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CREAM POWDER MOST PERFECT MADE prepared by o pbytlcUn wit'i spr.-inl rayan] k Ui health. Iso Am;iik'hI:i, Lima ur Aluin. ? " _5Sj. ut Í ''¦ Í SCÈNE IN FfiANCt GatheringG rapes for Crc an of Tartar forDR-PRICES CREAM BAKING FOWDi-tt IjJ SPECIAL IÖEXTRACTS MOST PERFECT MADE Purestand stroiipest Natural Fniit Flavors. Vanilla, Ienion, urango. Almond, Rose, etc., llavor as delleately and natural])' as the fruit. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO.. CHirA(!O. 8T. LOCTS. CURES ALL HUMORS. from a common Blotrli, or Kruplioii, t" the wen) srrolnla. Sall-rlicu m, "Fi'vor-orcK," Scaly or II mu li Skin, in short, all diseñaos Ottusrd by bad Uood nu' conquered by this powcrful, purifyintr, nml invifiroratinp medióme. Groat lal i uu IIoers rapidiy hcal undor its lK'niifn buueace. Especiallv hiw it manifostod ita poteziqy ia curinfr Totlcr, !{. K.i-Pi. Roils, arbuiiclON, Soro I-yi'M, Scrofiiloaa Sort'N and siifiliiies. Iliu-Joiiit DUease, 8well1n(i,, or Tliick iVrck, and En larged Glaad. Baad ten cents ín stamps for u inrRre treattee, wuh oolored platta, on Skin Diwasis, or thu sanie amount fora treatise on Serofuloiin AfTeetions "THE Ilionli IS THE I-IJK." ThorouifhJy cleansc! it bv uaing Dr. lierE-e t.iililen iledical Dinrdvcrv, and uooil l iKeslioii, a fair .kin, buoyant Kpirits, vital In nul II, and 1 in s ,iï constituí ion, will be cstablishcU. CONSUMPTION, whlch is Sc roliilous Discasc of the i i"ic. íh promptly and oertalnly arrected and curéd b' this Goa-givcn remedy, if taken before the last staijes of t lie discasc um reaehed. From its wonderful power over this terribly fatal disease, when first offeringr this now eet ebrated reniedy to the public, t)r. Pi End thouifht seriously of ealling it his "'011Kiiiuptioii Cure," hut abandoned that name S8„tü2..1ia1.'t'LX(.)!'.jt.y).c()iina.jyl)i'dl.J'.';iiHiJte ing, alterativo, or blood-cloansing:, anti-bilious, pectoral, and nutritive proporties, is unequaled, not onlj as a reraedy lor cuusuniption of the lungs, but for all CHKONIC DISEASES Liver, Blood, and Lungs, If you feel dull, drowsv, debilitated, have sallow color of skin, or ycllowigh-brown epots on face or body, frequent headache or diz.incss, bad taste In mouth. Interna] heat or chilla, with hot flashes, low spirits and gloomy borebodtngs, irreirular appotite, and eoated tongue, 3'ou aro suuerlng Irora Indi;'¦ i on. B irsia, and Torpid Llver, or " BllioiiKiiesH." In many cases only part of these eymptoms are experienced. Aa a remedy for all such rases, Dr, Pierce'ü Goldeii 'I( ilic ;ii itis, over) has no equal. ForWeak Liiiikn, spiitiuu of Blood, Miortuess of Hrcath, Brom liiii-.. Scvere micIin, onmi mpi ion, and kindred affeetiims, it is a sovereitrn remedy Send ten cents In stamps for f)r. Pierce's book on Consumption. Soltl ly Druggistü. PRICE SI.OO.rVsTSS! World's Dispensary Medical leeociation, Proprietors, 663 Main St„ Bcffalo, N. Y. 5BCO"S LITTLE s"È!fc Oasa x t t xtvq OolOOt,S PILLS. n i i-iiu ioi v. and ( iniuiiii. Sold by DruggUts. 25 cenU a vial. %$500 REWARD ár% i offered by th' pronrictors ¦l of Jr. Sage's f'utarrh Keinedv ' f foracaseof catarrh whicb they i cannot cure. If you have a discharge f rom m s the nosc. offensive or other' T; wjRc, partial loss of smell. taete, orhearinsr, weakeyes,dull puin or pressurc in hoad, you have Catarrh. Thousanfis of cases terminate in consumption. Dr. Saffe's ('atahhh Hemeuy euix8 the worst cases of Catarrh, "Cold in the Head," and Catarrhal lltadacln-, 60 cents. FofCU says Bnybody wlio wants a handsoini- wife can have her for all he carea Bhe ia do better to her hasband than are tbe groundi uboot i country residence. ii i ii i can admire the giomxls or the wilV us Ir cly as the poaaeMor, and witlioui thj expense ol caring tor her or tbem. Dr. Hoxanko. This mime has bernme so familiar wiili tliH uk t oi ici)ile througboat the United States that t is liardly necessary to stale 1 1 1 ti be Is the origlimtor of the jt rent Dr. . ii i-ar kn C'iiii ainl Lunjr Syrnp, the peopu-'s fHViirite letnedy, wherever known, for C'inilis, Colds, Conaumption and al] all. etionsof the Tliroat and Lnngs. l'rict' 50 oenta and $1 00. Bold by Eberbacfo A Son, druggist. Helen llunt Jaekson is au udmirer of the brilliant Colorado wild Howert, and t -aid that once '2' varieties of' wlld-flowers, mtned eadi in ils mvii color, ftdnrn- ] the houM O( llds lady for the erliflcation ot sonie castern friemls Inrlted to liincheon. The threeontU'is of di-i i-e are the bowel-, the ki il and the kidiiev-. RegllUte their act ion wit 1) the best purffyhig tonic, Bardook Bood Bitters. TwiTioy men have inventPfl n machine whieli il Is claim d, wlll practlCaUy revnlutlonlze niiitch-niakinir. It has bien opelalid to inake "J-J, 000 perfect matihi I in D mi ii a te and Ita capacitj is expeeted to reach 15,000,000 lll ten huur?. A Qreat Dlieorerf. Mr. Wm. Thomas 01 Newton, fa, sny: " My wife lias been scrionsly iifflicted u iih a coiiüh for tueuiy-iivr yeara, and this ¦priog more ievereiy thao eyer bfor, 8he had uted mny remedies wil hout relief, and beini urged to try Dr. KiogB New Discoven, iliil mi, wltll most jrralilyIng results. 'I'he lirst botlle relieved hêr very mncli, anl Ilie seconil boltle lias absolutely cared her. Hhe han not had mi goud heallli for lliirty years." Trial botties Fne hI Bbeibitcli á Bon'e drug store. Large slze $1 00 Law the supume will of thi' people exprencd through their legislativo oodle. - Martin Van Buren.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News