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Short adverllsements oot to exceed tlirco liiu's di i.iii :uiii Kouud, Houacs for Sale or Reut, Wauts, etc., lnserted three weeks fur ltS ceiitH. iSlluallons wanted. (ree. ALL. WAK CLAIMS promptly attended to. Many pensionen ure entiiled lo InoreaM aml can h've It by iniikiii" appllciulon to o.iver the oMe properJy. Nu fee unltea toocessful. Apply !¦ il. L. Matlhews, l'unslon Agent, Ann Artor, Mlch. ADCI'ION BALE- W11I sell the Stock of Farm implempiitg conslstlne of Plows, Cultivator, llamlmkes, etc , and the shop umi i arpcnler tool8 lately beloiiKtng toAuniii'i tlie Baohoi liluck ou Detroit siripi. In Ann Arbor, Filduy, August ülst, lMt!p. in. Diited August 17th, 1885. 1-t E. B. OIDLEY, Salesman . A GENTS WANTED-Tocanvassnorthern half of Washtenaw County, for Gen. Qrant'l Memolrs. Apply to Jas. K. Bncli, Ann Arbor. TTOll HALK- House, Biirn and out bulldJJ lUf wlth S Lola, clieap. Ur wilt sell the buildings willi ne lol. liulus Cale, No. ti Mayaara st., Anu Arbor, Mlch. ÏOK SAI.E- House and two acres of land two mll-s wi'st of Wlillmore Lake. For l.rtns lnqulre at premisea of Ernest Get. (ff C).00() to loan on best real estáte Becurlty, ípj and In ainounla of $000 or more. J Q,. a. St-HHlouB, Natio.ial liank Block, Anu Arbor, Mlch. PRUDDEN BROTHEIÍ.S, of Chelsea. wlll drive Vi to 2 Inch pipe wells complete wlth pump and warrant, il to glve satlsfacI ion on short notice. F OH HALK-A Farm of 94 acre cholee land, Une fruits, and nood building. Oood view of city, Hltuuted about two miles South of Unlverslty. For terms, enqulre at farm of Chipman Smlth. I?1OR SAI.E or Exchange for city properly, 10 Acre ol land uboutone mlle from the Court House. Address P. O. Box 1664. THE BARRY HOMESTEAD FOR SALE. The R J. BAKRY Ifomeêtead, on Fnvrth Street U now offered jor sale, wholc or in part, centrally tocaltti ; conrenlent to the Lfniversity, Public Schoolt, Market and the whole Vity. For Abstract o THc Ttrm and other {nformnüon, addnss C. A. Barry, Jackson, Mich., or J. Q. A. SesAWns, Anti Arbor. H1GHEST prlco pald for live Pimllry, at No. 11 Kiith Street, between Catharlue and Ano street. fOR SAI.E OR RENT- The R. J. Barry rfsltleiice 011 ïth HtrtM't is for sale on reasonuble terms.tlie Hulfoert residence on uorlh eastcorner of State and Norlb ÜDlyt-rilty avenue Is for rent. The Farrand residonce on North Bireet, near Calbollc church Is for gale or rent, also large bliek house on east slde of Thompson street near Jeffersou htreet, and kuowu as the Caldwell House Is for rt-nt. Apply to J. Q A. Sesslons, National Bank liim-li. Ann Arbor. T OANINQ-Money to loan on flrst-class XJ Real Kstalu Morlgage at Current ratee of Interest. Satlsfactory arraneements made wlili ¦ijiiiali.-ti deslring such lnveHtmenls. Kvery conveyance and transactlon In abstracts of tltles carefully examlned as to lenal effect. Z F. KING. Ann Arbor.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News