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The county chicken coop grows apace. A new stone sidewalk of the checker board variety, is being put down in front of Mann Bros. drug store. The Methodist and Epi-copal churches altérnate Sundavs in carrying on religious services at the county f.oor liouse. Burglars attempted to gain admission to the residenee of Mr. John Walker, In the 3d ward Friday night. Scared away. The rattle of the coal as it tumbles down a long shute Into the cellar is (iüte a refreslilng reflection these cool dog iays. At the African M. E. clnirch temperance meetings are being held regularly Sundays and much interest is manifested. D. Crainer is to erect a dwelling house on the lot to the rear of the Presbyterian church, on S. Division st., and has already commented business. A private hop was given it Beethoven hall Friday evenlog last, by Prof. Kempf Uld honor of thcir guest, Miss Degoner, o( East Saginaw. Owing to the inability of the manufacturéis to complete the necessary niaehinerv in time, the lihrary olook tower will not be completcd before Oct. lst. Southard is havlrg fixed up the large itore next East of the Farmer's & Mechanic's Bank on Huron St., where he will open a palace barhei' shop about Sept. lst. We understand tbat the contract bas been let for the construction of the "missing link " between South Lyon and OwoaM via Howell. Also tor 20 miles extensión northward from St. Louis to Mt. l'lraant. If a spriiikling cart could he invented that wouldn't leave the foot erossings of the streets covered with an inch or two of slusliy muil, the inventor would be entitled to the hearty thanks of pedestrains. It is rumored that John Ross has sworn off playing quoits. The reporter has not yet had time to trace the rumor to its fountnin head, or interview John on the subject, consquently we publish it simply as a rumor. In these scary burglar times, liow pro voking it is aftr the pater famiias bas locked and bolted all of his outside and inside doors some dozen times or leM, to lind in the morning that he omitted to turn the key in the front door. At the probate court yesterday it was a busy day. Atnong several cases of niportance hcard was that of the estate of Jas. il. Fellows, in which Randolph K. Fellows, the adniinistrator, was ordered to render bis final account by Oct lst. Gïo. F. Lodholz, bas preserved in alcohol a full-blooded tarántula which he found in a bunch of bananas shipped to him. He was a snucy looking insect and the only wonder is that no one was bitten by him in handling the fruit. Mr. Hamilton nforms us that the flow of water at the supply basin was mi-asured last Saturday, and it was found that the springs empüed into the basin 400,000 gallons daily. This is without the Allen spring. Wliich would indicate a sufficient supply. Ann Arbor and Ypslanti have been designated by the president as " special delivery offices,"" where, afier the lst of October next, messenger boys will deliver letters hearing a special ten cent stamp. This will be one step ahead in the post offlee service. Some of the ladies having in hand the decoration of the court house for the reception Thumlay evening of next week, would be greatly pleased to secure a few handsome model which would be approlriate tor the occasion, and would be pleased to secure busts or pictures ot scientists of note. The lidies will meet at the court house Thursday (to-morrow) afternoon to adopt lurther plans. An item is going the rounds of the press to the effect that Mr. .1. A. Brown, of this city, bas invented au automatic freight-car coupler that will "supply a long feit want." It is said to work like a charm, and removes the necessity of breakmen going between cars to couple or Onoouple them; also, can be operati'd from the top of a car as well as from any ollier place. The Ann Arbor Water Company has very getieroulsy decided to put in one and one-lialf miles more pipe, and tlius supply residents on N. Ingalls, . Thayer, 8. Thayer, JeffenoD, ThompMD, and William sts. This will he glad news to Hupse resldlngr opon theie streeU, forwlth the quality of water the company proposes furnii-hlng nearly every one will want to take it. Chas. A. Hendrick, of