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Siul Hareo is Created Apionjrthe tenantsof the moutb by allowInjr hnpuritiea to colU'ct upon theirgurfaoe or In thelr interstlcea. S0ZOD0NT reinnvi's evsry ve.-tijre of tnrtar trom the teeth, nnd renders their premature decay imposible. It not only imparta to them wbltenera and vigor, but communicatea liiinlncss and rosine s to the guiri?. Thp bn-iili acquirea a most scceptxble fracrance fmm itsuse; it is a purely botanie licjiiid. :iih1 it may be relied on to accoinplish iis beautifyinjt effecta without Ipjur 'ir iii t&SÜMSf'. National Board of Ileallli. Prof. Kedzie, of the Michigan Agricultura 1 College, who personiilly mperintended tlie ezamtnatloui of various branda "f baktnj( powdera on the market, and mude an i'ffii'ial govei ninent report to the Naticniiii Board of Osaltb, tVaahiDgton, I). ,s:iv: "'in some biands W6 found the excrementltious aimnonhi, In still otli'is wc found aluin and otlier t'orei:ii ingredtent, leiivinir on our Ii.hkIs. U the result of our labora] absolute! v hut one hakiiifr powder- Dr. Price'a Cream Baking Powder - u'pon whlch to fix the ceal of purity and wliolesomeness." 'MH' ipiigi mm mmmmm ITISASPECIFIC . ITISRELIABLE 'OB, A. in c u r i n ï Kidney & LivermBBriCht( díBUdder. Urin.ry JljForsidM.BetenMd Llver mmeue,. WrM ÉUon or NonDropy, Givland TËB tent ion of Dlabotefl. Spt-jJjUrino. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. It cures Billousneu, Hsadache, Jsundlce, Sour Btomsoh, Syipepela, Comtlpatlon nd PIIm. IT WORKS PROMPTLY and cures Intomperance, Nervous CiseuMi, Ooneral DebiUty, Exceuoa and Femalo Wcnkneu. USE IT AT ONCE. It restores tho KITOTEYS. IJVER and IOW1X9, to a healtoy action and CUSES when all othormedicineafail. Hundreda have been sa ved who have been glven up to die by friends and physicianfl. I"rlccl.ïS. SendforniurtratedPampbletto HrNT'S REMEDT CO., PrOTldence, . I. C SOLD BT AIX DRÜGGI8T8. Custom Is tliesoverelgn of mortal?, and wiiii its powerful hand it regulatea thingg the most violent. Ilev. Wn, Stout, Wiarton, Out., states: {lip incfUrtually ticatcd liy 17 doctors or Serofula, I was cured by Burdoek Blood Bitters. Write for proof. Our native lands belonfred to our fathers vc cftnnot seli them; we must keep them br our cliildren. [¦yourbMk lame? It is a solid fact bat the only sure CBN for diseases of the Idney, Hver, 6r bladder, is Ilunt's Rem')¦¦ l'oetry is the utterance of truth- deep, trutli ; the true poet s very near lie oraele. BcrofoJii alteases manifest thcmselves In he warm weatbc-i1. Jlood's Sar.-aparilla leaatM the blood, and removes every ' lint of ,-erofiila. , . Biicklon'.s Árnica Salve. The Best Salvft In the world for Cuts, l traites, Sores, Ulcen, Snii Rhenm, Kever ! ore, Te t ter, ('happed Hgnili, übilblalnt, joi'iis, and all Skin Eruptlono, and poilvely cures Piles, or Dopay requlred. It s fruaranMed to };ive perfect satisfactioi., l r money refunded. Price 25 cents per jox. For Sale bj' Eberbach & Son. '


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News