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More rain needcO. Regular monthly meeting of the council M mday eveoing. Work luis oommenced apain upon St. Tilomas' Catholio school building. The juvenile hose curt boys are te "pfactice iu public" to-night on State st. Rev. S. II. Adams will occupy the pulpit at the M. E. cliurch next Sabbatli. Geo. L. Mooru is having a nefy stone walk lald in front "f bis new home on División st. The fust hvdrant put in placed on the corner of Foautata and Hlacockstt on Monday. Tlie Iren woric for tb new jail having anivt'd, trorkmen will now push forward the construction of the sann-. Probate Register Doty is more convineed than eveithat the reported widowbood ol' Bell Butler a no lio,i.. Eveninj; praytír is held every Friday afievnoon, ut i o'clock p. ni., dnring the sumnier montbs, at St. Andrew's cburcb. A Sili'day school picnic froin Pouliac is on the program lor Kriday, tlie olst, arrivinj: it 10:18 a. m, oyur the Toledo & Ann Arbor H. B. A well known and very pojiular business man of this city has promlaed us an import nt item of n lor the next isue of the COÜRIER. Tbe cilizi-n ooght to club togethcr and offer a reward for the Bcalp - tiend or alivi - Of OM or Iwo ol'the "burglars" infesÜng tlie eity at present. Attend the meeting at the court house Friday even Ing, to maku arrangement for a memorilll service on the day of Gen. Graut's tuncral, Aog. 8th. An oíd man named Boise, aged about 82 year, died at the poor house Sunday. He carne frota Lyndoii to the county hooe, and bis remaina were buried by relat i ves. The handsoiiiest kopt premises on Bowery st., with but few neatir ones in the c tv, is uhere no hand of the perillcr se Interfiera with the (tood tuate and industiv of an old bachelor. The burglars taave not been die durIng the week. u scveial f'aniillfs in dií'erent partsof the city can testify. But they have uot heen able to makeany lú' haul? so far as we can learned. Residents of the lst ward say they don't know which are the greatest territiers, the ienuuie burglars or those uho patrol the streets and tiy the üoors in the hope of not tinding anybmly. "Rosey," the bllliardist, has moved into bis new quarters in the St. James block, and ISgeUinfC ready for busineu a.s rapiilly as possible. He will have a beauty of a place when completed. Ihe excuision givca hy the masóme bodie to-morrow, to Detroit and Star I - land will he a big succe.-s. Eveiybodv is golng - L'xcc]it t li ¦ ivim iay Ht home, uuü they will be all mud about it. Mis. Deedy, lor a period of some 50 years a resident of tliis city, (lied Sunday at lier home in the -Ith ward, aged 88 years. Deceased was born in Ireland, and was noted for her devout cbrUllanity. Tliose attemling the great matoaio excursión to-morrow - and their name is legión - can witness the great rowinjf matcli of three miles, betweeo Hanlan and Lee, for a pane of $300, on the Belle Isle course. At a tea party given at Mrs. l'attengill's, on E. Cathaiine st., Monday p. m., there were eijrlit ladies present whose ajíes aggregated 495 years and aveiaged 62 years. The oldest lady was 84, and the youngest 50 yeai of age. Bertie It., son of Henry B. and Katte Dodsley, of Detroit street, died Friday, July 35th, agcd 13 years and 13 daj's. lnll.imination of the bowtls was the disease, and the funeral services weie held Sunday evening, at the residence at ü o'elock. The finishing up of the masonlc temple is brui;; pnshed & rupidly as possible, and it is boped tliat tlic rooms will be entircly completed by the 20th of Aufrust. Everytlilnjf is tieiníí done in an eleffant marmer, and the Sijuaros mav wellfeel prond to compass such deltghtfol quarlers. The monthly meeting of the pomological society occn is on S.ituiday, Auf. lst, at the agricultuial room In the basement of the coui t hou-;. Tlicre will beau exlnbit of rasphcrrics, oosclierries, etc. The topic tor dtecusaton will be: "Causes of grape rot," and the (juestion box. A crowd of roughs eügRged in a row Saümlay niglit in saloon on N. Main st., in whicli one colori'd man was shot and another seriously injiucd. It is stated tiiHt the row pecared afler the liour of 10 o'clock p. dl; also that AUx Morrison has been arrected lor the ibontlng, was brought befbre Jostloe Frueauff, and hnd txauiiiiation poatponod onc week under bail of $250. Dr. Breakey