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POWDER MOST PERFECT MADE Prepared by a phyaAcIan wií'i sj i i iui regard & to bealth. Wq Juan orAluui. gkf GatheringGrapcsfor Mnknt; Crrim of T.irl..r forDRPRICESCREAM BAKING HOWDER KZ] SPECIAL üaEXTRACTS MOST PERFECT MADE Piirest and stronirest Natural Pndt Flavors. Vanilla. Lt-imm, Qraoge. Almond, RQB6, ti, ftavor as dellcately and naturally as the fruit. PR1CE BAKING POWDER CO., CHICAGO. ST. I.OriS. CURES ALL HUMORS, from a oommon Hloleli, i:niptiii, ti the worst Scroïula. Sal t-rliiu mi, "Fever-norex," sal r ltuiii:li Skin, in short, all diseasea oauaed by bad i . i are conquercd by this powerful, puiifytnff, nnd nvit'iinniíiK íiK'ilii'MH-. Great Daliui; II. f'i'D nipidly lu'al und6T it benign tnflueDce. Eapeciallv hiw it manJfested tts potene) in curinf.' 'iVlIfr, It.c ICa-li. itoil-. Carliiii('l-, Sore EyeSi Se i ,in Borea and Sw.llini;-, II J iim Dlaeavc, Whlte SwflIiiiKN, Gottre, r 'l'liirk Xeck, and i:nlarul lanls. Send ten cents ni stampa lor a large troatlsa, wnii eol ored platos, oo] Skin Diseases, r tliu Bame ainount foratreatlfle OQ BcrofulousAffectioiis "THK BLOOD IS 'lili; l.lti;." Thoroiiíthly oleaose it by fz Dr. Pierce's :Nli'ii tfccl ii-al DfvcOTepjr, niid ood i ík -i ion, a fair Nkin, bnoyaml ¦pirita, vilal hlrt'iígtli, aiil son imIiics of touMitiitioii, will be emhUsbadi CONSUMPTION, which fs Scrofulous lleaMr of iho ¦ .nut;-, is promptl; and oertainly arrested and cured by this Gkíd-given remedy, il lakm bafore the laststafrcsor the dlseaseare reached. Krom its wondercul poner over tlii.s terTlbJy fatal diseaso, wlien tiist ottering tliis now ceí ebrated remedy to the public. Dr. I"ieh(ï thou(fht gerlously of oallhi; it his "'onKuiniliouCurc,"butaluiudone(liliat name as too liinitc-d for a medicine which. Irom its wondcrlul comlunatton of rnmc, or ptvontrtnon ln?, altt-rative, r blooa-cleaosillff. anti-uilious, pectoral, and nu t rit i v properüee, is unciiualcd, not only as a remedy lor consumptiou of the lungs, but for all CHRONIC DISEASES OF THE Liver, Blood, and Lungs. T If you feel dull, drowsy, dcbllitatcd, havo sallow color of skin, or yelkywUt-brawn spots on face or body, frequent headache or dizziness, bad taste in mouth, interna] heat or ohllla, alternatintr with hot flashes, low spirits and Kloomy boiébodlnga, Irreavlar appetlte, and ooated tonrae,you are Buffering trom ImliKCNtion, byspepsia, and Torpld Iivcr, or "BiliousnoNS." In niany cases only part of theso symptoms aro expertenced. As a remody for all BUch cases. Dr. Picrce'H 'Olden medical IHscovery has no euual. FiirWoak I.inips, Spiti'mu or Itlood, SIiortucKM of llnaili. Brom li Ui-, Severc nli, Coiisumplioii, and kiudred affections. it i a Borereltrn remedy. Send ten cents in 6tmps for Dr. l'iercc's book on Consumption. Sold by Drurglsts. PRIPF tl fifi OK 6 BOTTLES rnlut Ipl.UU, ron $q.oó. World's Dispensary Medical Association, Proprietors, 0fi3 Main St„ Bcitalo, N. Y. "feXVCS LITTLE ." ïlr easawt LI VET? lköat.s pills. ANTI-BII-IOI S and CATHAKTIC. Sold by Druggists. Z, cents a vial. 11 $500 REWARD ¦ L 'RUK is offered by the proprirtnrs hSl of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy f yJL foracaseof catarrh which thcy cannot curr. If you have a discharg-e frora M% Ê0 the nom-, offensive or otherr i wise, partial lossof smcll. taste, orhearincr, weak oyes, dull pain or pressure in head, yon bave Catarrh. Thousands of cases termínate in eonsumption. Dr. Safre's Catakhii Hkmf.dy cures the worst cases of Catarrh. "Cold in tlic Mead," and C'atarrlial llcadaelie. 50 cents. That awful boy - Bobby laboriously itiKged a i:iil into the parlor, where the famüy ere sífembled, am! asked bis maternal grandmother to kick it. " Wby slionld I kick il, Bobby f grandma inquireil in nmn zemen t. ".lust to amuse i:i," siiicl Bobbf " He aald he would givr ten dollars any time tg -ir you kick the bucket." Bet tor Than Yacation. 'l'liis i pre-eminently tlic vaontion montb, when thousandl letüf rest and reereatlon. But to thoge who suffer the depressing effecti of' 'eummer debllity, ilic disagrccable pjTDptoma of Bcrofula, tliu tortures of bill ioiisn c, dyspepaU or '¦' l headacbe, tlieie is more pain tban pleagnra in leaviufT liome. To such we iay( give Hood's Saiibparilla a trial, It will purify your blood, tone up aod strenfctben your body, expel every trace ol "crofulft, correct biliousnps?, and positlvely cure dyspepsia or sick headacbe. Take it before you jrO aud you willenjoy your vacation a Uiousand fold. A sociiiblc man is one who, when lie lias ten minutes to spare, goes and bot hers someboil)' wlio baen't. Bad Drainaok causea ilckneu; bad blood and lm proper aetlon ol theltveraad kidneys is bad drainage t the bumac -. stem, which Burdock Blood Bitten remedy. Wlij' are a i '.'ur et trougers too iiij; every way likc two French towng? QJve il up. BecauM they are too long and too loóse, (Toulon and Tonjose), Just is (oud. Many aoscnipidous dealers in.iy li'llyou tliey have remedlee for Cougha and ' equal in merll and In every respect Just 4e gfood as the old rellablfl JJr. Bogankó Coiigb and Lung Syrup, ai lssyou upou tliis remedy and will tnkc ïa otber, you are liable to be K"''ll decelved Prlce 60 cent and f;l.00. Sofdby Eberbach & Son.


Ann Arbor Courier
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