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A. A. A. S.

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Considerable progresa is being made in the prelimlnary work for tlie citizens' reception to be tendered the coming meeting of the American Association for tho Advanccmcnt of Science, at tho court house on the evening of Thursday, the 27th. Frequent meetings are being held by the reception committec and sub-commlttecs and the work has been pretty thoroughly planned and parceled out. The question of the most Impórtenos that came up for settlement was the method of giving out invitationa which was finally left to the executivc committee, aud upon tlieir recommendation the following plan was adopted : First, are the inembers of the association and invltcd guests; members of the general and all local commitlccs; subscribers to the fund ; members of the city councouncil; county offleers, including the board of supervisors; inembers of the school board and teachers in the public schools; members of the universlty facultas; city clergy; members of the city press. Other citizens who would assist in euterlainlug the inembers of the association who upon that evening are the city's guests. can obtain tickets of a committee consieting of President Jas. B. Angelí, Judgo Cooley and Judge Ilarriman. In relation to admissions to the reception, etc., a system of badges bas been devised which halbeen adopted, and is described as follows : BADOES. The system of badges adopted for the meeting of the Sclentific Association will make ït easy for members to be dentified, and will promote the formation of acquaintances among themselves and with the local committee. The memters as they arnye and register will be provided with badges of red ribbon, each badge carryinga numbercorresponding with the numbering to be set againstthe member's name in the printed list of members in attendance. Badges of light blue ribbon have also been provided for the general citizens' committee and the ladies reception committees. These badges are numbered, to eorrespond with the number to be set against the name when printed in the program of the first day's session. Members can get their badges on and after Wednesday morning, August 26, at the oftice of he local committee, room B, University Hall, and they are requested to wear thein whenever they aro present at the meetngs, or are engaged in any work coniected with the business of the association. The members of the Botanical Club will be provided with blue badges, and it s probable that other badges of some distinctive color will be provided for reorters. P. Long lg to open another saloon in the 5th ward, soon. Judue Page has gold hls house cor. 12th and N. Univ. Aye , to Jennie MeNames, for $4,000. Hillsdale has decided to put in water works herself, and will obtain the supply Vom the famous Baw Becse luke. The dweiling 46 E. Catherine st., occuDied by M. O. Graves and mother, has jeen repainted and iinproved very much ately. S. A. Moran tells us that lie has been obliged to start a second cluss in Shortïand, 80 great is the demand for this soit of instruction. A telephone is benig placed in the School of Music building for use dtirlng the meeting of the American Association "or the Adranceinent of Science. There were four new candidates initiated in the G. A. II. last Friday evening, imong whom were Sheriff Walsh and Proseeuting Attorney Norris. Millie Cox of Lower Town and Thos. Keedle of Ann Arbor town, have each íot a pension of $8.U0 per montli through Pension Agt. Matthews of thLs city. The house of John Boylan, on Fifth street, corner E. Catharine Street, is havní a new stoop and front built upon it, iidding very much to its appearance. Those who have noted the signáis of the wealher bureau raised over the telephone office every morning, are surorised ut the general correctness of the predictions. It is a positive fact that the most complicated puzzles sold by our bookstore men are oolhing compared to the puzzled pates of "ye locáis" each week as they seelc to interest their weekly audiences, these dull times. On account of his voice, Kev. Geo. H. Grannis, of the Ypsilanti Congregational church has resigncd, and will sever hig connection with the society, Sept. 6. He expects to take a post gradúate course at Andoyer Theologlcal Seminary. The contract for building the pumphouse and boiler house for the Ann Arbor Water Co., was let last Monday, Wm. Biggs being the lucky man, at $4,790.75. The bid of Lucas & Tessmer was $4, 792.00, and Walker Bros. $5,090.00. Pretty close figures for so large a job. The building is to be ready for business Oct lst. Sunday afternoon while driving in the funeral procession of Thos. Walker, of the 5th ward, and when ascending the hlll on State st., near the old Hooper brewery, the horse of J. II. Nickles became restless at the slow pace, and in attemptlng to turn out backed down into thegutter, breakiug the thills, but fortunately not injuring any one. According to the state erop report apples promise about one-half ui average erop the state over. If other sections are to bejudgedby Washtenaw, tliis estímate la too high by half. Other frults, such as pears, plums, quinces, etc., are almost a failure, while the man who tastes a peach grown withln the limitó of tliis county Lhis year, will be a lucky one indeed. Mr. Keilh, referred to in the following Item from the Jackson Evening Courier, Aug. 12, has mauy friends and relativos in this city, all of whom rejoice over the fortúnate outeorae of the accident: " Bert Keith feil from the running board of his engine while in the act of oiling up, near NewBuftalo, Sunday night. Theengineer didn't miss him for a few minutes, and when the train was stoppcd and backed up the injured man was found unconscious; but a physician was sutmuoncd, who sewed up the several cuts, and he was brought to his home in this city, and is now getting along nicely. Considcriiiir the speed they were going'at the time, it is strange that he was not killed outrigh). Mr. Keith lives at 217 Kim avenue.


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