reoeived adtspatch yesterday annonncing tlie death of Mis. Breakey's mother. Mr. Maria Renville, of Brooklyn, Ñ. Y., who had reaobed lier 8'ith ycar. The deoeased was a sister of Mi-, wm. M. Stevent, of tiiis city, wiio is now, and ha been for some time, quite III. Hn Breakey hm been wlth her niiitlier for geve ral weeks, caing for her in her last illness. To-day, Orville F. Webster, who has been a resident of this city since- well, ever since ttte mOBterlllK out of his regiment at the close of the war, any way, will remove with his faniily to OWOMO. -Mr. Webster It engaged as raperinten ilcnt of the new ni work wblch are benig conatructed fn that city, and will re¦uw there permanently hereafter. Totay that Anu Arbor regretc the loss of so exoplleot a citizen as l.e hatfbeen, is drawmg it mild, and we congratúlate onr nister city npoo the acqulihlofl of toch a pleaaant, ttralght-forward and honorable EentlemaD, one with wrhom it is i pleasure to do bntlntte We hope Mr. vv and his Mtlmable wife will lind their new Doma a bappy one, and we cordially conimend them to the good will of the rood peopleor Owomo. f Rst. Mr. Trippen occupied tlie M. E. pulpit Sunday. " The town clook fgot sun-struck this a. m., :ind refuses to move a hand. Isnac Crawford lost a horse Sunday last from sun stroke, it is supposed. It isn't nccessary to rail iu miicli aid to "make a feller sweat,1' these days. Doty & Feinerare fixinjr up a little finer by having a new floorlaid in their store. The various churches are holding evening services during the very warm weather in the basement rooms. And now the ctridulous songs of the every year loenst begins to straddle into the ears of perspiring humanity. For the excellent portralt published tlis week of Gen. Grant. we are Indehted lo the ao.eommodating proprietors of the Detroit Evening Journal. Frank Hangpterfer charges a fellow ten cents just tolook inside bis Ice wagons now. VVhich might be considered pretty cool any otlier time of the year. There is to be a lawn party and vial given bv the ladies of the Episcopal Society at the residenee of J. M. Wheeler, on W. Huron st. thisafternoon andevening. Benj. Day, who bas had such reinarkable luck in raising the Cuthhert, red raspberry, lost nearly one-balf of his vincs, by the scvere cold of last winter. Finer weatber for harvesting and securing the wheat erop nevercame to farmers In this section before. And eeHom if 'ver, have they had a better erop to harvest. The M. C. R. 11. has put on a coach that runs through from Detroit to Muskegon without ehnnge, via the M. C. and Chioazo & West Mich. R. R's. The train passes Ann Arbor daily at 10:28 a. m. Excursión rates are advertised to Toledo over the T. fc A. A. road. for f 1.25 round trip, on the 4th, 5th and 6th of August, the occasion being the 14th annu:il conclave of the Ohio Coinmandery K. T. lociited at Toledo. It is through the generosity of Thos. J. Keech, the superintendent of the telephone business of this city, that the weather signáis, of which the Coukier gave a description last week, are received and the flags rmlaed. The citizens certainly appreciiite Mr. Keech's liberality and enter)rie. Bar. Mr. Ryder Udelivering aseries of familiar discoures on the 'Beatitudes," on Sabbath evening. Dr Steele gives next Sunday evening a discoure on the Old Testament Revisión. The second service in all of our churches are veiy wisely held in the basement and are by no mcHus protracted. July 30 is to-morrow, and that's the date of the great Masonic excursión to Detroit .and Star Island upon which all Ann Arbor a and hIso gooi) portion of YpalantL Dpxter, Lodi, Scio, Webster. PltUfleld, Northfield, etc. have signiticd their intention of attending. as it only Ooit $1 25. The item in our-Thurfday contcniporary to llie effect that the Episcopal church society had purchased the property joining their rectory to the north, was incorrecf. There Iris been no such purclmsp, nor is there to be. It is singubir ' what a sid fate overtakes all of our 1 friends attempts at originality. The Electrical World of July 11, has aa elabórate article by Edward P Thompson M. E., jriving a (lescription of tlie "new are lamp clutch,'1 invented by .lean A. Wetmore, fnrmerly of tliiscity, witli illustrations. The invention of Mr. Wetmore gives the electric rc light a steadv flow, and II very