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A Pretty Woman's Secret. Fear of discovery, wlien ohe resorts to faloe liair and dyr's is a source of conítsnt anxiety to her. The very persona from wliom she most desires to hide the waning of her charms are the ones most likely to make the discovery. But there in no roason why she shou'd not regain and rrtain all the beauty of hair that was herpriili'in ymith. Lot her use Aykr's Hair VlGOR, and, not only will her halr cease to fall out, but a new growth will appear where the scalp ha been dcnuded ; and Jocks that are turning gray, or have actually grown white, will return to thelr prístino frrnhnpss and hrilliant'ft of color. AYER'S 11 ai it ViGOK cures Hercditary Baldnoss. George Mayer. Flatonia, 7"2M,was bald at 23 years of age, as bis anccstors had been for scvcral gcneration. Ona bottle of Hair Vigor start ed a growth of Boft, downy hair all over nis ealp, which ¦oon became thick, long, and vigorous. 'Ayer's Hair Vigor Is not a dye, but, by healthful stimulatlon of the roots and color glands, peedily restores to iis original color hair that is t Turning Cray. , Mrs. Catherixe Peamer, Point of Hoeks, Md., had her hair suddenly blanched by frlgbt, durlng the late civil Iwar. Ayer's Hair Vigor restored it to lts natural color, and made it softer, glossler, and more abundan t than it had been before. Scalp Dlseases Whlch cause dryness, brittlenf ss, and fallIng of the hair, dandruff, itching, and annoying sores, are all quickly cured by Ayer's Haik Vigor. ]t cured Herbert Boyi), Minneapolis, Ninn., of intolerable Itching of the Scalp; J. N. Cartxr, Ju., Occoquan, Va., of Scald Head; Mrs. D. V. S. Lovelace, Lovelaceville, Ky., of Tetter Sores; Mías Bessik H. Bedloe, Burlington, Vt., of Scalp Dlsease and Dandruff. Torpldity of the roots of the hair, whlch, if neglected, mar result in Incurable baldness, is ï-eadil'y cured by Ayer's IJaih Vigor. As A Toilet Luxury Ater's ITair ViGon has no equal. It Is colorless, cleanly, delightfuflr perfumed, and has the effect of making the hair soft, pliant, and glossy. ? Ayer's Hair Vigor, TRKPARKD BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Maas. Sold by all Druggists. THE ANN ARBOR SAYINGS BANK, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, Transacts General Banking Business. CAPITAL, $50,000. Oreanizfd nnder the Oeneral BaDklng Law of tbts Siati'. the itockholúora are lndivldnallr Hable or an ddltiunal muiiiit equtl to the slock held bj Öiem, therehjr creatin? t Uuarantee Funrt for the beneflt of Depositnrs of $100,00.00. Tkrea per cent. interest Is allowed on all Sarisirt Deuonlts of one dollar nd opwardr, ccordlnit to the rules of the Bank and Interest compouoded seml-annually Koney to Loan on nnlncumbercd real entate and other good aecurily. DIRECTORS : IHRISTIAN MACK, Wm. I). HARRI1IAN, W. W. WINKS. DANIEL ilISCOCK, WILLIAM DKUREL, WII.l.AKU B. SMITU. DAVID RINSEY. ÜFFICERS: C. MACK, Pre. W. W. WINKS, Vlce-Pre. C. K. BISCOCK.Caahler. THOSE WISHING 6000 FCJRNITURE CHEAP, CAN (JET BED ROOM SETS, CARPETS, BEDDING, CROCKERY, STOVES, ETC, At rare Murgiifns. The furnlture of tlie ST. JAMES, but recently now, H In-in? disponed of at private sale. Applj at THE rOURIER Office where the Goods are shown. ihfifï nflfl " given away. V 1 1 1 1 I Send u 6 cent poetafrfl, and OU I by mail you wllfget fret a LlUiUUu Pase of goode of larKe I u Ttlue, tbat wlll uUrt you In work that will at once brlnu you in mon-y futer than anything else In America. All ihout ihe $1)0,000 In prfPftita wllh each box. Agento wantrd rM-rywhere, of eliher ex, of all ago, fur all the time, or spare time ody, to woik 7or os at their own borne. Fortunen lor all worlcera abiolutely ssured. Don't delay. H. IUi.litt Sl CO., Por nd, Maine. ATlTlTrTl Send tlx cent for (Kutaee. U N I II and recelve free, a coally box il I V "' Sood wbich wlll help jou llllDlj.'o-;-on,yr,,b;h.:.yA.dn Alt, of elther eex, succeed from flrt hoar. Tbc broiid rond to fortune opens betore the workere, tpolutely care. At once address. Trui A Co., Augusta, Maine. MICHIGAN FEIYIALE SEMINARY. ki.n.t.iMi, uien. On Molmt Holyoke plan. Locatlon dellgh ful. lliiiinl aud Tultlou, Í175 per School yer. Plne Llbrary, Cablnet TeleMcope and Musical Instrument. Fall term begin 8ept. 9lh, 1885. For catalogues address Principal. WE WANT 1000 MORE BOOK AGENTS FOR TUE PERSONAL H1STORY OF TJ. S. GrFLANT Send for Sjyeeial Ttrm to Ajrntt, or ecure ïgency at once by HoudlDg ,Vj cis In stampa Tor i ml fit . Addi rss FUMMII I-.K Ar Hr1ltKI, Cliiclnnatl, O.H


Ann Arbor Courier
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