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Complaints having been received at the Department oí Agriculture in Washington that the sorghum seed distributed this year failed to grow, samples of it wro tested in the gardens of the Department, and it was found that only about ten per cent. of it would sprout. Tuk President on the 28th declined to raodify his order for the removal within forty days of cattle f rom the Cbeyenne aud Arapahoe reservations, in ludían Territory. The Apache raider on the 2Sth had broken up into small squads, and were trying to gain their reservatiou. A squaw camp was discovered by a compauy of Mexicana in the Piuati Mountains, in Sonora, and a number of sqtiaws and old bucks killed. Captain Lawtou' troops strnck a party of Indiana in the Whetstone Mountains, and capturad tweutyfour horses. '1 11 k cotton-worm waa at work on the 28th in South Carolina fields, and planters were much disheartened at the outlook. A can of oil exploded a few days ago at Monongahela City, Pa., killing two little daughters of John Everets. The United States mail-coach was robbed recently near Hawshaw, A. T., by bighwaymen, and one passenger was killed. A FIRE on the 28th in the chemical works at Greenwich Point, near Philadelphia, did damage to the extent of $400,000. The Treasury Department at Washington on the 28th purchased 105,000 ounces of silver for coinage into silver dollars at the Philudelpbia Mint. A man uamed Carters, his wife and child, three negroes and three horses and three cows were all killed by one bolt of lightning on the 28th at Marión, N. C. Thomas K. Brantlby, of Baiubridge, Ga., recently arrested for indeceut brutal - ity toward his wilt?, was taken f rom jail at that place ou the 2ütu by a mob and hanged to a tree. Dodoe & Co. 's flint-glass factory at Piltsburgb, Pil., was destroyed by Ure a few days ago. Other buildings were damaged, makint; the'total loss $150,000. In Andt-rson County, Ky., three brothers named Hawkins were shot on the 2i)th by Horace Mullins, whom they had called to account for alleged slander of their sister. Two men were killed and five others seriously injured on the 29th by the fall of a rolling-mill at Wilmingtun, Del. A riRE on the 29th at Mannsville, N. Y., destroyed every store in the town, nine dwelling-houses and a church, the loss aggregating $100,000. Mrs. Marv Ebrioht was burned to death at Umaha the other day while tryiug to start a fire with keroseue oil. The town of Montfort, Wis., was visited ear y on the morning of the 29th by a cyclone, which demoliahed several buildings, leveled fields of grain and did other damage. Natural gas was "struek" on the 29th in the center of Ithaia, N. Y., and oil operators declared that petroleum would also be found. The rate of postage on letters sent f rom the United States to Australia and New Zealaud, via England, Brindisi and the Suez Canal, has been reduced from fifteen to twelve cents, making it uniform with the rate via San Francisco. A fire on the 29th at Memphis, Tenn., destroyed William & Co. 's plaiiin mili and oue inillion feet of luinber. Loss, $126,000. ('m ii' reporta on the 29th from Minnesota and Dakota were to the effect that the reported damage to wheat had been exaggerated, and that, wbile there had been sume damage from rust aud blight reported. the loss was insi;nificant. A reveré electric storm prevailed in Mount MacGregor on the eveniug of the 30th uit. One bolt followed the electric light wires iuto the Grant cottage ánd extinmished the lamp immediately over the portion of the plastering was torn away. Four persons were stuuned by the fluid, t)ii t revi ved upon the application of restoratives. In the afteruoon the cottage was thrown open, and people on the Mount availed thems-lves of the opportunity to gaze upon the revered remains. Mrs. Graut visited the room twice during the day, and a letter from her, hoping to meet her husband in a better land, will be interred with the casket. The general belief that the advent of better times in the iron trade are at hand prevailed at Pittsburgh on the 30th uit. John Edie, seventy-two years old. and worth $50,000, living near New Philadelphia, O., hanged himself in his barn on the 30th uit., owing to domestic troubles. The weather continuad intensely hot throughout the West and Northwest on the 30th uit., the mercury ranging between 90 and 107 degrees at various points in Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Wiscousin, Dakota, Minnesota and