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MACKINAC. The Moit Dolightful SUMMER TOUR falsea Stumera. Low Ratea. JPour Tripi pep Week Bot'vcen DETROIT AND MACKINAC And Ivery Week Duy Between DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Write for our "Picturesque Mackinac," Illustrated. Oontaina PuU Partioular. Malled Fre. Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nav. Co. C. D. WHITCOMB, Gin PaS3. Agt. DETROIT. MICH. GILBERT BMSS. st -nl. RUPTURH! ,_ EGAN'S IMPERIAL TEVSS. gli !¦ Thli Dê. Tn hu ¦ ,...,! ;.„,.., .ml ,.„,„.. r im rRnsiirB ; yeldiUi ¦ hmhik ¦ thi hpmialwar WTom -iyai:. ntfkl ¦fe t'Tl. SoatonTrlal. Knc!e 8tuip !W Clr-juljir. l'-d In both UuivirMty II ] CGAM'S MPiftlAL TRUSS CO.. Box !28B, Ann Arbor. Mkh: Ofllce, llsuniltnn Kloek. Ann Aibor. A certiiin juiljr(? wrj i'i'priiu:iiKlli)ir au Rttorney for briiijrinji si' small .-uis Into court, and remarkef) tliat il Woulrï liave been inucli better tor ill li,nl he persuadid liis clients lo leav lluii causea t o the arbitration oí' two or Iliuihonest men. "Picase, font Imnor," retorted the Uwypr, " do Ao dhooée tó trouble lionc-l men willi tucm." Eberbach & Sou the Drogg8ts,whW ar.' nlwaya lookinz al ter the intcicsts of tin ir eutomprs, llave now secured the sale of Di1. BosimkO'S Cougli and Ln" Synip, a retnéOj tliHl liils tu cinc ('ilils. Puin in the Ohest and all Lun Affection. Porbroof try r fi-eo Mtnpie bottle. Regalar sic SO cents und $1 00. A man wbo wlth b.nv tV-i-l sti)ncl r,n a pile of earpet Dalla .-ail [n-y nnún.lccl Uiin of the tacóme luí. Bewark of FhauI)S. - liesiirc you p-ot theilenuine Pj; ïllOmtt' Kcktrir Oil. It cures Colds, Crouj), ïslluan, J )-a f: k-s and lSbeiimatisin. It is nnticed thnt men of smnll üftlibef are soinetimes great boreu. - Xew Vork Tribune. Yery Rumarkiiblo Dlscoyery. Mr. Geo. Y. WHJluij, of Mam-ln-tn, Mich., wi'ites: "Mywlfe bas been aliuo.-t helpluss for tive yeiirt, go helpless thal 8he coilkl DOt turn over in bed alono. Sbc used two Bottlet of Kli'dric Bltttrc, ai;d m so imicli improved. llial lie is ablo now !o do her own work." Electric Bitters will do ill tlnit is olaiined for them. Haodndl of testimoniáis attest their jrreat curative powers. Only fifty cents a botlle at Kljei baeh & Son'B. When is it that u lovHy youDg lady s like n hingc V Wlien sh'c ' is somethlug to a door (adore). Pure blood isabSolutely mecssiiry in order to enjoy porfect bealth. Hood's Sarsaparilla purities the blood and strenjrthens the system. Cure for Piles. The lirst symptom of l'iles is au intense itchlng afnlght aftergettmg warm. Thiè unplt'Hsant seniatlon is ImmeiTlattily i-elieved by aii application ot' Ur. linsanko's Pile Heinedy. Piles in all torms, luli. Salt Hlieuin and Hinguoiin can be perinaneiitly enrcil by thé use of llii grfiut remedy. Priee 50 cents. .Mannfacluii'il by the Dr. Iiofanko Medicine COinpaiiy, Piqua, O. Sold by Eberbach A: Son. iaoa-1253.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News