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Letters From The People

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[Tlilscolumn isopen tolhe people to expres tliuir optnlon upou mijr subject uf Interest t tlie public, and corrcspoudeuce upon all Hdt of all subjecls is deslred. All we ank of cor respondeutH is to keep out of personal IUwh and use nrgmnent lnstoad oí ubuxo. Re con clse, don't nee more wonli thau necesKary t express Ideas. The publtsher of the COURIE does not nold liiinself reMpounlble foropli lons expresHod.) The Truth About the Water Works Ann Akiior. Mini., JCLT 23, '85. SDITOB ok tuk Coikikk: Dear .s'tr- Will you pfease say to tlie people of Au Ai bor, for the Aun Albor Water Cotu panythat your correspondent of la weck is mistaken in thinking that tli pluDt for iii; distrlbullon have bee cliHi.i'd by the Water Coinpany. Th plan as suhmitted aud recoinmendvd fo acorptance by Prot Charles E. (ireene mul which was by resolution adopteü b the eoanmon counefl culis for fourtee miles anil lour liiuulied feet of pipinj No cbange either n izc, veiiht or loen t ion ol the pipe or hydrants as set by tb englneei of the city have tlius far bee allowed by the Water Compauy since it acccptance by the council, neither wi there be unless done under the direction of tlie comuion coimcil. So far as th Water Coiupany Is concerned, Prol G reene is not in the employ of th Water Coinpany. Neither has he beeu except to do certaln engineering wor! which required an engineer of experi ence and ability to do. This he has don and the Wtter Compuny will pay hlm a ie does all others for the work they do 80 far as the pipe layiug is concerneO ][r. 11 ui cl & Co. have given a goot bond to the Water Coinpany and if they do not do their part f the work well, the Water Coinpany will certainly insist that they do It over again and the test lo which the pipos will be subjected wheu laid will surely determine this. It is not necessary to add that the Water Conipany are seeking to carry out their contract with the city in good faith, and as an evidenve of this I will say that the estímate of cost has been incrensed from f 135,000 to $150,000. The company will build two reservoirs instead of one, will put In tlirce-fourths of a mile more piping to collect the water at the spring?. After consultation witli Prof. M. E. Cooley, of the Meclianical Laboratory, they have piuchased a pump which is guarauteed to pump U5,000 gallons per liour insteat of 50,000, the liuiit tixed by the coutraet, and they pay for it f2,800 morí than a pump offered them which was guaranlced to pump 50,000 gallons per hour. I will add that the Water Company do not regard the interests of the city umi their own as opposed to each other, and while they realize that the city secured the services of one of the best aud most competent engineers in the country, they did not suppose that tuis would prevent the Water Company's Consulting with him or aking him to do special work and py him therefor. The Water Uompany will endeavor to build up a system of water works which will be an ornament to the city, and if they will do this, they will expect a fair and hoiiest return for the capital invested. To secure that it will be necessary to gaiu the good will of the peopU who have a direct interest ia the works. So far as distribution of pipe is coueerned, the company dia not mfiKe it ana nave noi asKtu d have it changed and it cannot stretch 14 miles of pipe over 17 miles of streets. Very truly,


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News