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Thk exrtianges at twenty-six leading cleurinn-housesiu tho Unitisl Sl.ilrs during the week ended on tho lat aggregated 1,812,519, against $761,200,978 Uio previous week. As comparod with the oorresponding pertod of 18S4, the f al lias off amouiits to ono per cent. It was annouuced on tho 8d tliat tho Pacific Jllail Company woultl withdraw its Australian steamers November I. In au eleetion row at Athens, Ky., on the .",il, Huil Harria shot mui killed two men uamed %V;ilknr and Neal, and wal himself wouuded. Hen-ry VAM)KRFEioHT,who leaped from the suspension bridge across tha Combarland Rivor atNashvUle, ïenn., strikt ng the water, 110 feet below, with tirri tic force, was alive on the 3d, and would probably recover from hls injuries. Skvkkk wind and rain storms i.n. in soinu of the Eastern States on tbe 8d. At Camden, N. J., a number of perooni were killed nnd mach property destn edi Olï Greenwich l'oint the iteamer Major ReyhoM was struck by a cyclimn, which washed the Captain and pilot overboard, whilo flying tiuiber struck and injnnd : 8ome of the passengers. At Raltlinoro, Puiladolphia, Readiui ana other Eastern pointa the raiufall was heavy and the damage extensivo. Fire early on the inoruing of the tth ilcstroyed the building and stock of the Phounix Distillery, corner of Clybourn Place and North Branch, Chicago. The los was estimated at $7",000. Th boa led wnri'lioiise adjoinlng the dlstlllsry and nftoen hundred cattle bardad in the yardi in tho rear of the buildings wcro saved. The regular uiouthly coiuage statement issued on the 8d shows tliai the total ooia age executed at the Unlted Btatei miota during the month of July 00 1,900,000 stan.laril gilver dollar. ('ATEurn.i.Aits had appeared on the Sd iuthü cotioiï f'u'lds in severa] oountl të oí South Carolina, and the boll-worm in one or two. At Mlnneapolli on tin1 ¦''! the snit of Colonel W'illiam King againal Pbilo l: min-t ui, ol Ney York, Involrlng $1,000,000 Müth nf propertj , as dscided In favor of the plaintil!'. Atrkmendous waterspout passed over Trausylvania Couuty,N.C, on the od, carrying away bridges and wasalng awüy houses. The crops were said to have been -inpletely destroyed in the sectton over which the storm passed. At Porter Station, Ind., five persons had died and forty others were dangerouslv ill on the 4th from the effects of eating uuwholesome meats. Mrs. Edward J. Browv and Mrs. Louisa Brown atil her infant smi, prominent New Vork society ladies, were killed on the 4th at tha Lackawanna Railroad ClOMing, near Siminiit, N. J., whilü i to rross the track iu acarry-a!l immediately in front of the Dover exprem. Two othi'r laditji T-nre soriously lnjured, The visible supply of wheat, as rrported liv tin' Xi'v Vork Eïxchange on the-ltli, is 88,407,948 bushels, and of corn 8,758,304 luishiN. '1'iie firo losses iu tho United Btatei and Casada tfufing the mouth of July were on the 11 li estimatod at $6,000,000. For the 8even inont tis el tlie present year the valuo Mt the pruperty destroyed was placed at $00,690,1)00. Tw nr.Di:Ki) minors in the Massillon (O.) district had determined on the Ith tostriki' againit the reduction inwages recMitlv ordered. At Nw OrleauB ou the 4th Boyd Abodie (colored) killed Lizzie Lauudry, his quadroon mistress, with a razor, and theu cut his own tliroat. Thirteen gashes were fouud ou the body of the woiuau. lli.MiY U'. liiiuvvx, íormerly a leading eoal and oil operator of Erie, Pa., on the 4th at Chattanooga, T.miu., seized a bottle of b Uadoona, drank i'. Bod ttiea, gaintng poaaetaton at ¦ razor, Bed to the woodsand out his throat, dylag Immediately, IK PrAKidnnt oi 1 1,.. li I, i,.m il.o attb men who waited on hitn to secu e an extensión of the time iu which to vacate their Indias Territ.ory ranches that thcy had alryaily wasted twelve days of the forty allowed them, and it would be wel! to obey his order. The loss by the destruction of tho Phcenix Distillery at Chicago on the Ith wa.s about (100,000, and the insurauce $35,000. l'ERity 15r(is., jewelry jobbers of Chicago, lail.