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Short ndvorllsenieuls uot to cxi i'ol Hum llues. of Lost aud Found, Housos for Sale or Kiiil, Wauls, etc., luserted three weck for 5 ceuta. Hltuittions wanted, ir.-.-. A GENTS WANTED- Tocanvass northern J. half of W'a.shtcnuw County, for Oen. Qranfl MWDOlrs. A]ply to Jus. It. Bach, Anti Arbor. FOB SAI.K- IIiuim-, liarl) and out bulldlugs wuli - l.ots, cheap. Orwill sel 1 the bu ld luga wiiii ona lot. KniuN (Jute, No. 6 Maynard st„ Anu Arbor, Mlcb. I.Olt SAI.K HoOMUid two acre of land two miles wrst of Whitmore Lake. For 1 -tuis imiuiri l premlses of Ernest Get. dhíVOOOto loan DU liest real estáte geen ril y, fj arul In ajnounts of 1800 or more. J Q. .v. SessioiiN, Hnuk Hlock, Anu Arhor, Uieh. P KUDDEN BROTHERS, of Chelsea, wlll cliivi. i', i 2 Inch plpr wi'lls complete wltli pomp miei wnrrnntod to glve iat&lkolion On short nollrr. F OU SAI.K- A Farm of 94 acres cholee land, flne fruits, imd Kood bolldlnn. (ol TlSWOi cilv. .-.itimlril aUout two miles som li of Universlty. Kor terius, enqulre at farm of L'hiptnun Sinllh. I (Hl SALE or Excliange for olty property, Jj 10 Acres Dl land iiboulonc mile froiu tuo Ooort ËOOM. ddress P. O. Box IWii. THE IUKFIY HOMESTEAD FOR SALE. The R. J. BAKRY Hornettend, on Fmirlh Streel is now qferedjor sale, whole or n part, i'rtitrtilly focattd: ii" n! to the uivtrait y, PubUo Schools, Markets and tht whole City. Pur Abstract of 'JMIv. Term andother inormation, aJJrtss 0. A. Jtarry, Jackson, Mkh., or J. Q. A. Sêlll0t, Ann Arbor. HtQHEST prioe pald for live Poultry, at No. 11 Fifth Street, betweeu Cathailae and Ann street. f'OH 8AI.E OU RENT- The U. J. Barry resldence on lth street is for sale on rcusonableierms.the Hulbert residenci on norili eat corner of State and North Univt-rsily avenue is forient, 'i'iie ftrnnd residenoeon North siret-t, near Cal holle cluirch la (brsale or rent, also lar'c brlok house on eaal i Thompson street near Jelterson stiect, and knowu as the Caldweli House is for rent, Apply to J. Q A. Sessious, National Bank Kloek, Ann Arbor. LOANINO-Money to loan on flrst-class Real Estáte Mortgage at Current rales of Interest, satlsfactory anrancementa mada wllh capltalists deslrlng loon investmems. Kvery conveyance and transactiou in absl raits of tltles carefully examlned as to leal effect. Z V. KINU. Ann Arbor.


Ann Arbor Courier
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