the lirm of Fall & Hendrick, quietly and tilently stole off to Milford yesti-rday, and had a ceremony performed that makes him a single man no longer. The bride is Miss Kingsley of that place. Notwithstanding that Charlie was so modest and quiet and lilent almut this affair, not letting the boys know anything about it, yet he will have not only the kind wishes of all of them, hut of a host of other friends balde. Il was Rip Van Winkle who said, "May you live long. and l happy," and we can thiiik of HO betterwish tlnui to repentina word-. An incendiary tire occarred at about 4% o'clock Saturday morning, by which a dwelling house owned by Mrs. Hogan and occupieü by Peter Lawrence, situated on the east end of E. Huron st., was parlially consutned. Tbose who entered the bulldiiiif after the flames had been extinguished, found that some one bad entered the house, hung blankeU up to the windows of thrce different rooms, taken the mattresses and lted Ololhinf from the heds, stacked them on the een ter of these rooms, saturated thtm with kerosene il, and sel them on fire. The l'ainily were away from home, Mr. Lawrence heing at work in Howell, and Mi-b. Lawrenee away visiting friends. It was a dastardly deed, ani: ought to be ferreted out and the guilty one or ones severely punished. A stray horseis in the possesion of City Marshal Fall awaiting an owner. The temperance meeting next Sunday aftcrnooii will be .-iddreesed bv Rev. Dr. Haskell. Prof. Estabrook, of Olivet College, !s ooadneting the teacher's nstltute at Ypsilanti. thls weck. Geo. A. Gilbert's " Spotted Beauty " trotted off wlth second moiicy at the Y psi. races last week. Gospel teniperance meetings are bcing held every Sunday evening, at tempérame hall, over A. L. Xoble's store, conducted by Hev. E. A. Spence. "If he ever does it again we wlll have him arrested, you bet."- Register. And if the case ever comes to tria] there will be souie testimony shurp as those stolen scissors. A bicycle touring party wlll pass thro this city next Tuesday forenoon. That' day they ride frwn Whitmore Lake to Adrián by way of Ann Arbor, Saline and Macon. Chauncey Orcutt, of Ann Arbor town, furnished the firm of Uinsey & Seabolt witb 141 bushels of raspberries. Besides thatnmount he slupped some 30 or 40 bushels to Detroit. Miss Lura Tozer, daughter of W. V. Tozer, of this city, bas been engaged as preceptress in the Dexter high school, in place of Miss Louise Taylor. Miss Tozer is a graduate of the University claas of '85. The Royall road to fame cannot be Iravelled on a bicycle, so thinks our friend O. D. If you should ask him bis reasons, he would quietly point you to the court piaster on his face, and say nothing. Dr. C. J. Hand, of Galveston, Texas, gradúate of the dental department, who has been practicing at his home for a time is in the city, and has concluded to locate here. Mrs. Hand is a daughter of Wm. Merrithew, of State st. Even the farmer Beern to have caught on to the prevalent custom, it Is to be indeed by the announcement of the astlgnment of Thos. ï, Leach, one of Sylvii n 's farmers, to John C. Taylor, of Chelsea. Liabilities and assests placed at about $1,200 each. Some of our citizens do not have sufficient faith in the capacity of the ¦pringa lo fiiniisli the water for o"ur waterworks. Some of ilieold inhabitants In the vicinity of the pringa say that their flow is mach smnller tlian it was years ago, and may vet disappear entirely. J. A. Bufs, formerly of this city, now of St. Lawrence, Dakota, was married recently to a young lady of that place. Mr Buss is H brother of Fred. W. Buss, with Muele & Schmid, and carries on a bakery and groeeiy business there. Ypsilanti Sentinel: '-The Coukier recommends Ann Arbor as a summer resort, and nnmes the Ypsilanti mineral baths as me of the attraetions. That is another nducement to build our horse railway between the two places. That is bound to oome. A very happy birtbday flinner was eiven at the residence of Geo. W. Cropy Laat Wedaeaday. After tlie feast of fat thin-s the occasion was enllvened by sweet mutlc and the laushtble renderincr of a Negro Christmas Festival, by Mlu Breiman. D. P. Clay, President of the Western Michigan Agricnltural and