-d on the ."ith with liabilili el.ont ."), Huil and assets of .i-i"), 000. Mixseai'iims millers stated on the 5th that there was at present alisolutely no market fqr flour, and the production had been cnl down very materially in consequeuce. Tuk number of ho's packed from March 1 to t In.1 'ith i nst. at Western points 11 8,130,0U0, agaiust 2,620,000 same date last year. A stroke of lightaiug by which Kobert Thompson was iastantly killed at Omaha, Neb., on the T)th, lelt no markl on tho body zoept a small hole on the top of th' nud anothcr in the right foot. The clothiug oL tho uuCortuuto man was torn iuto shreds and scattered. Thk wheat erop of Minnesota was on the 5th estimated at %,000,000 bushels; of Iowa at 27,000,000 bushels, and of Dakota at 2,000,000 bushols. Another authority placed tue average yield per acre in Dakota at 1 to 18 bushels, and iu Minnesota at 11 bushels. The cotton erop in South Carolina promised to be the largest gathered in many years. SIichabl Kaïn, an old citizen of Wayne Township, Ind., was found murdered near his house on the morning of tho 5th, and l'atriok McUuire, a neighbor, who has disnppeared, was suspected and a reward hud been offered for his arrest. A broken rail was the weapon used. Thomas W. Cap.penter, the well-known Becretary of the Virginia Base-Ball Associatiou, and book-keeper for J. L. Schoolcraft, a broker, recently stole $.'13,000 from the vault of the State Bank, In North Carolina, coinposed of Petersburg class B, Kiildleberger bonds. He was on tho ."ith ¦appoaed to be in Canada. Dn. Orrin Aborx, a physician of Marshfie'.d, Warren County, Iud., who has been insane for several inonths, on the 5th committed a deadly assault with a surgeou's knifa upon Dr. C. R. Boyer, a friend, who was iu charge of him pending his renioval to an asyluin. A desperate strugglo ensued, in which Dr. Boyo was fatally wounded, after whieh the ïimdman swullowsd poison and cut hij own throat, dying several hours latir. .¦pLEriio-i'.NEUMONiA had broken out on the "ah In a lierd of thoroughbred Holsteic cattle at Port Richmond, Staten Island, and was spreadiug rapidly. The herds affected would probably bei quarantined. The price of aalt was on the 5th adraneed by the manufacturers to eighty cents a barrel, owing to the recent Bay City (Mich.) strike. Neaii Spartansburg, N. C, a passenger train of the Air Line was derailed on the 6th by the turning over of a rail. One coach and two sleepers were sent rolling down an embankment. The conductor of the train was killed and sovou passengers fatally iujured. Iowa's new census, completed on the Cth, showed a total population of 2,200,000, against 1,624,615 in 1880. An explosión of gasoline occurred in a provisión store at Oermantown, Pa., on the Gth, and three men named Rief, Rieber and Gauzert received burns from which they died the same day, whilethe case of a fourth victim, Kratz, aged seveuty-four, was hopeless. Fortt shots were fired at a disturbance at Prestonburg, Ky., recently, duriug which Proctor Arnett was killed, Lee l'atrick fatally wounded, and two othors iujured. AU the parties were colored. A CTCLONE passed down Lopp Valley, Neb., on the 6th, which nearly wrecked the town of Ord. Buildings were blown down, cropg demolished and general dustruction extended for a groat distance. A large crowd assembled on the 6th from Appomuttox Court House and draped in mourning the house in which Oenerals Grant and Lee signed the terms of surrndsr iu 1SU5. The diauiut wUl D t.hiiiy days out of respect to General Urant. ¦ i: railroad bridge across the Ohio 1 : i r at Henderson, Ky., cOBting f 1,000,000, was formally opeued to trafile on theOth. A Moii whicU surrounded tbe houso of an impopular ritijien of Eureka Springs, Ark., nanicd Young, on tbe Gth, was fired upon trom wlthlo by Voung's son, and retired wltta Ihree men wounded, two of whom wonld die, John C. Brady was murderod in bis house on the Gth at Scottsburg, Ind., by an unknown buiglar. Cahi'ie Barehkad, a young memlier of the Croek Nation, who had committed ereral murders, vas executed at Kufanln, I. T., oa the Gth, by being shot to death v hilo seateil on his coffin. Wij, mam Parks, an Amherst Countjr (Va.) negfo, was arrestod on the 6th for starving four of bis children to death. l'niks, who is a widower, wanted to niarry again, and the woman be aspired to win refused to accept hini while bis children live.l. News was received at San Francisco on tbe (itli that the bark Napoleon, of New Bad forá, liail beeu crushed in the ice in the Arctic. ïweuty-two lives were lost. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. A movkmknt was on foot on tbe 3d for the erection of a monuiiiout in honor of (i-Henil Qraut on the Fort Leavenworth (ICui.) Military Heservation. An election beM in the Cherokee Nation ou the Sd for niembers of tbe Legislatura resultcd in a choire of an equal nunibor by the "Downing" and "National" parties, the "Iudependents" holding the balanco of power. The Jewish citizens of New York proposed on the id to erect a monument to .Sir Moses Mouteflore in Central Park. A lnuit vote was polled in the Kentucky Stato election outhe3d. TbO results, published on the -Hu, indicated the election of Tato (Hom.) for State Treasurer by a fair iiiajui-ity. 