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Dr. P. B. Rose is home on a visit. Mrs. R Sutherland is In Pontiac. Miiry Kittredgo is visiting relatives in Jtckson. Mrs. C. J. Durheim, of Muskegon, is in toe city. Jas. Stevens took a trli to Orcliard Lake last week. Miss Anna Durheiin is rery ill with peritonitis. Cadf U visiting friends in Oberlin, O. Will Ban ulster is visiting hU sister, Mrs Lowe, ut Sebewa. O. M. Martin and wife returned from the east yesterday. Prof. M. L D'Ooge has returned frora a trip to New England. Mrs. A. M. Patteni; ill leaves ihis week for a stay at Charlevoix. Miss Carrie M. Mtigoffln, of Cheboygan visiting at C. S. Millen's. Miss Belle Lewls, of this city, has a large class in painting at Dexter. Prof. E Olney is home again for a time looking vory much iraprored. Geo. L. Moore is moving Into his fine new residence on S. División st. Miss Craig, of Detroit, is visiting Miss Congdon, on S. Uuiversity ave. Hon. A. J. Sawyer is at Chelsea, Jerry suya gettlng in his erop of wheat. Mrs. Prof. Hamillon is homo on a visit to her mot her, Mrs. Mary Conover. "Don" Biiggs, of Dexter, dropped In yesterday a. m., fora pleasant chat. Mrs. Caroline Iiuchoz starts Thumlay for a six week's visit in N. Y. state. Jas. Slevin, of Oberlin, O., is visiting nis fnend, Eugene Upson, of this city. The Misse Bayliss, of Kansas City, Mo., are visiting at tlielr uncle's, E. B. Pond's. Miss Haynes.of Cleveland, is expected tliis week, as the guest of the Misses Clements. Mr. anfl Mrs. Mosely, of Fairport, N. T , are visiting their üaughter, Mrs. M. E. Cooley. Miss Lord, of Chicago, who has been the ;;uest of Mrs. Beakes, returns home to-morrow. Miss Florence Huson leaves for Boston tliis week, where she will remain the coming year. Rev. Dr. Ryder will occupy the pulpit : of the Congregationul church at Dunde ' next dunday. 11 udson T. Morton has returned from i his Nebraska trip, looking as pleasant and i happy as ever. F. W. Perry of Schencvus, Otsego Co., N. Y. is visiting liis brother, Prof. Perry on Washington st. Prof. W. W. Beman now rolls around on a Facile bicycle. That is the way to ' get over the groiinii. ' ' KiM Cora Pulciphcr, will return f rom Marshall, wiiere slie is visiting relatives, Cb latter part of the week. E. B. Abel says he will not trip around the lakes, but will go down east to the seashore in about ten days. Chas. A. Chapín reached Ann Arbor Saturday evening from Washington, on bis annual 30 days' vaeution. Mrs. John Slater and family start Mond;iy for a week's visit with Mis. S.'s brother, Thomas Sheehan, of Detroit. Chas. A. Holmes, of Toledo, a former dragglf! of this city, was in town Monday, looking over the old ground aguin. J. Ausinun, of the Detroit Evening Newsforee, was in the city yesterday looking arter the interests of that paper. Station Agent Haya spent Sunday in Cblrago, and layi that the day there was cool and pleasant- here it was sweltering. Capt. Connitt, formerly of Chicago, will move into tlie house cor. Stateand E. Cutharine sts., vacated by Geo. L. Moore. Mr. V. K. Childs and wife leave this week, on a trip up the Jakes. stopping at Mackinac lsland and other points of interest. Jolin Moore left for Jamestown, Dakot i, Monday, near which he has a large farm, and will be absent about three weeks. Mr. H. L. Aseltine and wife, of Danvillei Ingham Co., returns home this morning alter a week's visit wiili hu sister, Mrs. Keeler. Aid. Chas. E. Hiscock left the city yes. terday for his annual vacation. and will visit Petoskey and take a circle around the lakes. We regret to learn that Israel Hall has been conflned to his home by serious illiieBS. He was taken sick while in Toledo recently. Miss May, Agnes and Master Robert B. Han is, of Bagg st., Detroit, are yisiting tlieir grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Hewitt. Fred. W. Hubbard has returned home from Prescott, Arizona, where he has been for the