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Short advertisemeuU not to exceed thnc Une, of Lost mul Kound, Ilouses for Sale or Hein, Wallis. ato laaartad tliree weeks for )ÍS cents. situatlons wanted, free. tOK SALE House and two acres of land two miles west of Whltmore Lake. For term Inqulre al Ipremlses of Kniest Oest dhíYOOOto loan 00 bost real estáte aeourily, O- and In animints of 9G0O or more. .1 l. a. Banton, NatlOül Bank Hlock, Aun Arbor, Mlcb. PKlMiDKN HltllTHKliS, of chWs.'a. will drive I', to '.! Inch pipa walll complete wllh pump and warrauled to glve satlsfactton ou short uollce.j FOR SALE- A Farm of 94 acre cholee land, fine fruits, and u"od building!. Good view of city, sltuated about two mlleR South of Unlverslty. For lerms, enqulre at farm ol chipman Smlth. L0ST-0n e'ther Madison State, Ann, N. Tbayer or Kast. Calliarlne streeU, on Frulay last, a strtped (;ashmere Shawl. The Findrr wlll bE sullably rewarded by leavlUK al the Couikkk üfkk k. "ÏTANTED-SITUATION- In small tamlly TT to do general housework. AddreHS P. O. Box 2072. F OU SALp; or F.xchange for city propirly, In iics ol land about one ralle from the (Jourt BOOM. Address P. O. Box 18B4. IOST - fiel ween No. 7 Mavnard street j tod H. E Churoh, o EMBROIDKBED BLACK SHAWL. Finder wlll berewsrded by leavlni; the Name at CoUkiek office or o. 7 Maynaru streel. THE BAKKT HOMESTEAD FOR SALE. Tilt R. J. BAURY Homeattad, on tbvUh Street U now ojfered Jor al?, whote or in part, centrally localul ; convenient to the Universit 'y , Public Schools, Markets and the whole Cïy. Fir Abstract o 'fttle Term and othur inorinatioit, addrtss C. A. Itarry, Jackson, Mkh., or J. (. A. Sessiont, Attn Arbor. Il" r ,..¦,,- para ror live Pouliiy, at IX No. 11 Klfiü street, between Catharlne and Ann strect. IOR SALE OR RENT- The K. J. Barry resldence on 4rh streel Is for sale on rea8onableterras.the ilulbert resldenceon north east corner of state and North fjolveralty avenue Is for rent. The Farrand resldence on North street, near Cathollc church Is for sale or rent, also large brlek house on east slde of Thompson street nenr Jefl'erson street, and known os the Culdwell House Is for rent. Apply to J. Q, A. Se8slons, National Bank Block, Ano Arbor, T OANINQ- Money to loan on flrst-class J_i Real Estáte Morlgage at Cnrrent ralfs of Interest. Satlsfactory arrannements made wlth capltallsts deslrliij,' aaofi Invcütinenta. Every conveyance and transactinn In abstracts of lltlescarcfully examlned as to legal effect. Z P. K1NU. Ann Arbor.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News