depots with throuqhtralns from NEW VORK, PHILADELPHIA, BOSTON and all Eastern polnts. It Is the principal line to SAN FRANCISCO, PORTLAND &. CITY OF MEXICO lt traverses all ot the sik nreat States ot ILLINOIS, I0WA, MISSOURI, NEBRASKA, KANSAS, COLORADO with branch lincs to all their important citics and From CHICAGO, PEORÍA or ST LOUIS, it runs every day in the year from one to Ihree clegantly equipped through trains over lts own tiacks beïween Chicago and Denver, Chicago and Omaha, Chicago and Council Bluffs, Chicago and St. Joseph, Chicago and Atchlson, Chicago and Kansas City, Chicago and Topcka, Chicago and Cedar Raplds, Chicago and Sioux City, Peoría and Council BlufTs, Peoría and Kansas City, St. Louis and Omaha, St. Louis and St. Paul, ; Kansas City and Denver, Kansas City and St. Paul, Kansas City and Omaha, For all points In Northwest, West and Southwest. lts equipment Is completo and first class In every particular, and at all Important points Intcrlocking Switches and Signáis are used, thus insuring comfort and safety. For Tickets, Rates. General Information, etc, reqarding the Burlinqton Route, cali on any Ticket Agent in the United States or Canada, or address T. J. POTTER 1st V.P. & Gfn. Mor., Chicago. HENRY B. STONE, AesT. Gen. Mor., ChiCaoo. PERCEVAL LOWELL, GcN. Pass. Aot., Chicado. Cliancrry Notioe. rphe 1'lre.ult ('ourt for thé CoUDty Of Wasli 1 u-naw, in Clianeery. DriiiiU J Rockwell -l David Rockwell, ComplalnanU, v. KI xabetb Twilcbeil, Danlel rwltobel, Aun Case, Fnuikün B Curaminga, JoftDna CutntniDKf auO the unkiiown iiciisol Jonas Twilclie.l, deoeaaed, Defendants. Ata session of siiïil court. beid attbeoily o Aun Arbor, Michigan, on Ibe 7Mi day "f May A. D. IS85. Prenent Hou. ubanuo] JosItn, Circuit JuÜRe Sult pending in lb( colt court for the Counly ol Wasbtenaw In chancery. ut Ann Aibor, Mlcblgan, on tlie Ttli luy of Ha; A. D. 1885. It süiisini'tDiily ppearlng to tnUeourtby tlie aülduvlt of Mini oomplalnanl. tilt tl In thl.s court al the time of tilln Ihe Ij'II ol complatnt In sald eaiise, thal i-uid .Ioiih.s Twltcbell, deceaand, 'lied leavlng helrs. wbou nanies and piaoe ol reniilence ara uiiknown t. siii.l afflanti In aiit afflaayli, and ItlurLber appeaiinv i the nal Bfaeiton ot iins court ttiHi Biicli Dnknown helntare necesitar) partlea to this suii, tberwfore it is ordered tb&l naid unknuwii belt 01 saul Jonas Twiicheil, deoeaaed, oaoae tbelr appearance to I e entered in said Miil on or üefore Fr day, Ihe H'Hi dav ol November A. I). l.-vi, and m cksc or iheir appearabce thej iaue tbelranhwern lo ihe coinplain nl's hill ol oomplatDt 10 Bied, and a oopv thereol i be rved 'n coiniiUiiiiHiu's BOlloltor, within t v ? - 1 1 r daya afler service on them of a copy of aalct blll, and Dollce of tbla order; and Ihai In delaull Uiereof. aid blll be luken ai eonfessed by ihr Mild unkii'vva heln. And 't ia ftmuerordered, tiiai wllhtn twenty day Hfir ihe date bereof, tbe said oomplainaal caau a notie of tliiH order to be puiililn-d In tbe Ann Arbor Ooukuh. a Dewapaper prlnied pablUhed and circula! int; In sant oounty, and Lbal BUCb publlcation be eootlooed Hiérelo m least once in eacb reek, lor ais weeks In nucceDated Ann Arbor, Micli., May 7. . D., 1885, o JOa vn. SAWYEK& Knowf.ton ClrcDll Judge. Bollcltoni for Coniplainnnts. Real Eitate for Sale. STATE OF MICftlQAN, Ooonty of v tbtenaw. ss. In tbe nialtcfr of the eatate "1 Miiinle C. Henlry, Minor, Mollee Is bereby glve1. thal In pursiiance of an order Rrauted to Ibe uuderalgned guardián, oí the Eatate ol sald minor, ijy tbe Hon. Judge of Probate for ihe ¦ County of Washlennw, on the sili day of May. .. ïi 1885, there wlll !"