past few years, and will probably engage in business in the east. Eugene Mutschel's pleasant countenance has been missed for several daj-s trom its aceustorned place in Wines & vVorden's store. Upon inquiry we flnd he is off on a vacatioii. Mrs. Agnes Duü'y, nee Miss Gaeiick, of Pittsburgh, Pa., who bas been visitingher paren ts in this city for a time, has returued home. Louis D. Taylor has gone up the lakes to Mnckinac, Marquettc, etc. He expects to miike quite a tour atnong the irou and copper mines. Clias. B. Cramptoii, of Flint, an old Aiid Arbor boy, was in the city yesterday, looklog after some property and seeiug old ti icmls. Mrs. lt. A. Beal, J. E. Beal and Miss MaryD. Beers retiirued Wednesday eveniiïr trom an Eastern trip visiting relatlves in New York and Conneeticut. Mrs. W. C. Cunningham and little daughters, have returned to their home in Detroit, Tbunday, after a few week's visit with friends In the country. Mr. John Aliller, who has been enjoylng a viication of several weeks with his family, living on E Cutharine st, left yesterdny to resume his commercial agency. Miss Eillth Doty who has been yisitinjf her grand-mother, Mrs. Prof. Williams, for several weeks, leavcs for Detroit thix week, to spend some time with an aunt. Hon. S. G. Ives, wife and grand-daughter. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Crowell and Mrs. 1!. Parker, all of Chelsea, were in attendance upon the Grant memorial serrlces last Saturday. Hubert W. Brown, son of Rey. Fred Bi'own, the former pastor of the Presbyterian church, was in the city yesterday, Since he was graduated In 1879 he has been a missionary in Mexico. Fied. II. Belser and wife expecttoleave the city Saturday next for a trip to Lake Superior, OntonagOD, Duluth, etc, being absent two weeks. They will accoinpany a large party of friends from Detroit. Mrs. Dr. W. H. Jackson, Mrs Reynolds, Mrs. Lukins, Mrs. Wade, and Mrs. John Moore expect to go to Huronia Beach, Lake day next week. Prof. William H. Butts, principal of the Michigan Military Academy at Orchard Lake, is married to-day to Miss McConnell of Pontiac. He is a gradúate of the iiniversity, and is every way woithy of hifihest congratulations. Bun I. Lamb, who has been in the employ of Winaiis &, Stafford for the past two years as assistant cutter, has a lucrativo position as cutter with Loomis, Galett & Breeze, ot Poitage, Wis., and left öunday night for tliat place. Htv. Herman Herzer, of Cleveland, O., a tfeologist known toDrs. Winchell, Newberry and Romlnger, will be the guest of Mr. and Kn Bitfr during the session of the lor the advancement of science. Mr. Herzer is a brother of Mrs. Baur. = ' I III I - Mr. Arthur Higgins, for the last four yeara with G. W. Cropsy, recently returned from a month's vlsit to parents, relatives and friends in Owosso, and other placea Ín Shlawaasee county. A party conststing of Hon. E. D. Kiune and wife, Prof. DePont and wife, Mra. and Miss Beakes, Miss Jewett, Miss Lord, Miss Doty, Miases Congdon and Craig, the MisseaClemens, Mias Donglass, E. B. Abel, J. F. Lawrence, and Mr. Stevens, passed a very enjoyable day at the Lake last Thuraday. The stone walk about the court house lawn is being flxed up. An lnfant chikl of Antonette Márchese - one of Winans & Stafford's tailors- died Monday night. Oeo. W. Brown has moved out of the new Alpha Delta society house on N. State st., and now resides on S. División st. Mr. Meyer, an aged resident of W. Liberty st., 2d ward, had a stroke of paralysis last Friday, and died from its eflects Sunday. "The Dunlap" is the name of the latest style of stiff brim haU, and A. L. Noble raisesotie of them from his head very politely wheu he meetg you. There wore flve coaches of Sunday excursionista froin Jackson at Whitmore Lake SuDday. Quite a large party of An n Arborites were there also. In our item of last week concerning little Willie Jamison who set up 8,000 enis in eight consecutive bours, we omitted the most Important part, his age. It is only 11 years. Q. A. Turner, of the P. O. force, wa a member of the 42d ühio, Garfield's regiment, and expresses adesire to attend the next re-union to be held at Lakeside, Ohio, Aug. 26th. Dr. Hover, a gradúate of the medical college of Ann Arbor, has hung out his iign at Canandaieua, and will hover iround in that vicuity to heal the sick ind peal the wealthy.