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Prof. H. R. Pattengill has purchased the...

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Prof. H. R. Pattengill has purchased the Michigan School Moderator and removed the office of the sanie to Ltnlng. The Moderator is an excellent publication of its kind, aud deserves good patronage by the (eaobenaml educators of the state. The State fair is to be held thh year at Kulumazoo, Sept. 14 to 19 inclusive. EdHor's doublé tickets are now being distributed, and the Couhier acknowledges the receipt of one. No pains is being spared üy the KtlaOMZOO peoplo to m:ike this, the 37th animal fair, the best one ever held. It would be impossible to pive n tlescription in tliese columns of the fui ral service8 0f Gen. Grant, in New Yoik City on Satnrd.iy last. It was one of the rrandest pageante of the kind ever looked upon In this country, and was witneised byhundieds of thousunds of people. It was a fitting tribute of respect to the hero of the rebelllon. The employés at the Koach slap yards do uot need the services of any one to post them on the beautles of "democratie reform.'1 One of tliem recently said lo (i.irret Roach "I have been a democrat all my )ife, -but sinee this government crusade lias been begun on your father, I have been thinking over the tact that üemocrat and daiiitiation begin with the same letter and I have cast my last vote for that partv." They'vegot amighty mean man amuiul St. Jo. according to the Repobltcon of that place : "Talk about mean men .' Wli y, tbere'sa critterup in Pipestunu townshlp, so mean that the mosquitoes won't singto htm. He (band eight dollai-s beloiifring to a poor woman the ollier diy, umi lxfore he would return to her the bard earned ducats, he demanded one dollar as a reward. This man is ricli in this ¦world"8 oods; but In liuuiuuity he is as poor as the poorest skunk that over had au existence.'' Comraencemcnt week ut the Michigan Agricultural Collage commences on the 16th inst., for whieh the following is th program : Sunday, August 16. Iiaccalaureate Sermou, 3 p. m. Monday, August 17. - Society Banqueta, 8 p. in. Tuuaday, August 1M. - Military F,xcrclB, o p. m.; Class-Duy Kxerclseg, 8 p. m. Wednesday. Augmt i'.i.- ( onunencemen Exercities, .) a. iu.; l'i. sni.-iit WIIIUsh Inaugural Address, 3 p. ni ¦ Presldent's lieceptiou. 8 to 10 p. ra. Tliursday, August 20. - Alumni : Llterary Exerclse, 10:3 a. in.; Business meeting, 3p. in.; llanquet, 8 p. m. The paraiapli published n the lat issue of tlie Cüukikk, taken lrom tlie Detroit Journal, and refenini to ProfHennequin and his grammar, ia construed by the professor luto an altack upon liis cliaracter. Such a thing was not remotely thoLiglit of by the editor of this paper, nor, do we believe by tlie author of the article, or by a reader of the article, either. It was published as a pleasing paragraph, wnttou in an enter, taiiring mauner; ia other words, a rood specimen of an Amctican juke wi-11 written by an American journalist. A man truly great shoukl not stop to upbraid au editor for such :i thirj#. He should juin his lauh witli the rest, and niarch l'orward uuannoyed, and juoud of the distinction.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News