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j POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tliis ptiwdrr liever vnrlps. A marvel of pu rlty, strengt hand wlmlesomeness. Moreecon omiml ihiui tbe ordlnary kinds, andcannol bas 1.1 n, .-,,,,,, autlon wtth tha multluideol lw abo i weighl ulum or pboapbaU 19 Al Af islTürTÍñTii MilyU TOCURE ¦ III 11 SKIN HUMniK. ITIsat rhla seaon Wbeo the Pnres open Croelv and Peraplratiun 'a abnndtint Dlrfisor last Uuait, Mu iíiíkíii; Braptton Itchine Tor tares, 8al Kheam or Eczema, Psoriasis, Teiti-r Ringworm, Baby Ho mor, Bcrofola, Scrotulons Sores, Vb-ceeee, and Dfsciarirlnu Sounds, aDd ¦ v,ry specie Dl ItchtBi, Scaly, and rimply DÍ.eaaea i the kin an.l Scalp most apeedil' miri economlcally cured hy tbe Cdticdba IIkïeDIK. IT IS A FACT. Hundreds ol altare In our poueatloa (copies "1 wii.,1, i„.,y be bad bv retara mili) aro our ,""' ' r"r 'he aaenioD thiit Ski , Scalp and Blood Hqmora, whetber Scrotalon, Inheriu-d or ...¦'.ii-, nr, o v i„. parma entlj cured'by ¦ ¦ T, the new Binixl Purilier In lernally, h. „n(. hall tbe time und at one ba.f'tlie expende ol au otüer ö- a-uu. CREATES-FON EARTH. ' ¦ i Ti-K Ra lomare tbe Kreateal medicines ": eattb. II id the worel ciae Salt Khenm ia ihl.S',',T!I!"[ (!L:f:cV;nV wöuüTbSivë Baved her Ife. Mj arm, turan and heat) weneovered ftirthree yeirs, hich nothlng relièvaO oi o i nntll l u'i'd tbe Ctmovu Kb-oltknt, "ir'T ally, und OUTIOOBA und rilTlcUBA Soap, exterually .1. W. iias, Newark, O. oiti'MT iti.ooi ¦ni:DiriK4. 'i be Iwtli hi-" not bivn told as to ihe ereat cnra tirepowura ol uticor Kkmki)ie8. I have p;iit handredfl of (lll;irc tor niedicint-e to cartalseanes of Ibë blood and skin and never fouud anytbiiiL' yi't to trqual the CufiCDBA Kembuies. Caiü. A., l'ruvideuce, R. I. Sold l)v all druRlata. Prlce! Cuticüb, 50 C'b.; Rebiii.vsnt, -1: Smp, jets. Prepared by the POTTBB i'lilfi N! Cal ICAL Co.. liD-tui), Ma-H. Ie-1 f r'-H o-. skin Iiseae8." 1JT' TTT1 F"r Sunburn, Tan and ¦DXj.KJ J, X Oily Skin. use cuticuba BuaP. ÏIOMOIC.V VINO 1KLLIIW IEVKK, M i -na!, InTa'-matfc aDd coutatrt iaa or fepidenuc Mm l)Nca8i-B. niaoy ailmeuts atti-ndlnn Vf 'liante ol flimate, food and w;iter, muy mV .litin-ly'i ti't liy wcaritif; a C'UTIJÊ ei i: I''kk over ihe pit of iheatom jk ac:i, witb (reqneDt chanffeii whentvtr ex - jsi-d to ttiest atl'octiiins. A cure by ilwoipt uu la ¦!!" -ctfil In ' when nll othor piasters fail. It ii tte bt'Bt piaster known to physfclant and drui.'i.'1-ts. AtOroRiatl, Mo; for $1.00. Vlalled lrte. Po tkk Diiru AM) Chkmical Co., lio-lon. CATARRH ('niiiil.'ii' Trt'iitiiK'iit, tli Inhaler, for Kvcry Furm or C'atiirrh, $1. SANDFOBD'S RADICAL CURE Bead Coldi, Watery Dlaebarge frinn theKoMand tlnglng lïotsesln tbe Eiead, NiTvuuaHcadache apd )¦ i er [nstantly reliered. ( Ii ikltu' mucua dlaloged, ntfinbram1 clcansi'd and bealvd, breath sweetened, amell, tatr. and hcarlnt; n -tonii, and ravafles checkod. Coogll, Bronchitis, Dropping Intn th" Throat. Pain in tbe i heit, Dyspepsla, Wasttng of Strcngth and Flesb, Loaaox ï- 1, etc-, cured. cm.' bottle Radical Cure, one box Polvcnt and one li Banfords fnuler, in one paekaie, f all drañrlata, forai. -k tr Banford'a Uadlcal Cure, a luir ¦ "f itc-li Hazi-1, Mn Pil, f Flr, Martgold, I lover Bloasome, etc. Putter Ubuu and ( II I I U ' ¦ . H'lSttUl. Pot'ei' l!! nul lninli:il o , BOHton. f I Ik! N w 1' Te Tor Shattered I N CtNervea, l'.iinfnl Musclei-and - . '' Wenksned Orirans. Col1 JLTAIC i volt Je Blertne (s r"iJk l'IiiHt p insuntly affect')" ra td.' uvrvona nytcm and fS IJzA lïaiiis''C! pain, nervnntMap !?wKV'inil deblllty. A perfect LLECTRIC ..„tM.,.,. ni i ii. Ml A fTCHbnitli ii hihly inedl-'ly W1% cinal IMuHt.-r lor SS Cta. All drniclata. RINSEY &SEA3OLT'S iiyijiBiiiï AND Flour and Peed Store. We k'Tp cnnntantly on h;md, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, tor Whulenle and EUUU l'r.idc. Wo shall alao kcui a t upply of s IFT ft DEUBEL'S BE8T . White Wheat Flour! Dtllii riotir, Ityc riour, Bnckwheal Flour, Coro iIcal, Feed, Etc, At W.i de iuil Hctall. A general stock of GROCERIES and PROYISIüNS Conslaittrj on hanrt, whlcb wlll be old on as raasunable terme au at any other bon 6 Ui thit clt ¦ . ('anti pald IbeBOTTBR, l(ii. nd COUNTKY PRODUCB generally Öooda drltvered to any part of the i y without extra charge. KIXSEY & SEABOLT. EVERY LIVE MERCHANT AN AICIIOK. Shoiild advertise in THE COURIER.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News