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1T WILI PAY YOU TO GO TO DETROIT AND HAVifi YOUR EXAMINED AND FITTED TTTTII SPECTACLES OR EYE GLASSES KOEHM &AWRIGHT'S, 1MPORTERS, JEVTELEIIÖ AND _ TIOIANS. 140 WOODWARD AVE. ¦ THEY MAKE NO CHARGE FOIiB TESTING E YES, AND SELDOM I FAIL TO GIVE RELIEF. ECZEMA! And Eren SpeqhM of Itehini and Burnin Discutes I'ositlvely Cu'rcd. ECZBMA, or Salt Rbeum, with its asonizine itch. iu! ind bnrninK. tn-umlv reliev.'J by a warm bfi with Cüticura Soap, and a tmMe applicittion or Oonomu.tbe reat iskin Cure. This repeated daily, with two or three doses of CimrURA Uk solvünt, the New Blood Puriller, to keep the hlood cool, the perspiration pure aud unirrititiiu. the bowelx open, the llver and kldncys active, will peedllj cnre Kami i, Tetter, Kiueworm, P-orinsis,, Prurita, Scilrt Heart. üandruff. and every -pecie8 of Itch nt', Scaly aud Piuiply llumors of tlie Scalp aud Hkm, whou the Deat phyaicianu aud all known remedies lail. 1V111 Tli'lluiiiiltl. 2542 Dearborn st., Chicago, eraufully acUnowledL'es a cure of Kcasmi or balt Rheum on liead, neck, face, arma and legs for seveuteen years ; nor ahle to walk ezcept ou bands and kneus lor one yeir ; nut able to help himreir for eiüht years; tried hundreds of remedie ; doctors pnnouuced hls case ; permaneutly maneotly cured cured by Cuticcka Kesolvent (blood purifier) tnteruaily, and CunciRA and Cuiicl'ra Soap t,the great skíu cures) externally. Charlea Houglitoii, i:j., lawrer, 28 state Streel. Boston, ie oris a case oí -alt Ftntnnï under hie observa' ion for len years, which cverel the patient's body anl limba. and to wlncn all known ¦ meibods of tremment had been apliei without tieiHtlt. which wns completely curt-d snlely by ihe Ci TK l'ra Kkmedies, leavli.g a clean andhealtby ttklu. Mr. John Tlii. 1, HlákabírM, l'.i-, writes : "I Imve. siiffored from Salt Ithcum ftr ovtr oiL'ht years, at times so bd that I could n' attend to my huine.88 TtT weeks at a lime. Three boxea of ¦ uticuha and four boules of K'ksolVimt have eutlrely cared uie of this dreadful diucas ." Sold by all drugisti. Prtce: CoTict:n. 50 0 s.; Resdlvent, tl; Soap, 25cts. Prepared by the Potter ükuo and Cheical Co., Boston, Mi'i. T3T7ATTTIPY the Complexión and Skin by JOJjAU UHiiii; the ('ITICUKA S.1A1-. "T1RED AND ACHIXG MUSCLES, crying shrouLih ooontleM nerve for rest and relief." tae-jn k manna to the rhi'dren of Israel jSUK 's the CUI'K'UKA I'l.AMTKK to the ¦T tired. overwoiked, achins; qiusc1'b. Do nnt deny yourself the comfort fe wTTA ""r(led by thls new, oriïi"al and JBSviír -p'et antidote to pain and infl'mmatiou. At druasrists, 2rctf.; flve.for $1.00. Mniled free. Potte Drug and CHEKIUAL ComPANY, Boston. Mas. SANLFORL'S RADICAL CURE FOK CATARRH, Wltch-Ilazel, American Plne, Canada Fir, iflariiiold, 'lover H.oom. A single dose of Sanlord' Itadlcal Pure lnstantly relieves Ihe must violent Sneezing or Head C.ild", cleare the hcad as bj magic, stops watery discharges from Ihe Nose and Byes, prevents Kiulng Nolses iu the head, cures Ne rvoua Headache, and subdues Chills and Feveni. In Chronic (. ataarh lt clcaoee the nasal pastages of foul rnucu, restores the senses of sraull, taste, and hearing when affectnd, frees tho head, thrnat, and bronchlal tubes of ntfeugitre matter, gweetens and purltles the breatb, stops the couh, and arreste the progreps of Ca arrh towards Consumptlon. One bottle Radical Cure, one box Catarrhal Solvf nt and Sanford's Inhaler, all in one packaKe, of all drugjristH für 11. Ask for Sanford's Radical Ccrk. Potter Krui and Chemical o., Itoston, aAI I ifw For Ibe relief and prevention VUUUI(V the Inntant lt i applled, ¦v VOLTAlo of Kheiimatlam, Neuraltrla, Sc ï- NvV, I Jy atfea. Coiigh, CoMs, Wi-afchark, VVliiríí%8toinacn, nd Boweln, Shnoiln "V JJ "v Pains.Numbness, Ilysteria, Fe-Tir.wYV" maIe Plni Palpitatii.n, Dyspep¦ ' !&)S sla, I.iver Complslnt, Blllious 3% Fever, Malaria and Bpldemice, e1f'ctrip nse CoïIIiih' Planters (nn 13, ' i i v Kleotrlc Itutc r.v comblned ASTER with a Porosa Piaster) and laugh at pain. 25c. everywhere. inNG'S EVIL Was the name formcrly given to Scrofula because of a superstition tbat it could be cured bf a klng' touch. The world Is -vvlaer now, and knows that SCROFULA can only be cured by a thorough purification of the blood. lt this is nc(flccted, the disease perpetúate its tatnt tnroiifh generation after geueration. Ainong lts earlier symptomatie dvelopmrnts ari Eczema, Cutaneout Kruptions, Tumors, Bolls, Carbuncles, Krysipelas, Purulent Ulcer9, Nervous anU l'hysical C'ollapse, otc. lt allowrd to continue, Kheumatism, Scrofiilou Cutiirrli, Kidney and Liver l)ise;isc-. Tubercular Consumption, ;ind ;uious other dangerous or laUl uialudics, are produced by it. Ayers Sarsapariüa Is the only powerful and ftlways reli'b'c hlood-puritying medicine. I' Wioeffi ual an altirative that it (radicales from the system Hereditary Scrofula, and the kindred poisons of contagious dJHesMfl and raercury. At the fume lime ft enrk-hes and vitalizes the blood. n-stoiinii healthful action to the ital urau unl rejuvenatiugiheentiru system. 'lhiagixut Regenerative Medicine Is composed of the conninc Bnn&urvt Snrsaparilla, with Yelluw D'":k. 'Ullingia, the Iodides of Pvta.slnm mul Irnn, and other inirroilUnts of ïcet i otency. earefully and wientitlcully ((tilpoutïded. Ita formula is genera lly known to the medical professlon, and Ihe bist ptiv-icians constantly prenurilic AYEu'a SAKhAi-Aiui.i.A ai an Absolute Ciire For all diseanes cau3ed hytha vitlMlon of the blood. It is concentratod to t!io Wghnrt practicable degree, far beyoml nny other preparation for which llke rfTcn are elaimed, and h Ihercforo tho cbcapcsl, ss well as the best bluod iuirfyiu' medicine, in the world. Ayer's Sarsapariüa, puKPAnnn by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. [Analytlcal C'hemlsts.] Sold by all Dra&iRts: Price $1; Six bottles for $5.


Ann Arbor Courier
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