¦ old al public vendue, to the hmlust bidder, at tht? easl fronldoorol the Court House Id tbe city ol Ann Arbor, in the County ol Waabienaw in saiii siaie, on Batonlay, ibe elghteeotb day of July A. D. 1888, at 10 o'clock In tbe forenoon in thal day i.subjeci lo all encumbranoet by mortgageor olberwlseeztsilDgal tue ,,l ihe sale), uil ihe i laht. luie and mteresi i áald iñlnor, tbe lulTuwiug d. Keai Eatate, to wit: l.o numbrr tour on U ook umi i lier iwo. acoordlng to the recordad plat of the VUtage of Delhi Waablenaw County, In Mlcl JOUNSON' W. KNIGHT, Qnardian. Daled May tgth, 188V Notlce to Cretflten. SI'ATKOFMK'lllliAN.Countj ol HTaibtel Noiire is iiorel) glveD. ibiii bv mi order ol the Pnihnte Court for the County of Wmihtennw, made on the twenty-seoinddav f .lime, A. O. ISKö. Mx moutlis Trom tlmt dnte ere allowert forcredllfir to prwenl th'-ir claimK aimHlsl llie entate of John G. DivIh, late of hhh! oooaty, deoeayed, and ihKt all creditore of aid deceased are required o nreseni tlieir clalmi to said Couri, at ihe taobatc Ottice, in ihe cliy oí Aun Arbor, for ezamln atton an allowance. on or bei.ire the --'d da of December next. and ach claimt will b heard oetore said court, o Tne-(i iv, the 32d (tav oí september a:id on Toesday, tbe 22d ila.i ui Deccml r, next, at ten o'clock in the forenoun ot eacti ol uaïd dayn. Dated, Ann Arbor, June 23d, A. D. I W1LLIAM U. HAKH1MAN, 1252-1255 -l1"1 ' Agüe Cnre contalns an antidoto for all malarlal dlorders whiob, so fox as kuown, Is used in no other reuietly. lt c-oiiIuliis no Quiniue, nor any mineral nor delsterioül substance whatTer, and consequently produces no lujurioua lfect upon tbe constitution, but leaves the ystem as kcaltby as it vras beloro tLe atlack. "WE WAEEANT AYIR'8 AGÜE CÜKE to cure every case of Tcver aml .' gto, Intermltteat or Chili Furer, Iïeniittcnt l'cvir, Dumb Ague, Bilious liever, aml l.iver Con. plalnt caused by malaria. In case of faüure, after due trial, dealers are irtaorlied, by our Circular dated July lst, 188Í, lo rt-iuud the money. Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co.,Lov.cll, Wass. BolJ by stil DraggaUi tU T T XJ H. S] ! BGAN'B IMPERIAL TRUS8. I Thl nw Trua h.j a ttrl -j.nnu aiul - atvd PKtuim ; ylelrtt u inrj inotiotl, reulmne the hernia lwa. Worn ilay ftnil niht nilti i . n (ort. Sal Trial. Enolo. SlAu.p for Cimil ir. I'miI in lii'tl. ' ¦ Uil. EGAN'S IMPemtL TRUSS CO.. Box 2288, Aitn Arbor, Mich. Office, ILimilton LSIock. Ann AiIhh-. DrCURKE i.110!,?1 . i Eítablished 1851 l Merrill PnÜHrttwI 1 DETROIT, MICH. [ Block. IRSI Thcregnlaroldestablished ¦WffHjSSliP'uysiciaa and Surpeon DR. Vf% ytlllCLARKE. at the old number Bi LWmm wCunt'nues to treït witli his uiual KI Sff illsreat Bkill all private, ¦l&4Achronic, nervoua and special [lfi nldiseases. DR CLARKE istlnKBNHBfaaJuldest Advcrtisiiiu Physician, as files of Papers show and all old Residents Jcnow, Age and Important. " Nervoui Diseases (with or-without dreams,) or debilïty and losi of nerve power treated icientifically by nfw methodt with never failmR success. Airi makes no diffcrencc what you have takca or Who has failed to cure you. ¦WTotmgr men and middle-aged men and ll who suffer should consult the celebrated Dr. ! Clarlte at once. ,The terrible poison of all I bad blood and ekin distases oí every kind name and nature completcly erudicatcd. Remember, hat one horrible disease, if neglccted or improperly treated, ourses tl'c present and coming generationi. S"üiseaied discharge eurcd promptly without hindrance to business. Both sexes coniult oonfidentilly. It in trouble, cali or wnte. Delaytaredangcrous. " ProcraBtination is the thief of time." A written warranty of cure given in every case undertaken. -Send two stampt for celebrated works on Chromo, Ncrvous nd Delicate Dieasts. You have an exhauttive ivmptomatology by whlcb to study your owi Cases, Consultation, personally or by letter, free. Consult the old Doctor. Thouiands cnred. Offices and parlón private. You see no one but the Doctor. Before confiding ' yourcate consult Dr. CLARKE. A friendly letter or cH may ave future fuffering and shame, and add golden years to life. Medicines sent evcry wherc secure from expomre. Hours, 8 to 8 ; Sunday, 9 to u. Address letters: F. S. CLAHKi:, IW. D., Merrill Block, Cor. Woodward and Jefferson Avo. DETBOIT, MICH. U.S. STANDARD. JL Q Jij" JONES JHHSÖEÜHL QJP '1 r lleani UHl Ht-nm hot, BwGHAMTOf $6O .nd J0NK8IIQ ..M lllrfteiKllt - t.x !i,' Prtc Ll.l menu n II, p,rncl , - '¦'"JOMtSOFBINQHAMTO,


Ann Arbor Courier
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