Michigan. Rev. John C. Yoono, one of the most oloquunt pulpit orators o! the South, committed suicide by poisoning ut High bridge, Ky., on the 3Uth uit. No causa was assigned for the deed. Valentinb Wagner, a desperate murderer, was executed at the Ohio Penitentiary at Columbus on the morniiig of the 31st uit. Mant points fn the Northwest ware visited during the forty-eight hours ended at six p. m. of the 30th uit. by severa storms, involving great destruction to property and serious damage to the crops. In a sham battle between Pennsylvania troops at Conneaut Lake, on the 30th uit., the men became so excited that they believed they were engaged in a real conflict. Wads from cannon seriously injured four men, and the colors of one company were blown to pieces. Two of the wouuded are believed to be disflgured for life. Maud S. trotted at Cleveland on the 30th uit. in "2:08%, lowering her record half a second. The quarter was reached in 32JÍ, tliu half in 1 :Ul't, aud the quarter in 1 35K. While ascending the shaft of the new Crotón aquaduct at New York on the 31st uit the "bucket," containing four men, tipped, two falling sixty feet and being dasned to death. The others Were saved by clasping the bucket, Uut sustained serious injuries. Five American steamship companies on the "lst uit. declinad to carry the United States mails. The Post-offlce Department has made satisfactory arrangement 10 that the service will not be niaterially Interfered with. Su Chief of División in the Beoond Auditor's office in the Treasury Department were requested to reslgu on the 81st uit. A dkhciikct of $76,000 was discoyered on the 30th uit. in the accounts of Henry Conover, late Assistant Cashier of the Manufacturera and Traders' Bank of Buifalo, N. Y., who died suddenly the previous week. The offlcer of the bank claimed that its soundness wa unaffeeted. Thb "American Benefit Association" and the "American Benefit Society," of Boston, were oa the 3l8t uit. declared fraudulent concerns by the State Insurance Commissioner of Massachusetts, and will be suppressed by the authorities. the progresa of a ball at KogersTille, Tenn., the other night, a revolver dropped from the pocket of a young man and was discharged, the bullot passing through the heart of Miss Martha Brown, a beautiful girl, killing her instantly. Hot weather, attended by frequent severe storms, continued to prevail throughout the West on the 31st uit. Numerous cases of sun-stroke and heavy losses from wind and lightning are reported from various points. The damage iuflicted upon growing crops in Mianesota, Dakota and Wisconsin was very great. Thbee hundred men and boys employed by the Lake Erie Bolt Works at Cleveland, O., went out on a strike on the 31st uit. because of a ten per cent. reduction in wages. Charles Davis, Geore Jones and Mathilda Jones were executed for murder on the Sist uit. at P laauemine. La. The an íflll off tb trap la a. iwoon before the preparations had ben completed and was strangled to death, and alter the drop feil in her horrible struggles she clutohed the bodie of the other rulprits, whose necks had been broken by the fall. A BAND of strikers, armnd wlth clubs, appeared at th wire-mill yards in Clevelaud on the afternoon of the .'Hst uit., and beat two employés geverely. No arresta were made. KïroiiT.s f rom the finanrlal centen East and West up to the Sist uit. give no indication of an improvement in the business situation, and ther was no material change for the botter in the movement of merchandise. Thickk were 190 business fallures In the t'nited States and Canada during the seven daya endd on the31st uit., agalnst 241 the previoui seven days. The distribution was as follows: Middl States, 60; New England States, 21; Western, 65; Southern, 27; Pacific States and Territorios, 21; Canada, 15. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. During the two terms Qeneral Grant served as President he had twenty-four Cabinet ofncers, seventeeu of whom are now living. 