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Ex-Gov. Felch left the city Friday fora trip up the lakes. Will Cheever, sou of Judge Cheever, is visitlng relativos In New York state. .Miss Helen Page Sinitli, of Chicago, is the ;uest or Mr. and Mrs. C. Mack. Mrs. Willis iloughton left tlie city for Bay View -;nii p meeting last Friday. Burt Wiuaus is visltlng his friend Will Caldvrell, at Beaver Lake, Ogeinaw Co. Joe Z. Batten and wife, of Philadelphia, are the ruests of Clias. S. Millen. Mis. B. F. Watts is visiting relatives and friends In Holly, froffl whenee stie goes to Flint. Our genial friend, J. E. Wyman, was iu the city yesterday, looking after his new theatre. Jvyhn E. Crowell, of Detroit, spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Sarah Crowell, of the 5th ward. Rudolph Gunderet, with John Keek & Co., has been uiuler the weather a little a day or tyo past. J. 15. Clark, of Sioux Falls, Dakota, nephew of Dr. W. B. Smith, is spending a few days in the city. Miss Otilia Schlotterbeck starts Friday for a visit to tiiends at Lansing, Chelsea, and Kavanauiih Lake. Jilui Wahl and wlfewhobad been reereating in and about Saline for a week or two, returned Saturday. J. G. Pattengill and family and Mrs. J. C. Knowlton and children, left tlie city Monday for Charlevoix. Mrs. J). B. Milieu left yesterday for Port Huron, where she will remain a time with relmives and fiiends. Miss Martha Kern, on S. Fifth st., was prostrated and left in a critical condition by the heat of last Thursday. Thos. Sheehan and fnmily of Detroit, are visiting Mrs Slater on Thompson st., and other relatives in the city. Mrs. Denman nd son of this city, wlio has been tpending a week at Whitmore Lake, leturned home last evening. The Misses Mozart and MissTompkins are enjoying the time at "Camp Indolence " on the banks of Whitinnre. Willis Bougliton left Mondiiy to pay a visit to his mother, at Xeosho Falls, Kas., whoin he has not sein in several years. P. Bach, wife and childien leave to-day for ¦ stay of several days at Devil's Lake, Luwwee coanty'i (kmotn summer resort. Emory Townsend of East Saginaw, was in the city over Simday and Monday visitini frieiitls and ttudying up the mystelious. Will Stauoh, of Detroit, returned home Mondiiy witlj his wife who has been spending a couple of weeks with Mrs. öeo. Stauch. Cha. Uicliards is taking a week's vacation, visitiiif; fiiends in Detroit and will have a lake trip to Mackinac to complete the same. Mr8. C. D. Goodrich and daughters Canie, Mannie and Georgia, In company witli Mrs. Dr. Vaughan, are summeriug at Devil's Lake. Miss Louise Meindermann, daugliter of Mrs. Dr. llarüey, returned yestcrday trom a seven week's visit among relntives at Fort Wayne, Ind. Mrs. Jas. M Stafford, returned from her .visit to Akron, Ohio, last Friday, accompanied by her sister, Miss LillieKice, who will remain here tor a time. Prof. Peny ariived liorue last Friday fniln a two Wl'ck's Klaart' tf itietifnfa wark at (rand Unpids, and left again Monday tor Ohio - inslituting again. Charlic Mitchell has been enjoying a very pleasant visit from hisold friend mnd scliool-mate, Ai tliur II.ill of Anti Arbor, the past two weeks. - -Oxford Globe, July 25th. Fred. C. Meyer, of St. Louis, Mo , a member of the extensivc Wholesale firinof Meyer Bros. it Co., has been visiling at the rcsideiice of C M ui this week on his way enst. Herbert W. Lcach, of Penobscot, Me., one of the eleven survivorsof the lll-fated Jeanette arctic expedition, has been in the city this wenk canvassing for a history of that great iindertakinji. J. E. Qalok, general baggage agent of the Grand Trunk R. R. of Port Huron, accompanied by his daughter Frankie, has been visiting liis giand-inother, Mis. Jas. Jones, in the. 5th ward. Geo. VV. Milieu leaves Fridaj' for Fort Madison, lowa, be absent two or three weeks. It is rumorcil that Gcorge will not return in the same state of single bk-ss - oh, pshaw! we agreed not to say a word about it. John Lindenschmidt isenjoying his annnal week's vacation. A custom whlch kis employer, A. L Noble, adopted some years ago of giv'tng each one of his clerks a week's vacation, with f uil pay, Is a generous one, to say the least, and well appreciated by the boys.