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Anecdote Of Justice Harlan

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The other day in the circuit court room i nutnberof lawyers were (Jiscussing Gen. John M. Harían, now a judge of the Jnited States snpreme court. " Í was in hig ofñce n long time," said Mr. CbarlM Godshnw, trustee of the jury f und. " I was just beginning the practice f law then, and hnd not an office on my own account. I remember lie opened my eyes wheu he charged a blji lee for what hen soemed little work. Hewasengagcd n au Important snit lor one of' the big few York iusurance cornpanies, and had 0 prepare bis brief that night. "Heforgotit till about 8 o'clock tliat eveninst, when be cmue around and went 0 work witli a hurry, is the brief had to be finished before morning. At bis diection I got do-wna large number of law books and handed them to liim, as he wished to consult authorities. He had laidly well begun when the door opened, aud in walked the president of tlie comany for whoin he was preparing tlie suit. " 4I want to ask your advice about the wording of our pollcy,' he sak!. 'The general refused, saying he had no 1 me. " It will only take you a few minutes,' urgcd his cliënt, ' aud It is all imjortant that the matter reeeive immediate itteniion.' "As he was not to be put off, the genial nskcd tiim to state his poinl, but went on with his work. He uardly paused to leur tlie policy read, anil without looking ip trom a book, told him to change about our word, as well as I can remember. lis cliënt thanked htm and went out. "A few days later Gen. Harían told me 0 enter a charge on his books against the nsuranc ecoinpany of $5,000 for advice. lamiüg tin: day wlien the incident I have elated occurred. I could scarcely believe my ean, and pretended to misunderstand he amount. He repeated it, however, and I entered the charge ulmost dninb'ounded. 8ix inonthe later he directed me o senil the Insurance compüny the bill tbr lis services, including the $5,000 item tor idvice. I did so, and ld a few days tliere carne a check for tlie whole amount, ncompanied by a most couiplimentary leter Inmi the president, btating that the cliauge he uad suggested hád been of tlie grcatest value to them In their policles. " Bear in mind that when be was conulted he was preparing a brief in a case f Impprtance. Seemingly bis attention vas not distracted frora that work, aud I hink I had a ritrht to be astonished." -


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News