Industrial Society, sends us a complimentary ticket for he fair at Grand Rápida, wliioh opens Sept. 21, continuing five day. We return onrthanka, and would take pleasure In attending if we could. A new electric liglit company Is startïng In Jackson which charges for the incandeseent lamps one cent an hour for :en-candle lampa and one and one-quarrer cents for a sixtepii-candle lamp por iTinnth. In Ann Arbor the merchante eet the sixteel -eandle lamp fnr less tlian a cent an hour. It is ranch cheaper tlian gas. The public schools will not commence this year until the flrat Monday in September, the Vth. instead of the last Monday in August, as heretofore. This chance was decided upon lust year, :md becnuse of the coming meeting of the American Scienee Asociation will be a virv af-ceptable change for the teachers, many of wlmm will desire to nttend the sesslona of that meeting. A man rirting from Aun Arbor to Tpsllantl the night of Aug. 15, says he saw a ball of lire come down from the heavens, descend to the telephone yrlre, run along the same a few rods and then drop to the earth He says the wholp heavens were illumlnated by the sphere of flre, and when it feil to the earth there was a loud report like the tiring of a ¦mal] canon. It was a " shooting star " tambllng to the racket, probably, as the young man who ?aw thls visión was not alone. Saturday Thos. Walker, of the 5th ward, died at his home, aged 58 years and 8 months. Mr. Walker had lived in the city about 40 yean-, 20 of which he had kept a meat market in the lower town. He was a native of England. His funeral services were held in the Sth ward M. E. chapel, condneted by Uev. Mr Earp, of the Episcopal church, whose remarles upon the occagion were very appropriate, and satisfactory to the large audience gathered to pay their last respects to the deceased. Fred. Schairer got all mixed up Monday. That 12 pound boy was not a girl, that was one thing, probably; and then congratulations carne pouring in so fas' he couldn't keep up with thera. At any rate Fred became so frustrated that he attempted to go through a door ttiat wasn't open. Result : a hard thump - side of head black and blue - gosli ! that hints - árnica - a few more haimless cuss words- more árnica - all right now. " Minutes and History of the semi-centcnnial or Fiftieth anniversary of the B.ipiist Association, held with the First Baptist Church In Ypsilanti, May C and 7, 1885," is the title of a 64 page pamphlet just Issued from thls office. Aslde from the proceedlngl of the meeting there is a history of the church in this county and district from the beginning up to date, with a list of all the ministers who have served as pastors at any of the stations in the district. It will be of much interest, the many Baptists residing in the county. They must have remarkably charming girls at Plymouth. An old bachelor of Jackson sumnering at Wtiitmore Lake, met oue of them a few days since. Cupid immediately shot an arrow clean through his heart. The young lady's heart seemed minutely pulverized by the glances of the not youthful Apollo. It was the old, old story of Inve at flrst sight. He loved. She udoreil. They met. The aflection increased. He pnpoaed, She was friendly disposed. Three days elapsed. A minister was sought. The words "love, honor and obey" were pronounced and assented to. Two were were made one. In other words : "Two 8uls wlth but a single LlmiiUt, Two heiirts ttiat bent au oue." Oh, dear! The Detroit Evenlng Journal had this paragraph last evening: "Alderman Blggt, of Ann Arbor, looked upon the Bohcmian oats last spring and waa gnared. He paid $200 for 20 bushels of seed, and contracted to sell the yield to the ugents at f7.50 per bushel. Alderman Uiggs then leased 10 acres of ground, sowed the seed and dreamed of fortunes awaiting him. If Alderman Bigg9 harvests 10 bushels of Bohemian oats from bis 10 acres of p round he will be agrceably dislippointed." Of course it is too lat to lock the barn door after the horse has enten the oats all up. Friend Blgjrs should have read (with faith) the handwriting in the columns of his local paper before seed time last spring.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News