1t was decided on the 28th that the remains of General Grant should be interred in Riverside Park, New York, instead of in Central Park, as at flrst proposed. The site chosen for the tomb is a high plateau overlooking the Hudson River, near One Hundred and Twenty-Second streek Mrs. Grant was reported to bo seriously ill at Mount MacGregor. Amono the appointments made by the President on the 28th were the following: Robert Murray, Surgeon-General of the United States army; Francis M. Gunnell, Surgeon General of the United States navy, and Samuel Flower, Assistaut United States Treasurer at New Orleans. The New York committee for the purpose of raising funds for a National monument to General Grant was organized on the 28th by electing ex-President Arthur as permanent Chairraan. Thi remains of General Grant were on the 2Uth dressed and placed in the casket, and the formal transfer of the body to the custody of U. S. Grant Post, of Brooklyn, was made at nlne o'clock p. m. A lady made the first coutribution on the -'.'th to the Grant National monument fund at New York - flfty cents. The Democratie State Convention of Virginia met at Richmond on the 29th ani uominated Fitz-Hugh Lee for Governor. Hkxry A. PlEROE, ex-Minister to the Hawaiian Islands, and later Premier of the Cabinet of the King of those islands, died on the 29th at San Francisco, at which place he arrived in 1828. He was geventyseven years old. The committee appointed to represent the United States Henate at the funeral of General Grant consista of Messrs. Morrill, Sherman, Logan, Ransom, Ingalls, Cockrell, Hampton, Brown and Manderson. An order for the closing of all post-offlees in the States and Territorios between the hours of one and flve p. in. on August 8, the day of General Grant'a funeral, was issued on the 29th by the General. At the Cabiuet meeting on the SOth uit. lt was decided that the President and all the members attend the Grant funeral ceremonies in New York. The Virginia Democratie Convention on the 30th uit. nominated John E. Massey for Lieutenant-Governor and Rufus A. Ayers for General. The platform commends President Clevoland'sAdministration; indorses Civil-Service reform, while opposing the appointmeut to or retention In office of offensive partisans; reafflrms the tariff plank of the National Democratie platform; demanda the abolition of the internal-revenue systom, and reiterates the acceptance of the Biddleberger bilí as a final settlement of the State debt question. A monument to the memory of Rebecc Nurse, ho was hanged at Salem for witebcraft July 19, 1682, was dedicated at Danvers, Mass., on the SOth uit., in the presence of a large gathering of her deRpAnrinntR President Cleveland on the 80th uit. selected the following pall-bearers for General Grant's funeral : General W. T. Sherman, General P. H. Sheridan, Arlmiral D. D. Porter, Vice-Admiral S. C. Rowan, General Joseph E. John,ston, General Simon Buckner, Hamilton .Fish, George S. Boutwell, George W. Childs, General John A. Logan, George Jones, of the New York Times and Oliver Hoyt, of Npw York. SüRvrviNQ members of President Grant'f ¦Cabinet 8 were on the .'list uit. formally invited to attend his obsequies. Ex-Suroeon-General Walk, recently tried by a naval court-martial for "culpable ineftícieney" and "neglect of duty," was on the 31it uit. found guilty on both charges, and will be suspended from rank and djty on furlough pay for flve years, and retain his present number in his grade during that period. The arrangeménts for General Grant's funeral were practically coneluded on the evening uf the 31st uit. It was estimated that probably 400,000 people woold fall into line on thday of the funeral procession at New York. Knmori of the rapid decomposition of the General'i body wra denied. Stanley Huntliy, author of th "Spoopendyke Papen," died at his residence in New York during the night ui the 30th uit. FOREIGN. Sir Moses Mo.ntekiuke, the eminent Hebrew philanthropist, who in October last celehrated the lüota ,anniversary oí his birth, died on the 28th at his home in London. Grasshoppers were on the 2Sth reported to be destroying vegetatatiou near London, Ont. At a barn-rai8ing the other day near Kenilworth, Ont., four men were fatally injured by falling timbero. The trial of Louis Riel, leader of tha rebellion in Canada, was begun at Regina on the 28th. The Marine ' Hospital Bureau at Washington was inforraed on the 28th that up to date there had been twenty-four cases and four deaths from yellow fever at Havana. At Montreal on the 29th the Roy al Electric Light Company's works, a box-factory and four tenements were destroyed by lire, witu a loss of $100,000. The Parliamentary committee which had been investigating the condition of Irish industries reported on the Ï9th that, with the exception of the linen manufacture, they were in a deplorable state. The committee having In charge the matter of lnvestigatlng th statements of the Pall Mali Gazette in regard to rio ia London, made a report on