'Ihe Constitutional Convention plau was defeated. Fr m:rai. services over the remaius of Oeneral Círánt were conducted on the 4th at Monnt MacGregor by Rev. Dr. Newman In tho presenca of the family and a throng of mourners which incladed many peoplo distinguished in civil and military life. The passage south of the train on which the body wns couveyed to Albany called out thousands of sympathizing spectators all along the line. The remains were temporarily placed in the Capítol Building at Albany aud botween four in the afternoon and mfdnight nearly 50,000 people took a farewell look at the familiur features of the General. The resignation of Dr. Galusha Ander ilorson as President of the Chicago University was presented and accepted on the 5th. Nearly a year's salary was due him The Kxecutive Committee oí theForeign Missionary Board of the African M. E Church met at Richmond, Ind., on the öth. Bishop öhorter presided. Rev. J. H Buchner was appointed to work at Port au Prince, and Rev. J. H. Mays at San DomiugOf lEnrfK R. Condeut, of New York and Bfarooa A. Hanna, of Cleveland, O. were on the 5th appointed Governmeni Dircctors of the Union Pacific Railroad vice Francis Kernan and I. B. Harrison, declined. The State Department was on the Gth in reeelpt of advices from Mr. Lee, Secretary of the American Legation at Vienna, saying that the Austrian Government bas positively refused to receive Mr. Keily as United States Minister. The remains of General Grant lay in state at the New York City Hall on the (ith, and were viewed by over 150,000 peoPie. FOREIGN. Storms of ereat violence swept over the northein and central parts of Spain on the 2d. Many persons were said to have been killed. It was announcod from Brussels on the .'M that England had conseuted to let the Znllkar question be settled by the AngloÜiKïiaa Hoiin.lury Couunutaivu. l'i ¦: his death tbe Mehdi designated four chiefs to continue the war in the Soudan, and iet asido 20,000,000 piastres toward ilefravine the expenses. A terrihle earthquake prevailed on the 3d in Belvcodsk, Suluk and Bisheerzek, in Asiatic Rnssia. Fifty-four persons were reported to havo been killed and siit -i)ur injured by the sinking.of a church at Belvood k. The Grant memorial services in WestBlinster Abbey, London, on the 4th, are ibed ashavin boon of a very imposin- nature. Canon Farrar preached the ral sermón. Many distinguished Englishmen and Americans were present. Thk Veuezuelan rebellion had been suppressed on the 4th. It lasted only a month. i ¦ RMAN papers of tho 4th charge that France only awaited a favorable opportunityto attaek the Empire. There was mach excitement in Paris over the accusatlon. A dispatch from Cairo received on th 4th suued that as a measure of ecouomy tho EKyptinu Cubinet would be reduced to four jnemberg. The report of Osman Digma's death was denied on the 4th. Thirty half-breeds conoerned in the Riel rebellion entered pleas of guilty to treason-felony at Regina on the 4th. Two of the prisoners weredischarged, and sentenee on the others deferred. Thk United States Consul at Vera Cruz reported on the 4th that the yellow fever was fast increasing at that place. Forty.ix deaths had occurred within the past two weeks. Fri ui Home came the on the 4th that tho King of Abyssinia would send a large army to relieve the beleaguroil garrison at Kassala. Alexaxdeb Gazarine, a Russian Prince, committed suicide on the 4th, owing to heavy gambliug losses at Monte Cario. England was on the 5th said to have given the Shah of Persia a subsidy to be used in the construction of a military road from liushire to the Afghan frontier, designed for the rapid transportation of troops from the Persian Gulf toward Herat. Strong Russian forces had on the same day been massed near Penjdeh, owing to rumors that the Afgbans were massins near that place. The Berliu and Frankfort Bourses were on tho öth seriously aff ected by the warlike utterances of leading Germán and French journals. By a oollision of freight-trains on the Canadian Pacific Railway on the 6th, not far from Toronto, ünt.,oneman w killed and si x others wounded. Mr. Francis, the retiring United States Minister to Austria, was on the Oth assured by Count Kalnoky, Austro-Hungarian Foreign Ministor, that the present cloud in the relations between America and Austria would soon blow over. Thomas White, a Montreal 'journalist, was on the 5th installod as Minister of the Interior for the Dominion. His appointment was said to be the flrst move toward a reconstruction of the Cabiuet. An epidemie was prevailing at Colon on the Isthmus of Panama on the Cth, and the mortality was appalling. Yellow fever had broken out at Mazatian aud Tehuantepec, Mexico. It was reported at Bombay on the Gth that Yakoob Bey's son had, with Russiau assistance, occupied Kashgar, and was menacing Koaldja, a province claimed by China. Late news irom Peru was to the effect that