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Win. Cent inarketed the fust load of ïew wheat at Manchester. F. W. Eisenbur, of Chclsca, will reuove to Ann Arborsoon. In Lodi, July 29, Fred A. Hunt and Miss Annie E. Vood, united. Dundee is to have a littie fair of her own- well, that's fair surely. Sun S. Braman and Miss Minnie Feloivs married July 29, in Sharon. Next Fridiiy, The Milan Baptist Sunday ebool has a picnic at Dexter's grove. .July 28, at Ypsilanti, Horace E. Shntts nul MissXellie M. Moorman married. Milan is trying to raise enough money o buy Instruments for a juvenile band. The Dexter Leader man seems to be pretty handy with the scissors himself. A careless hunter killed one of J:isHoyt'stine merino ewes, at Saline rcceutlyRaces nt Ypsilanti Aug. 11 to 14. Plenty f good entries and a happy tune for portsmen predioted. The ditobei known as the Lane and he Renz dntfna, In Saline towniblp are O be constructed this fall. New wheat is coming In quite lively. Tlie yield about lieie is trom 25 to 0 )U8hell per acre. - Leader. Tliey are putting on city airs over at Milan. People are liaving the fences renoved from In front of thelr residences. A new milch cow got so frightened by ightiiing tliat it dried up her milk fountains eutireiy, so the Observer tells us. To-morrow, Aug. 6th, the annual festival of Southern Wash. and Norvell fannMi'. and Mrs. John Gillen of Saline, enoyed a surprise party gotten up to celébrate Mrs. ü.'s birthday Tuesday of last week. Mrs. Sunderland, wife of Iíev. J Sunderlaod, fonner pastor of the Baptist church at Ypsilanti, died recently leaving a week old babe. On Thursday evening last during a thunder storm E. Ruckman, a farmer living near Saline, had a flock of 32 sheep killed by lightniug. Eleetricity made a lively time at the depot during the storm last evening. One or two were thrown to the loor, but happily no lives lost. - Dexter Leader. The Ypsilanti Light Guard and G. A. R. post have been invited to particípate in the memorial services at Detroit, Saturday, but will probably remain at home. By a recent oi der the Lake Shore Ry. Co. will check baggage on the way freiglit the same as on passenger trains. This will be a greataccommodation to the public. - Enterprise. The Germán church at Saline was struck hy lightning during the storm of Thursday evening of last week. This is the third time within the past tour years that this editice has been struck. Some of our farmers have an idea that the Boheinian Oat Association has gone up. - Manchester Enterprise. They are mistaken, surely. That Ass'n will never go tip, that much can be depended upon. Qeo. Kishler and Miller have the contract for building the city barn, and are at it with full forcé. Ther bid was the lowest, $1,047.00. The bighest hld, H. Goodspeed, was #1,233.00. $186 00 difterence. - Ypsi. Commercial. The Free Methodists will hold a campmecting hcre beginning September 9. and continuing one week; the MichigHU conference will be held in connection with the meeting. Thegroundsarenot declded upon as yet. - Milan Leader. The young men of this place are around with a eubscription paper to get money to builil a bath house at Cavanaugh Lake. It will be placed about fifty feet from the shore and a walk will be built out to it. There are to be no doors on it so we conclude that it is free to everyone - Cuelsea llerald. It is rumored that a party or colony of Milanites will migrate to Florida some time in November next; 'tis said that some may lócate permanently, while otbers will return to the nortli, their native 8Oil, when the weather becomes too hot next summer for thelr natural constitutions. - Milan Leader. Good peuman in ye olden time. Mr. .r. H. Wilcox showed us a bil! of sale made out on parehment paper, in BiistolEng., in 1709. No commercial college student in ueatness of penmanship, in exactness of detail and form can beat It. Every letter and word is plain, written of eourse with a goose quill. - Ypsi. Commercial. The Burt hardware stock was sold on Monday, to C. T. Sill, of Wyandotte, where healsorunsa hardware store. Mr. Sill has taken possession of the stock and will continue the business at the old stand. He will add a new and largo stock of goode, with the intenlion of ruiming a tirst class store in his line. A competent tinner will soou be eiuployed in the tinshop. Mr. 8ill comes well recommended, and our citizens can feel proud of the advent of i live business into our lively village. - Milan Journal. TKACUERS' IN8TITUTE. The State teachers' institute for Washteuaw county, noted in last week's issue of the Courikk, will be one of great interest to the teachers of this county. It will be held in Ypsilanti, commencing Monday, Aug. 17, and close at 4 p. m.. Friday, August 21st. The local committee of whom any informiition that may be desired can be obtaincd, is Mr. E. C. Warner. In relation to the wrk to be accomplished we quote: "It is becoming a well established fact that an iiiterchanfre of views, sueh as is given in these instltutes, is of great practical benefit to those who atteiul them. The teachers that are tound in the front ranks of tlieir profession are gencrally those who take interest enougli in their work to avail themselves of such rneans of ira)roveiiient. The instiiute law allows' teachers whose schools are in sessiou at the time appointed for the county institue, beid unüer the direction of the state superintendent, to close their schools ilurina the con ti nuance ol sucn iuuiiuu; wnimiii forfelting their wages for as many halfdays as they are in attendance at the in¦tltute. This removes a cause that has prevented many teachers from attending these institutes in the pad ; and In view of the induceraents to self-iinprovenient tlius furnished by the law, county examincri and scliool boards will both exercise wisdom and practico juslice bygiving preferenca to those teachers, other thiuys being equal, who seek all raeh means to better prepare themselves for the woik of their profession. It is de,'ned to make the work in these inMitutes as practical as possible, and thus meet the wants of the teachers of all rades in their every-day work. At the sanie time it will be the purpose of evcry worker to raise the standard of the profession of teaching, and to gain for it that diKnity to which It is entitled. Especial attention will be given to such subject as have been recently added to tlie list of those in which teachers are requlred to pas examinaron before obtaiuing certidcates. The exercises will be conducted by persons of extended experience, known ability, and eminent success. The ruorning and afternoon sessions will be devoted to the discussion of topics of particular interest to teachers, while the evening lectures will be of a popular ohara eter.


Ann Arbor Courier
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