- Adrián Press. james k. uacli has secured the agency for the northern half of Washtenaw county, for the salo of Gen. Grant's Personal Meinoirs. As he is a lire young man, he will beapt to push the work, and make wellout of it. Josie E., wife of Wade McCormick, of Anti Arbor town, died on the 5th day of August, aged 30 years and seven montlis. Funeral services were held Friday last, at the home, and the remains were interred in the DUboro cemetery. The Huron band are putting in considerable time practicing and serenading various resident of the 5th ward. On Friday evening last the family of J. B. Saunders was one of the favored, and for the sweet music they wish to tender their thanks. The regular free show oí the Kickapoo or Chicopee (or some other sort of a kic or chic) Indiaus, eyery evening draws a big crowd, and the performance is equal to one-half the shows that travel abouti and for whicti peoule pay 25 or 50 cents admission. Eugene B. Arnold, of Scio, died Aug. 5th, 1885, aged 50 years and 8 months. Funeral services were held at the house in Scio towiiship, Friday last at 3 o'clock p. m. Deceased leaves a son about three years oíd, but no immediate family. Dr. W. B. Smith is the special administrator. It is quite natural for all people to have their pets; and Wm. Sweeney, who lives at the corner of E. Ann and Fourth sts., poto liio garden, and malioa it "bloom Hkm a rose." He has tomato viDes considerably higher tlian his head, and the fruit, which he has had from them for some time, is large and tlne; while his other garden stuff is in keeping therewith. Owners of poor sidewalks better look to their ways and mend them, or what's better, rebuild them. A recent decisión holds all municipalities respousible fur any damages that occur by reason of defectiye walks, and the city cannot afford to run the risk of having that sort of walks. Mr. Martin, chairman of the sidewalk committee, is a worker, and has taken up this business in earnest. A team belonging to Jacob Pfeiffer, of Northfield, carne tearing up Main street tliis morning, attacbed to a waon, and as tliey passed the corner by tbe Courieb office, Arthur Svveet caught on the end board, cllmbed into the wagon and out on the tongue bctween the horses, got hold of one line and eventually stopped them. It was a daring deed, and but lew would care to risk their lives thus. Jas. H. Stone has builc with bis own hands, a new boat, which is pronounced by mariners hereabouts a clipper. He has also provided it with the new style oar thal sends a boat frontwards instead of backwards, as of yore. He intends launching the same on the river In a short time, and tells the boys ( on the sly ) iliat in place of the usual bdttle of wine to bs broken over the bow at launching, he will have a whole barrel of beer on deck. An extra session of the County Poinologlcal Society will be held Saturclay, Aug. 15, at the court house. This will be preparatory to the meeting of tbe American Pomological Society, wliich occurs on the 9, 10 and 11 of September, at Grand Rapids. This it is expected will be the largest meeting of the kind ever held. The leeislature appropriated $1,000 to be digtributed in premiums for the best displays made, and it is hoped that Washtenaw County will take the place in this respect that belongs to to her. Each state will also have an exhibit at this Grand Rapids meeting. In view of these fattl it is hoped that there will be a large attendance Saturday.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News