simple and easily handled, therefore a valuuble invention. Itev. Dr. Steele delirered a discourse on Sabbath morning last, occasioned by the death of our ex-President Gen. Grant. The topic was exceedingly well handled and was received witli great approbntlon by the congregation. Had a larger audience been present, they would have enjovo'i n moot tinu U ,iml (nuriLMIjïf il conrse on a theme which is now engaging public attention. Mis. H. W. Diamond, of Beaver Lake, Ogemaw Co., a sister oí N. II. Wlnsnt, carne to Aun Arbor i iew dajs since to have a pin removed from the throat of her little daufrbter Lottip, aged about 13 vt-ars. The operation, thmitrli a delicate one, was successfully performed by Drs Hieakey, Kapp and Sniith, aiul tíiough the patiënt is able to speak only n a whisper, huving lost her volee by the unfortimute accident, yet her complete recovery is only a question of a little time. A trip over to the water works a dayor two slnce showed good progress in the way of obtaining a mifflcieut gupply of good spring water. The supply reservoir now has three stremns of excellent water ruDnlnp into it, with an estimated sinount of 300,000 gals. per hour, in addition to hich the company hus secured the riglit of the water from a large spring located across the river- flowiug 100,000 gals. per hour - which will be brought over in ion pipes. It would seem as though the supply was abundant, and the quality is certainly excellent. Geo. E. Southwick, at one time one of the wealthiest citlzensof thi.s county, and a resident of Dexter villuge, now lives in Detroit, and we see that he has been getting Into trouble. He was brought up be fore Recorder Swift, for keeping unmanerly cows, and the Evening Journal gives the following accountof tbecase: "Them coos is a perfect tirrer," said Mrs. Gallaglier. "All the toinie they kern pokin' their hids threiigh the windy while we're atin' our dinner, and nothin'll make 'em :o. There they are, yer honor, prisiiitat ivery male au' they won't kape away." Judge Swift contiuued the case in order to 've Mr. Southwick a chance to build :i around his cows. E. B. Lewis, who has been in the photograph business in Ann Arbor for almost twelve years past, will not, as has been reponed, go into business again slnce disposing of his interest in the firin of Lesvis & Oibson. With the picture lovinr public of Ann Arbor and vicinity, Mr. Lewis' name bas become closely counected. He will be missed frorn tiie profession by all lovers of fine photographic work. Starting twelve years ago ia the gallery now occupied by Story, Mr. Lewis gradually developed his business until his gallery was equal to any in the state. The new t'u in will continue the business, yet the trade will misi not only Mr. Lewis himself, but also his wife, whose skill at retouching has giveu her a high rank among uitists. A few of the professional croquet playera left over from the generation of some years back, of which our old friend John Schumacher is captain, have ütted up giounds on the old jail square, and are tcriiblv immoderate in their playing. Only last Saturday night thecrowd played there under the lare of the electric lij;ht until half-past 10 o'clock. with no screens up to hide them in any way from public view. Monday night the thing was all cut and diied to have a resolution introduced in the council forbidding the keepInjt open of all croquet grounds attei 9 o'clock p. in., but the councilman who was to introduce it got scared out by threats of boycottlng at the polls, and "forgot" all about the resolution he had written out and in hls pocket. At the council meeting Monday evcning the statement was made that the proper official, whose duty it is to prosecute tramps and vagrants when they are arrustcd, refuses so to do, and will prosecute a tramp only when arrested for a crime. This course, it is alleged, makea our city a rendezvous tor tramps, who teel thatthey are protected here, and consequently burglaries and crimes are tast incieasing in 'our inidst, and there is no power to jirevent. Is this so? And f so, how long will it remaltl so? Tbere is a feeling prevalent among the citi.ens vh one houses have been entered, or attempts made to enter them, that the thieves are not tramps, but a gane of fellows who live in town, han-r about saloons and have no visible ínuans of support.