th 29th substantially affirming the charges of the Oatette. Said Pasha, the Grand Vizier of Turkey, who has been ill for some time, became insane on the 30th uit. In the British House of Commons a petition a mile and a half long, and containing 600,(XH) signatures, urging the passag of a law for the protection of young girlt, was presented on the .'fOth uit. IElMebdi's dyingrequest was that hig suceessor continue to wage war against the Christlans. Sixty Russian crimináis, while en route to Siberia, made a break for liberty on th SOth uit. Twenty were killed by the soldiers, and thirty of the survivors made good their escape. Two of the soldier were wounded. A BILL raising the age of protection of girls from thirteen to sixteen years was passed by the British House of Commons on the evening of the 31st uit. A SOLDIER reported for misconduct on the 31st uit. at Bombay, India, killed two Sergtants inrevenge, and, af ter uiurdering his wife, committed suicide. Louis Kiel, th Northwest Territory rebel, delivered a long speech in his own defensa on the 31st uit. to the jury trying his case at Regina, N. W. T. iTh prigoner claimed to have been directed by Providence. Thi death-rate from cholera in Spain is lnereajsisg. The number of new casas i portea oa tbe :lst uil. was 2,010, ana 01 deaths 1,088. Thk reinains of Sir Moses Montefloro were buried at Kamsgate ou the 31st ult., in the preseure of a vast assmnblage. Thk ports ef Sabanilln and Haranquilli were ou th :lst uit. in the hands of the Colombia Governmeut. Preston, thn 11cendiary of Culón, was a prisouer iu tho latter place. Thk Provost of Glasgow declared at a meeting held in that city on the .'iNt. uit that a system of viee provailed there sinvilnr in its character to that recently exposed in London. A Dubmn dispatch of the 31st uit. statei that the Hegistrar General' quarterly return estimates the present population of Irelaud at 4,094,342. LATER NEWS. Thk Graut famUy, together with Kbt. Dr. and Mrs. Newman, ou the 2d held a ¦acred service of prayer In tho parlor of the cottage at Mount MacGregnr rest the reinains of General Grant. Since the outbreak of cholera in Spain there have been 33,937 cases. The number reported on tbe lst was 3,466, and deaths 1,198. United States Consul Mason reported on the 2d that several deaths from cholera has occurred in Marseilles during the past week. A stoum raarked by an almost phenomenal rainfall prevailed at Chicago on tho 2d, the gauge at the Signal-Service offlca niarking 5.58 inches tor nineteen hmirs. The sewers wero pressed beyond thoir capacity, and as a result many banements in the business and residence districts were flooded and much damage done. Un the morniug of the 3d a lire broke out iu the works of the Toronto (Can.) Sugar Reflnery Company. The fiamos spread rapidly on the Explanado and the loss at four a. in. was estimated at $1,000,000. Fears were entertained on the 2d In Utah of a general uprising auiong the Iudiaus of the Territory, who, it was claimed, were being incited to mischief by Mormon emissartes. General Howard had left Umaha for the West to investígate the situation. Thk little log-cabin at Mount Pleasant, O., iu which General Grant was boru, was purchased on the lst by a New York syndicate for $7,000. The building would be shipped to New York City at an early period. Thk public-debt statement (old form) issued on the lst makes the following exhibit: Total debt (including interest of 48467,008) $1,2),333,115; cash in Tieasury, 4.s 118,71!; iebt, less amouut in Treasury, 780,914,3!H. Decrease durins July, $8,1)02,789. Decrease since June 30, 1884, $74,157,493. Attorney-General, Gaiu.asd on the lst reached the conclusión that the cattle leases iu the Indiau Territory are illegal, and has so iuformed the President. Thk jury in the case of Riel, leader of the Northwest Tcrriiory rebellion, on the Istreturneda verdict finding him guilty of treason, and tbe death sentence was thereupon pronouuced by the Judge. Justice dm sk, at Victoria, B. C, on the lst gave judgment surrendering Hiblis, tlie post-offlie swindler, to the cnstody of the United States authorities. Hibbs ha retained counsel, and will appeal the case to the Supreme Court at Ottawa. In accordance with an act of the Pennlylvania Legislature definicg the age at which boys may be employed in and about coal-uiiiies, live hundred boys were on the lst dlactutrged frum the collierie ir tho viciuity of Shamokln.


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