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And now the oat il on the f;irm er's docket. J. G. Iloyt, of Saline bas 200 uiachin hatched chicks. Editor Sinlth, of the Milán Leader, i off 011 a vacation. A new glass and ron front on Daven port's bank it Saline. Mrs. Ceeil, of Auüusta, is 93 years o] and smart as a cricket. The family of W. I. Keal will return to Dexter to live this fall. An excursión from Ypsilanti to Teleil Aug. 16, via Manchester. Saline postoffice received 5,000 letters and postáis duriny July. Corn and potatoes have boen fireatljbeuefitcd by the late ralns. Artlnir Ilnnterand Min Polhe Scliank, of Cuelsea, married Aug. 5, The family of Rev. M. C. Htanley have removed from Dexter to Detroit. The wlinrlleberry orop is said to be smaller than usual in thiscounty. The Dexter Leader' local man is resting liis weary braln forseveral weeks. Mr. Lid S. Van Alia and MUs Gertrude Cook, of Salem, were married July 29. Win. M. Dewey, of Bridgewater, and Miss Anna Wyles, of Canada, married. Thieves broke throagh Jos. Steib's house, in Brldgewater, recently, and stole $70. The Ypsilantian issues a daily paper thie week to clironicle the races which are in progress there. The stores of Saline were closed Saturdny from 10 a, m. to 12 n, in honor of the lamented coinmandcr. Rev. Martin Lowrey. fonncilv of Kanilac, is the new pastor of the Stony Creek Presbyterlan cliurch. The Dexter Leader is autlioritv lor the statement that faena are dying off rapidly in that viclnlty from cliolera. tin. Baxter VanWormer of Saline, will hcreafier rlde in a htindsome side-bar oarrlage, purchased at Ann Arlior. To-morrow the Methodist and Baptist ihnrckea of JTpailantlgWe n hlgexeflrsion to Belle Isle and Lake St. Clair. Jacob Itelun, of issufleilngfrom a fall received recently, ly which a blood vessel upon bis head was ruptured. It is probable that the Chelsea Herald will become a prohibition sheet under lts uew management,- Saline Observer. If it hacin't been for the water squirtcd on the house of Clias.Voungliuns, of ManCalhaiine Lindaner of Lima, wants a divorce from her husband George, allegIng that he gets drunk and is cruel to her. The rumor that Frank Jotlyo, of Vjisilauti had been killed at the Battle ('reek nices, was a cruel and conscienceless tioax. Sed James, of Anu Arbor. lias been put Llng in a handsome monument in the Dexter cemetery, in meuiory of the late Beni. Culy. The Hessian fly scare was all a hoax we should Judge by the yields of wheat which are leported from different sections of the county. A. Kast, with C. A. Mapes, is the fatlier of a bnin new boy.- Saline Observer. Wlmt! WhWl? How? Hut then these li' queer tinics. Dogs will have to suü'er in aaline. The butclier has rot a $JÚO bologna machine, and a partner by the name of Inwards.- Stockbridjie Sun. Arthur Coe, of Jlilan had liis shoulder put out of joint by HiouliU-ring a baiL of wheat a few days since, and is advised icreafter to let the hired man do that work. The Clinton woolen milis are now emiluying 50 hands and producin 3,000 ,ards of cloth per week. From $2,000 to f2,500 is paid out nionthly for wages. - Übserver. The ladiesof St. Luke's cliurch, of Ypsianti, contémplate erceting a testimonial to the memory of the late Rev. Dr. Wilson, for thirty-five years pastor of that cliurch, in the shapc of a handsome moniment. l'rof. Bellows, of Yp3ilanti, is soon to ssue a new mathematical text book, a manual of surveying for the use of students and practical surveyors. It will be a book of 300 pages, and contains 100 ilatea. Dexter girls go to Chelsea to piek ïuckleberries, but it is quite noticeable hat some of Chelsea's young men are inclined to be absent pickintj huckleberries on the very days that the Dexter girls are up there. According to the Leader t cost another Dexter frentleinan who loves a joke, (or borne other fellow), the princely sum of 50 cents to get his bufCfrj down from the he rida;e-pole of his ice house the other lay, where some of liis joked victiuis had laced it. Mr. C. W. Stults, of Charlotte, and Miss jizale Patiison, of Ypiüantl, daughter of Ciias. R. Patflsno, of the Ypsilami Commercial, were united a marrtage on Thuisdayeveningof lust week. The bride lias niany warm íriends and well wishers at her oíd hoine. New wheat comes uto the market to some extent, the pricc piiid for it raii"im' from 80 to 88 cents. The milllng buyera are not very anxious to purclyise, how ever, as the graln is, as yet, a lítele soft, and oíd wheat is quite plentifíil.- Manchester Enterprite. Viee-President Heiulricks nibsed the oreat oppQrtunily of liis Ufe In not coming to Ypsilanti and Ketting tbe benefit ofour mineral water und ballis. So near as Detroit and yet Ufimlodful of the fact. OoT cltizeoí must be more painstakiiiff to arrest the altention of strangers to our invaluable waters- Commercial. Patrick Lavey, of Dexter townshipdicl Auu. 4, a;ed 87 years and 4 moBtht. He was tioni in Ireliind and carne to lilis country In 1820, and lo 1834 bougUt the farm on which he died. He was a soldier of the femon Toledo war,beinga member of Capt Barría Leeb'i Co. of ful lie teavea Bve sons and búa daoghter, rtia wife havlng died seveii years ao. The seventh annual picnic of the fiirmcrsof Washtenaw, Livingston, Oakland and Warneconntieswill be held at Whitmore Lake, Saturday, Auir. :.'_', 1885. Appropriate inn.-ic wUl be lurnished. Addreu of welQome, President Vm. Hall, Ilaniluiru; address, "Tlie Farmer u a Citizen," l'rof. Samuel Johnson, Láñalos ; aay, Mis W. H. Randall, ípailanti; address, "Future of the American Parmer," J.W.Wing.Sotoi paper, "Patent RigbU," H.D.Plaii. Plttsfleid; addreas, "'Home Life on the Fann," Mis. Siiiidcrlaml Anu Arbor.