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Ammonin, or llarUhoru- lis Hanger in Bread. The original source of siif.ply nfnmraonia was camel's duntf. It is found in the refuse of men aiu) animáis, It is Ibis tliat produces the pungent and sickenln odors in unnals and neglected fU,ble8. It is a corrosive poison in its concentrated form. The efieot of tli ia drug geems to be cuimilative, and whcü taken into the Itomaeb in small doess reptatedly it is ensy to conceive that its aclion must be irritating to the coating of the stoniach, and to tliose f ar more sensitivemembranes that line the passage of the uriuary apparatus. Aminonla is laru;ely used In the manufacture of bakinj; powders, and probably more thau oiie-halt the cans of baking powder on every grocer's shelves contain it. Fortumitely the test is very simple for tliis matilia], which is in nu sense a food, and which should never be permitted to get into the gUanacb escept by the adviee of a competent physlcian. Whetiever a can of baking powder s purchared, no matter wliat the " brand niay be, the safety of the family req ni res that it shonld betested. Al! Unit 13 necessary to make the test is to place ilie eau, tupdmvii, on a hotstovefor i! iniuutt or tw, tlien take o ft' the cover nnd smell. If you et the pungent fumes ol auimonia, discard the liaking powder aml void the clieat jn lul ure. The lerni " bsoluttly pure'' liüg been irc-iiinieil ti usi's. It has no meanuig in the sense In which t is otten used, and is made to cover the vilest compotmds. - Hüll'g Journal of Health. We tliat cvery uoncumer shanlcl be iitfortoed of tne Bc" of tEere baring beten round, by the higliest aulhoritiesoiie brknd nt ulmg powdLi that is l'ree from auimonia, linie, aluin, orany disreputüblo drnjr taint, and that s Dr. Pric's Cream Baking Powder. A Wwndcrful Discovery. CoiiNuinptives and all, who suller fiom uiy altVclioii of the Th roa t and Ltmgs, ca lind a sure cure in Dr. King's New IUovery for Consumption. Thousanda of permanent cures verify the truth of tliis statement. Nu medicine can show ueh a record of wonilmtul cures. Thousnudg of once liopless tufferera now gratefully proelaim they owe theirlivesto thiNew Disovery. It wil] cost you notliiiig to give t a trial. F ree TrialBottles nt Eberbach A Son' drug stor. Large sisse, $1.00. "It is not always May,'' ngs a poet. You ure very right; it is sometlmeg must -and don't you forget it.- Burlington ree Press. M. L. Blair, Alderman 6th ward.Scranon, Pa., gtated Nov, 9, "83, he had used )r. Thomas' Eclectric Oil for sprains, urns, cuts and rheumatism. " Wliatdo youdohere tokeep tliis town lp f " asked a railroail passender of a resdent of Yuma in Arizonn, while the train va stopping for supper. " l)o ?"' was the eply, " let's fee - we had a fort here once - that jjnveour town a start; now we have lie territoria! peniteutlary liere, and that ncreases our population amazingly, eucli s it is.'1 The Volee of Tlie Teople. The people, as a whole, seldotn make ïake mistakes, iind the iinaninious voice f praise which comes from tliose who ave used Hood's Sarsnparil]a, fully jusIflee the claims of the proprietors of thls rent medicine. Indeed, these very clnims n biised entircly on what the people say lood's Sarsaparilla lias doue for tliem. lead the abundant evidence of itscuravc powers, and give it a fair, lionost rial. A. word In mindlsworth two in tliedlc;ionary.


Ann Arbor Courier
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