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TEST YOÜR BAKING POWDER TO-DAY! Pmi I tMibsoluU-Iy puro CONTAIN AMMOWIATHE TEST: Placa n can tftp down un a oi rtove untll hetd, iinn i. u '..i nuil v hatniat Mili noi be rv)uin-l to i' t'i-t 1 1 imiiioiiia. . EECT MAJ) DOES NOT (OMAÏ AMMOMA. ,TS HíüllllllMsi HAS NEVER BKK. giKsridNRn. ín a milMon hoifMl f'r n íjiini-fer of a century lt has úoud Uta cotnmnurt1 rIlabl tact, THE TEST OFTHE OVEM. PEICE BAÜING I'OWDERCO., Cr. PricG'ü Special F!a?oriiig Extraéis, '1 lm si ri'iiit .-.!, ruit i'i'lc li.upi i ini nnttirii I fluior kitiwn,nd Dr. Prtce's Lupulin Yeast Gims l.i; t I'rv 11 i) FOR fA'_5 BY CROCERS. .CACO. - ST. LOUISKL SPECIAL ¦ txnucT Hextracts MOST PERFECT MADE Ponst and stronrat Xatnnl Frait Flavort. vanllla, Lemoo, Qrange, Abnond, Rose, etc., lUnoras delitíatelyandiiaturaüy istheírult. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., CHICAGO. SI. LOUIS. t " - - - ï-- -- ---j . . ¦ ' - Invalids HoteliSurgical Institute BUFFALO, TOreanizod wllh a full Slair or eiehteen Experienced and Skillful Physlcians and suriicons for Ihe irratmcut of all iiiouii' ottmuet. OUR FIELD OF SUCCESS. Cbronic Nanal Catarrh, Tliroal and JiniK DlMSsea, l.iver and Kidnry Biiaos Kladder Uiveasra, Iisenes of .urn 11, m. ....i DiKcascs and Nervous AffeiiuiiK, oured here or at home, witnor witliuut simir tbe patiënt. Come and sco us, or sond ten cruis in stampa li.i our "Invalida' Guido Book," wlüch g-ivcs all purticulars. ¦ Vervoiislcbility, ïinpoI finmiTr I "'", Nocturnal Loaseis I UtUUfilE land all ('oud il in In.... I eaused ,y Youtliful tol. J SFISES I li'K lll" IrnHious Sioli"'" I ary ira lii s air gpeedll; 7ma and perman eritly cured by our Specialists. Book, post-paid, lü ets. in stuinps. - Bniktnpo, ¦¦ l(. .,..!., mm Til ¦ n I rally cured wlthoul the knife, I HUPTU I "löwnt trnsses. without pain, imi im.. d witiK)Ut dange,.. Curen ¦"¦¦ iiiaranteed. Book sent for ten conts in stampa, I'Il.i: II 1KIIIS and STItICTX'RES treatod undcr giiarantcc to ure. Book sent forton cents in stanijx. AddreH W'ohlii's Dispknsahy UsDICJuL AssotiATiox, 663 Main ístnct, HiHTal.., N. V. f_i_____ The trrattnrnt of mnny niPCÍOCO nc t'.'"snnds "I rasos of thuse UlStiStS ÜF dieeus, s peculiar to Unuru 7O3Vt3ar at the Invalids' Hotel and ""- Buiglca] Instltute, haa aiforded large experlence iu udupting reuiudic-s for tueir cure, and DH PIERCE'S Favorite Prescription is the rcsult of this vast experienee. It is a powerful Heslornti vo Tonic and Nerviuc, ImpartSTisor and Btrength to the systein, and euns. us ii bï maaic rorrhoa, or "whiten," ovcrwiw IIOW illf, paillflll 11K-I1MI IIMlMlll, UU. natural ¦oppresaloua, prolapaui or lalliuu of tlie uterus, wcak tak, anteversioii, retro ir-ion. bearinicdowu aensatloiM, chroiilc cousesI ion, iuflum mal m and uUeration of the ivomb, i n i lam mal ion, pain and teiidcrncss in ovarles, iiilcrual heat, and "fenialu urukiirss,'' It promptly relieves and cursi Nausea and Weakiics of Stomaeh, Indlceatlon, ¦Cliiaiiiiu. NervouN ProKtratloii, aud Mo'plcssiii's-. in liilier ex. DPIPC C I Ril R 6 rnlLt 3l. UU, n $3.00. Send ton oents In ptnmps for T)r. Pieroo's larno Trcatise on Diseases of Woiueu, illustrated. World's Dispensary Medical Association, 683 Main Street, BUPFALO. N. Y. êSICK-HEADACHE, Billons Headaehc, Dizzincss, ConHtipation. Indigestión, . and BilioiiN Attackw, prompt!) eured by Dr. rienp's PUmant l'nrealiii' Pellet. L'.T cents ii vial, by DrugKists. Irrasclble old party: "Conductor, win rlidn't you wake ra up [when i arked you Í lam a mi Ie bevond my ' atntion." Conductor; "I (lid iry. .- 1 1 1 1 al! Icould ge. t out of yon was: "All rigbt, Maria. Get the cliildrcn thelr breakraat, and l'll be down in :i minute.' " A Walking Skeleton. Mr. E. 8pringer, ot Mïchanlcsbur?, Pa., .-itcs: "I whs allliultil willi lniiji 1 1 -. er and on Ituig, iind rediiced to n walking SktUton. Qot a free trial bottle of Dr. Khijr's New Dcvry for Con suinption, ln'cli dld meso inuch good tli.-it I boneht h dolhir bottle. After u-inj; tlirfu bottlee, found myself once more :i man, cbmpletely restored to health, witli a Ik-iiiv appetite. and b iíhíii in flesh óf 48 I bs. "'" Cali al Eberbacli ê Son's dig ftore and fet h free trial bottle ol thiscertaln cure for .ill ]ung DUeases. Lurge boules SI 00. Slic was a gw'eetJy Inexperlenced young bouMkeeper, as one m.iy gatlier from renutrk when som e one sujrgcsted tliat the ihould purch8e spring mattresst -. " Vr, " s;iid, "If they are in kasoii, we'd better bare Bome." Free Dlstiibution. ' Wint causes the greal rush al Eberbacli & Sou's drug store?" The free átetri buiion of aumple bottles of Dr. Bosatiko'sCough and LuneSyrup, themosl popular remedy for Cougb?, Colds, Coneumpliim, anil Bionchltls, huw od the marker. Regular slze 50 cents and $1.00. A holselesa vlolin baa been Inventad. .N'ow ben 8ome one discovers a noiseless opera singer Uie weary soul i the public will flnd rest 'Alij Islt 'l'lüit tin1 eale of flxi's SarsaparlJIn con tiniu's ni micIi a i-,.)i(]y ncreasilig i'atoí It 8, lst: Because of tbe poeinvi carative valuéol Hood'a 8 ireap Olla iin-ll. 2il: Becauseol tbc cóiitlpaie evidencc of rabarkable curec fffected by It, anrurpo saetí i ín i -t Mom rj 1 1 ,-. i f. hv other medlelne. v. :,d to ( '. I Hnod A I Loweli, .Ma-.-., íor book containins naany statciiicnis oí carea.


Ann Arbor Courier
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