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A Joker Joked

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Our neighboring village of Dexter nunibcrs amona; ts inhabitants a cotcrle of tho most practical of practical jokers to be fouucl in the state, and could a newipapef man relate all of the fun the boys lip there havo had the past few years, he OOUtd have a fresli and readable story for his paper the year around. The latest victim of these Jokers is a recent gradúate of the university, one who aspires to obtain the title of "the most valuable mau in town," in the near future, by his skill m allaying the pains, nclies and ills t disease is prono to inflict ii pon human flesh ; and tliat he may havo a knowleiige of how the begluning of the road is travelcd is spending liis time riding with au old practitioner of tliat place. This young M. D lias a graat penchant for collecting human bones, skulls, skeletons and other liideous things which OOtnmon superstition clotlies in horror, and (.¦oninioii people look upon with feu and trembling. lt was this horrid desira on his part that led him into trouble. Pawlng a iield one day, in company with one of these merciless jokert, ha beheld some mounds, (caused by the uptnrnlng of trees years ago, and from which the stumps had decayed), ha return kcd, "those look like Indian mounds." "Yes," replied bis companlon, instanlly aoenting a joke, "those are Indian giaves, and by digiug there yon can not (nly secure an muían sucieton, hut all of the trinkels and trajis that were burlad with them." Immediately visions of an Indian 11111seum lioated throogh the young man's mind, and he could hardly resist the leuiptation of commencing operations at once to uneartli the relies and the bones. liut the joker told him he must be cautious; the mounds were held sacred by the owner of the land, and it wouldn't do to be eaujiht digging them up. The eveninjjs being inoonllght, tliat vury nijht a party of three besides our enthusiastic relie liunter was imule up; tools for excavatiug were found ut tlic cemetery and "borrowed" the occasion. It was in awful hot night. The air was .sultry and even the walk made prespiration flow freely. But the place was reached and our hero connneiiccd (ligging. Hu would dig until nearly exhaisted when one of the company would take hok), but soon tire out and woik so slow that his impatience could Dot brook the delay, and he would allow his en thusiasni to get the better of his tlred and sweaty anatomy, and at it he wouid go again. Finally u huge stoiic was struck, whicli caused great depression in the heart of our hero, but his spirits were soon revived by one of the party asserting that "the stone is a sure indieation of its being an Indian grave, as they always put a hujre stone on top the corp-u to keep the evil one from obtaining It; the Great Spirit being all-powerful could remove the stone to get the spirit of the departed, but the d - 1 couldn't." So he worked and dug away and by the aid of the crowd got the bowlder out. To make ¦ long story short he dug down about six leet and struck - water, very nnich to his own sorrow mul the bewilderment of the entire party, who couldn't uuderstand it, unless the dampness of the earth had rotted the remalni so that tliere was ! -n " '" 9Èwm rt n , vi, pcinnps souie oiie liad surrepiltiously removed the contentó of this particular mound At any rate, they wouldn't give it up that way, luit would come again and try another lot of graves, that one of the coinpany knevv about in another tield on dryer land. So after making the pooi fellow fill up the hole he had dug, they all started for home, having spent some three hours in the fruitless seaich, while our hero had spent all bil Btrength and his clothes were dripping with presplrtion. The next day one of his companions of the night before met hlm with a vurv grave face. The owner of the propcrty where they were digging "had got on to the racket, and had issued warrants for the arrest of the whole party for trespass.'1 Phew! This was a pretty fix ! By mere accident, ot' eomso, uil uo InK.m ghouls were soon gathered together in earnest discussion of the subject, and as they were talking, up came Offlcer Stebbins and served the papers upon them. Tliins were getting serious. Finally one of the boys proposed settling. This the offlcer didn't know anything. about, but he would try. Off he started, and after being absent about twenty minutes came back and reported that it could be settled for$20- just $5 a pice, and his own costs were $2, making 50 cents moie for each to pay. After some parleying each one payed over the amount, our M. D. rcliictantly parting with his " ironearned money." Of course the rest of the party received back their sliare and took the $5 50 of our hero's and proceeded to paint the town red with it. Their hilarity was too great to keep witliiii bounds, and they had to teil the story of the "joke," with additions and illuminations, consequently the victim soon found it out. Beinga young man of good sense he took it all in good part and quietly planned revenge. Coming down to Ann Arbor the next day lie went bef o re Justice Frueaulf and entered suit against one of the party, a well known banker, for "trespass on his person." The writ was returnable yesterday at 10 o'clock a. m., and by the number of hackers who cnine down with hlra, we should judjfe that he was oue of the most popular yonag men of that place. It was with muofa fear and trembllug that he appeared before Judge Frueauff to aniwer to the serious charge. The great ari-ay of witnes.-ei, however, to prove his previous good character, had a tendency to take a little of the stiffness out of the proaecutlot), and after considerable parleying the aflall was "fixed ii] " by friend?, the joker paid the costs and returoed h ¦ poorer but perhapi not a botter man. l'aste tliis up n your miiid. Let you be ever so pure, you cannot issociate witli bad c(iiiiianioiis without falllng iuto bad odor. Kvil couipiíny is like tobáceo smoke- you cannot bu long in iis prexence without carryin? away a taint of t. Maud 8. has lowered her record, lmving trotted a mile n 2:08%, add still renmiiis queen of the turf. That's pretty good time but uot mocil better than the workmen are Duüclng 011 our wñter pipe plantinjf. The denth of Rob't G. Baírd, lecreUry of I lie stati; bivird of agrien] tu re, Kmoveí au excellent man from the counselsof the state. Hls home was at Laualng.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News