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1 PAY YOU TO GO TO DETROIT AND HAVE YOUB BBrB HfwjflBIB tcKSSs EXAMINED AND FITTED WITII 8PECTACLE3 OR EYE GLASSES ROEHM WRIGHTS, 1MPORTERS, JEWELER3 AND - TICIANS. 140 WOODWARD AVE. I THEY MAKE NO CHARGE FORÍ TE8TINQ EYE8. AND SELDOM I PAIL TO GIVE RELIEF. 1 THE BEST Hatr restorative In the world is Haix'S Hair Kenkwek. It cures all diseases of the scalp, and stimulates the hair glaml to healtkful actlon. It stops the falling of the hnir; prevenís lta turning gray : cure baldness, and restores youthful color and ireshness of appearance to heads already white with age. The following are a íew illustrations of what is done by HALL'S VBSeta'hlB Sicillan HAIR RENEWER} Mm. HtmsiraBBT, 344 Franklln Are., Brooklyn, K. 1'., after a aevere attaok of Kryeipelas In the htad, foand her hir- ilready Ki ay- falling off to rapldly ttaat ahe soon becama quita bald. On bottl of IlAi.i.'a Hair Kknkwir brongfat It back u aoft, brown and thick u ben aha waj a girl. Mr. Keslins, as old farmer, ntar Wartato, Ind., had irarrely anv hair left, and what linio thf re waa of It had become ncarly white. üne bottla of IUi.l's IUir Ui.mwih atopped 1t falling out, and pave hím a thickt luxuriant head of hair, aa brown and frenh aa he ever had. Mbs. A. T. WitL, Qrecnfttld, Chethire, Eng., v. rites : I have found the irreatest benelit from the uno of HiLL's IlAin Kiniwir, it having rentored my hair, which was rapily ialliog off, and retumed lu original color." Dn. Bun. Sxn, Detroit, Mch., ertlfle that "ILlll's Uair KtmwiB is excellent for liair (rrcwim;, and givea back the natural color tu faded and gray hair." Mbs. S. E. Elliott, GlenvilU, W. Va., aays: "One bottle of Hall's Haih Kznkwek restored my hair to lu natural, youthful color." No injurlous gubstancps enter into tho composition oí Hall's Haib Kknewer, and it is not a dyc. Its vegetable ingredients render it inthe hlghest degreebeneficial to the scalp aa a preventlve of disease. Its effeets are natural and lastlng, and it does not malee the hair dry and braahr, like the so-calledrestoratives oomM - u UUL'd W lllX tUCUllUl. Buckingham's Dye i FOR THB WHISKERS ís, in four respecta, nperlor to all others. íst - It will produce a rich, natural color, brown or black, as desired. 2d- The color so produced is permanent, rannot be washed off, and vrill not soil anything wlth whlch it comes in contad. 3d - It Ís a single prepaxation, and mora convenient of applicatlon tliau any other hair or whlsker dye. 4th- It contains no deleterlous tngredlents, as do many preparations oflered íor like use. ÏRltPARTD BY K. P. nAXIi & CO Nashua, N. R. - , ,Sold by all Dealen in Medicines. ; LX7MBER! LUMBER! LUMBER! If you contémplate building, cali it FERDON I.I1IEI lililí! Corner Fourlh and Depot Sts., and jre our figures for all kinda of LUMBER! We manufacture our owiï Lumber and guarantee AERY LOW PRICES - iivr us a cal! and we will make it to your interest, as our large and well graded stock iully sustains aar assertioa. Telephone Coniiettions witli Office. T.J. KKECH Supt JAMES TOLBERT, Prop W. TREMAIN, .I.M.I!I. OKKICE : Over Casper Rinsey's Grocery Store, OOR. IIURON AND FOUKTli;.STS.. North British Insurance .Co., Of London and EdinburKtCapital, $13,000,000, Gold. Detroit FIre and Marine Insurance Co. Cash ABseli 600,000. Springflcli] Ins. Co. of Massatluisetfs CaihAsset $1,800.000. Howard Ihs. Compauy of New York, CuhAssets $1,000,000. Agricultural Ins. Co., Watertown, N.T., Cash Assets $1,200,000. Llberally Adjosleil and Promptly Pald. Minore money than at anythlnp elic by tak Ing an aL'ency tor tbe best .eMluf? bonk out. Beginner nccecd randly. None fall. Term free. Book Co., Portland, Malne.


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