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WORTHY; Of Confidence. AVrP'Q Sarsaparilla Is a medicine that. M f un o during noarly 40 years. In all parta oí the world, has proved lts efflcacy as the best bluod ulteratlve known to medical boiencc SAïtSAPARILLA t'ZlZ ffenuine Honduras Sarsaparilla) Is lts nase, and its powers are enhancEd by the extracta of "i'ellow Duek and Stiflin-iii, the Iodldes of Potasslum and Iron, and other potent ingredients. IC your blood vlUated by dcraugements 'O of the digestivo and aisimilatory functions? is it taintud by Scrofula? or doe it contain the polson of Mercury or Contagious Disease? TH F 'Radiuj; physioiuns of the United l"t States, who know the composition of Ayer's SAH8ArARiLLA, say that nothing else so fjood for the purifiction of the blood is within the range of phiirmacy. O Ml V ''T the use of thls remedy Is It lint I posslble íor a person who has corrupted blood to attain sound health und prevent tnuumteioo of the destructive tuint to postcrity. TUnoniirui V ffectivo renoyatton inUnUUuriLT Of the system must ineludc not only the removal of corruption f rum the blood, but iU enrichiiiiiit and the ütrengthening of tha vital organs. dpi ia Dl C witnesses, all over ths nCLIADUC. world, testifv that thls work is botter accorapHshed by Aykr's Sausaparilla. than by auy other remedy. Dl nnn' "u' '3 rorruptcd through dlsDLUI1U nanita riíl.t.rijrfi pnil KlrtO'í weakenod througU dnulnutiou of the red corpuscleg is mado strong, by Ayer's Sarsapaetlla. I PIIPtrVIMP 'Jl(' 1loOl nd building rUnirTIIIU up tha system requlra time in serious cases, but benefit will be derived froa the use of Ayir's Sarsaparilla. moro speedlly than f rom anything else. lirniPlur f or which llke efiects ara ITI LUI UI n L falsely clalmed, is abunlant in the market, under many name, but the only preparation that has stood the test of tune, and proved worthy of the world's confidence, U , Ayer's Sarsaparilla) FRSFARXD BT Dr. J. C. Ayer II Co., Lowell, Maat. Sold by all Druggists : Price $1 ; V1 Slx bottle for $ö. REAL ESTÁTE RENTS Special attention glven to Collectios of Rents and Manangement oí Real Estáis -Interest; tor Xou-Uesldents. Eatlre Satisfaction to Owners Ouaninteed. A. DEPOREST. FIRE INSURANCE! I am agent for a Une of Oíd and Stannch American and Fcreign Tire Insurance Comp' Lowext Hales, Honorable Adjustments, and Losses I'romptly Pald. -A-. DEFOBB8T. MICHIGAN FEMALE SEMINARY, KALJiHAOO, IHH 11. On Mount Holyolce plan. Locatlon dellelj tal. Board and Tultlon. 175 per School year J me Llbrary, Cablnet and .fisio Instrumenta. Fall term beglns Sept. )th 188S. For catalogues nddrens Principal. W"Wa?1rRLB?fxegf1í3PFOB Send for Special Ter nu tu Agents or seeuro ageucyat once by sendlng Su cts Ín itamp for outflt. Address K I OltMIli; A: TI, II K, Clnclnnatl, O. THOSE WISHING GODD FÜRSITÜRE CÏÏEAP, CAN QBT BED ROOM SETS, CARPETS, BEDDINC, CROCKERY, STOVES, ETC., At rare Barfjains. The furnitiire of ;Ue ST. JAMES, but recently ncw, ís being (lisposed of at prívate sale. Apply at THE rOURIEH Office wliere llie joods are shown. THIS PAPERA-" l? ¦ ¦¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦¦ ltoWELI, A CO'S Newspaper Ad vort lslng Bureau (10 Spruco ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦ tlsingcontraotsraay NCW VllBIc be made for U tu llClf I UllIVa Cu re for Piles. 'l'lic Brgt syiiiptoin of l'ilrs s an intense tclilogat Dight af ter getting warm. Tliis inpleaaaat Beuaüon is iinmedlatel; re icvcil iy :m applloatlon of Dr Booanko'i 'i' Romedy. Pilea ni all tonus, [tch, Salí líiiciuii and Ringworm can be permanently cu red by the use of this great ramedy. Prlca BOoenta. Manuflictured lv (lie Dr. PoMnko Medicine Oompany, Piqua, O. 8old by Kberbaoh & Son. 1202-1203.


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