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BIGCUT I DRY GOOPS nüBING THE MONTH OF Jl'Lï AT i. f. iiin BUV DKY OOODM WHILE TMKY A lili CHEAP. We wlll ríre you more for jur Dollar Ihan au ƒ othor house. - cases more of those handsomt 6 rent Lawns. 10 dozen good Bustles at 26 cruis eacJi. 25 dozen Hoop Skirts at 86 cents eaoh. 15 dozen All-Liiirn Towds I' -..' cents each. ( ar case good Prints 3 cents peí yard. . 2 cases Handsomc, Dress Printé, 5 cents per yard. 15 dozen more Ladies1 Gauze Vests at 25 cents each. 25 dozen Chüdreris Gauze Vesis 15, W and 25 cents. 15 dozen Men's Gauze Vestí 06 cents each. 20 dozen Ladies1 Balbriggan Hose, regular made, worth 35 cents, ourprice W cents a pair. 30 dozen Chüdrens' Solid Color Hose at 10 cents per pair, worth 15 cents, 10 dozen Ladies1 Lisie Hose at 50 cents a pair, worth 75 cents. 20 dozen Men's Plain and Fancy Hose at 25 cents, worth 36 cents. 15 dozen U-button length Ladies Berlin Gloves, black and colors, at 10 cents a pair, worth .'". lOpieces Dotted and Figured Swiss at 25 cents per yard, worth Jfi cents. 15 pieces Lace Stripe and Plaid, Piques at S cents per yard, worth 15 cents. 18 pieces India Linen al l .' -..' cents, worth 20 cents. One Bale Linen Crash at G cents per yard worth 10 cents. 5 pieces 9-U Bleached Sheet ing at 20 cents per yard, worth 's. One case 4---Í Bleached Cotton al 5 cents, worth S cents. One Bale Sheeling at f cents, wortt 7 1-2 cents. 500 yards Wool Buiding at 1' --' cents per yard; never sold less than 25 cents. 28 pieces black and colored Doublé Fold Lace Bunting at 1 ..' 1-2 cents, worth 30 cents. One case Indigo Blue Prints at 6 1-2 cents. 10 dozen good Jerseys at 75 cents each. Our Entire Stock of nummer Silks, worth 50 cents nmc 35 cents. We are the recogruized and flrmly establislied headqaarters for genuine Barirains in iliis city. L'oni and see ns. It. ' D. F. SCHAIREH. The best oil for farmers to use on tliei Mowers and Keapers is Eldorado EngliM Oil. Guaranteed to give perfect satis factiou. Dean & Co. Granger, State Street, Is making a specialty nf First-class Catering, Lawn Parties, Weddingg, Festials, etc, furnished witli rcfrcshiiieuuon liort notice. BBICK FOR SALE. We have made arrangements with E. I. Lewis, of East Milan, to handle his i riek iu this city. They are far superior o any made liere, and any one in need of riek can save money by exaininiiig lem and get prices before eisenere. SWATHEL, KYER, & PETKKSON. Nichols Brother will occupy their new Dental parlors in the Masonic building about August lst. Leave Sunday orders for Ice Creain at Granqkr's State street. Important to ladies. Ball's Geniiine Health-Preserving Corset reduced to One Dollar. Wines & Worden has the exclusive sale in this city, No. 20 S. Main êtreet. Whitmore Lalte Items. I. D. Stark leaves to-morrow for Dakota. Miss Mabel Stiles is visitiug friends in Detroit. Mrs. Ballard, of Detroit, is visiting friends here. Dell Lemen, of Dixborougli. was at this place Saturday. Sheriff Walsh and wife were ut this place last Sunday. A small company of Howell poople spen t last Weduesday eveuing ut the Clifton House. Mrs. E. B. Slawson, of Bay City, is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J D. Stevens. Miss Liasla Bailey, of Ann Arbor, vho ha been visiting here retunied home on Monday. There was a public dance at the Lake House hall last Saturday eveuing. Twonty-five couples. Miss Clara Elliot who has been visiting at Mr. Williams' in Webster retunied to the Lake Saturday last. Mrs. P. Drakeandcliildre, of Detroit who have been visiting at.L. J. Stiles', retunied home last Saturday. Three Peculiaritíes Hood's Sarsaparllla, the great blood purifler and regulatlng medicine, is characterized by three peculiarities, namely : I O? ¦ The combinatlon of tho various 'i remedial agents used. AJ, The proportlon In which the roots, 4hU ¦ herbs, barks, etc, ar mixed. %gM The process by which the active O Cl ¦ medicinal propertieg are secured. The result Is a medicine of unusual strength and curativo power, which effects cures heretofore unequalled. These peculiarities belong r xclusively to Hood's Sarsaparilla, and are Unknown to Others Hood's Sarsaparllla Is prepared witli the greatest skill and care, by pharmacists of education and long experlence. Henee lt Is a medicine worthy of entlre confldence. II you ¦uffer f rom scrofula, salt rheum, or any dlsease of the blood, dyspepsia, blllousness, sick headaclie, or kldney and liver complalnts, catarrh or rneumatism, do nut fail to try Hood's Sarsaparilla "I recommend Hood's Sarsaparilla to all niy friends as the best llood purifler on earth." W. Gajt, druggist, üamllton, O. "Hood's Sarsaparllla has cured me of scrofulous humor, and done me worlds of good otherwlse." C. A. Abnold, Arnold, Mc. A book contalning many additional statements of cures will be sent to all who desirc. Hood's Sarsapariüa Sold by all drugglsts. tl ; six for f 5. Made only bjC. I. HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass. IOODoBps Ono Dollar.


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