all effort at reconcüiation betweea the contending factions was atan end, and that the struggle for supremaey would be continued. The Emperors William and Josopb. niet nt'Gasteln on the 6th. Knkkoetic measurea were belng taken liy the British Governtni'iit ou the 6th to keep out tbe cholera. The iniportatipn of rags from Spain has been prohibited and stringnt local regulationa ordered euforced. Coal and iron ïniuers in Derbyshire, Bng.t were engaged in riot nnany hours on the Gth. During one of the battles with the pólice uine miners were dangerously vrounded. ¦ ¦ - „ Tuï panic ia Spain caunwl Oy the rapta spread of the cholera was tncreasingon the Oth. Many villages had been desertad by the inhabitants, tb sick being abandoned audthedead left unburied. Thirty-three ileatu from cholara occurred at Btarst-Ulea on th (th, and 4,000 new cases Bad noarly 1,700 éeaths veere reportad in fcipain on tlie 5th. Fkxnch and ürman newspapers on th Cth eontinned to indulge in mutual recriminations. The Cologne Gazette urged an Anglo-Ueriuan Alliance, and warned France of a policy of rerenge. ín the House of Commons on the 6th Lord Randolph Churchill introduced th lii.lia.ii bsdget. The deflcit was L1,026,000. LATER NEWS. In all aections of the United Otates unpivcedonted honc-s were pald on the Nth to tho juemory of (ionral Qt-aut. The funeral psgeant in New York wb. th most impostng ever witnessed in tho United States, or porhapa in tho world. It wu after flve o'plock in the evenlng wbi tb funoral-car reached the placo of sapulcher in Riverside Park, where the remainl were entombed with impressire cromonis. The President, President, rambraof the Cabinet, Judges of the Suprema Court, Senators, Representativos, ex-Presldenti, Governors of 8tats and Foreign Ministers wero among the distinguiiliad persous who partldpated in the demonttration. The entire city was eloths 1 in th emblema of niourning, and the multitud which viowed the pagent defied computation. In all the leading cities of theUnittd States, and in hundreds of towns and villages, similar tributes were paid to th memory of the illustriou dead. Th American legatious abroad were closo.1 during the day, and memorial services were held in Paris, the City of Mexico ani other foreign capltals. A riHE on the Bth destroyed the Wobstor bloeit at Manchester, N. H., seren of tb inmutes perishing in the flames. DuKiNtf a storm theuother evening a farm-house near Rock Rapids, Ia., was struck by lightuing, and the flve inmates, John McGuire, wife and three children, were killed. A rkcent flood in tho province of Cantou, China, caused by the bunting of erabnnkinouts, lnundated an extensivo territory, sweeping away a minibar of villages ad invulving the loss of ten thousand lives. The rice and slik crops were almost ruined, and a vast amountof property was destroye.1. TniRK wer 211 business falluras in th Cuitad Statei and Canada during the seven daya Vnde.l on the Tth, againat 199 th proviom neven daya. Th diatribution was as follows: Middl States, 41; New England State, 29; Weatern, 62; Southern, 29; Paciflc States and Territories, 81; Canada, 19. Thkhe were 4,382 new cases of cholera aud 1,(39 deaths in Spain on the 8th. A boat in whioh üt persons were attmpting to cross the Columbia River in Oregon was swept over the Cascad Rojiids ou the 8th, and all the occupant were drowned. Three persons were killed and two fatally injured in a recent wreek on th Cinciunati & Oreat Eastern Railroad. TnE exchangea at twenty-six leading clearing-housea in th United State daring the week ended on th Sth aggregatnd f717,752,903, against $736,912,519 the prerioiM week. Aa compared with the correeponding period of 1884, the falling off amouiits to 10.9 per cent. It la astnnUhrng linw quickly the average (Uüiiucriitic ípolls-hunter when lie gets into ntlioe rciojinizcs the clairua of hd ex-rebel as com pared with a Union soldier. The new domociHtic pension agent at Philiidelphia was haidly wurm in bis seat before he found an old Union soklier In the ofBce. Of course, the "rascal" had togo, and Josepli Barbiere, who was lieutenant-colonel in the rebel iinny, was promptly rven the place. It is now foiind that iiarbieie had otlicr qualificatioHsfor olli.'c in a unión pension bureau. He lias written a book in whlch Jttt' Davif appears as "our late beloveil chlef," mul Vir, uie Antlersun vine uuiciuri, n "more si nned against thall slninng." Wendill Phillips appears as that "dirty dog and faiüitic, the negro thief nd Blandeier of tlie souiheru people," Secietary StantOU as "that arcli military tiend df whom t is but fair to make a target," and Abraham Lincoln as "a politicul geajeenger who has brains, but so bai a l"ír-"


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