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Tuk President on the lflth lssued a proelamation onlerinu ths immediate remova of all uulawful inclosuresof tUo paldia doniain, as require 1 by the act oí Fobruary 28, 1885, It was dincoverort on the llth that Coun ty Treasurcr William Geilker, of Columbus, Bartliolomew County, Ind., was a defaulter in the sum of L12,000. BXPOBTS of merchandise frora New York durinj; the seven days euded on the llth were valued at $5,448,381. Threk dead bodies werj on the llth taken from the ruius of the biuue.l oat tucal mili at Leavenworth, Kan. Two BROTHERS nann'il Pond were attaoked the other evefiing and killed by an infuriated buil, which they were leading: to their farm near St. Paul, Minn. A .NUMBERof miners were suffocated by gas on the llth in a colliery at Macanaqna, l'a., the disaster being oaused by Mii breaking of tue.engiue which suppliud the mine with air. At a late houriu the evening si'vonteen dead bodies had bwn dleovered. Tuk Ueneral Land Ofllce at Wasliingtou had on the llth specifle kuowledge of tho illejjal inclosure of nearly 700,090 acresol the public domain, and estimated that not less than ten million acres in addition were illegally inclosed. Kansas City was visited on the llth hy a heary storm, which tlooded uiany cellars and caosed the collapse of two brick buildings. A tornado in Hanco k . County, Ohio, inllicted serions damage upon crops, and destroyed a largo amount of property. The two daughters and a son of a planter uameil Vanderraere, living near Dallas, Tex., were burued to death on the llth liy the explosión of a can of kerosene which they were usiug to start a tiro. The Secretary of the Illinois MillerS' Associiition, who bas made a tour of Missouri and Knnsa, stated on the llth that the quantity of wheat iu those Statos was smaller and the quality poorer tliau reported. The Couch Oklahoma colony at Caldwcll. Km., IM disbiirsing on the llth, Captain Couch interpreting the present action of the Administration as the iuauguration of a movement which will lead to the opening of Uklahoma iu the near future. Mits. AjINTJC Coruy, of Lowell, Mass., atteui]ted to light her flre with kerosene on the llth while holding her six-montbs-old baby in her anus. The can exploded, and both mother and child were fatally burned. A heavy bank cavod in on the llth at the (Jovernmeut works on the canal at Louisville, Ky., by which three men were fatally injured. üxn man was killed and four others were fatally injured on the 12th by the explosión of two boilers at a colliery at Sbcnandoah, Pa. The population of Massachusetts, based on returus received for the census of 1835, is iflttfifX), a gain of 160,000 sinee IKSf). A fikk on the 12th in the yards of the Sturtevant Lumber Company at Cleveland, O., destroyed property valued at $100,000. A tree feil on three men named Lowery, Johnson aud Morgan, in Wayne ( iiity, Mo., a few days ago and killed them all. It was annonnced on the l'.'th that no extensión would be granted by the President of the forty days allowed cattlemen to get out of the Cheyenne aud Arapahoe reservatious, except to such as maJe an effort to comply with the terms of his order iu good faith. A terrific cycloiie viaited the village of Norwood, St. Lawrence Couuty, New York, on the afternoon of the 12th, killing eight ]ersons, injuring many others, and deitroylng a vast amount of property. Tuk (iceiiivooil Iron Works, at Newborg, N. Y., shut down on the 12th, owing to flnanrial einliarrassineiits. The liabiliUm wtre stated to be about $200,000. i. a conision witn riotnus strikers on the 12th at Bay City, Mich., Sheriff Brennan was wounded in the head. Nine of the mob were arrested. It was said on the 12th thát the defense of Maxwell, the alleged killer of C. Arthur Prelier, at St. Louis, would be that no murder was committed, and that the body found iu thu truuk was a subject obtained from a medical college. Ninkty young ladies from various cities in the country and E.iropetook the veil on th lL'th attheMallinckrodt Convent, near W il kes barre, . The "imniediate-delivery" system, authorizcd by the last Congress, will be put into operation October 1 at offices iu all cities and towns haviag a population of four thou ;aud or over, as shown by the last Federal census. The mystery attached to the recent mur der of A. L. Herrick, a proiu nent mer chant of Brooklyn, N. Y., was oleared u; on the 12th by the confession of Thomas J Armstrong, bis stepson, tbat he did th sbooting, claiming to have acted in self The family of Daniel Abagh, Jr., nea New Pbiladelphia, O., were poisoued oa tbe 12th by eating toad-stools. One boy died and four other persons were In a crit ical condition. Advices of the 12th say that the reeen atorm near Tiffin, O., cut a swath forty rods wide, leveling trees, fences and grain to the ground. Several barns in Seneoa County were struck by lightning, horse killed and grain and barns burned. Wheat in Minnesota, north of St. Pau! was on the 13th reported to be daraaged by blight and insects, and south of St. Pau by hot weather and storms. Con in the same territory was doing well. David Huntox, who shot and killed Samuel Smiley, bis cousin, in the Chicka saw nation, was captured on the 10th an slnin by friends of his victim. John Oate, a farmer, aged seventy years, living near Missouni City, Mo., was, found early on the morning of the 13th murdered in his bed, his hands and fee bound. HOP Kke & Co., the largest Chinese wholesala manufacturers of boots am shoes in Han Francisco, failed on the l".ü for $110,000. Erie has been selected as the location for the Pennsylvania Soldiers' and Sailors' Home, tho Marine Hospital property in that city to be converted to the pui pose. The Safety Deposit Bank at San José, Cal., was robbed on the 13th of a tray containing $10,000 in gold by a man who entered to obtain a bilí of exchange for a small amount. A.n unsuccessful attempt was made on the 13th to blow up the court-house at Columbus, Kan., with dynamite. The annual report of the Sub-Treasnrer at New York shows that the total receipts during the last fiscal year were $6.'if,9.-l,51, and the total disbursemeuts $5M),(iöl,847. A CLOUD-BüRST on the 13th at Glenville, Schenectady Cuunty, N. Y., destroyed crops and fences and waslied away 120 feot oí the New York Central Kailroad. Three men were killed oq the 13th by a land-slide on the Cayuga & Lake áhore Road, near Ithaca, N. Y. It was believed on the J.ith'by internat revenue officials at Washington that au extensiva systera of whisky frauda by nieans of bogus barrels was in operation at numerous distilleries throughout tli country, and experienced revenue agents were making careful investigations. James Horack Jonbs was hanged oa the 13th in the jail aj; Troy, N. Y., for the murder of nis wife in 1884 Secretary Whitnkt on the 13th ordered the Swatara and the Yantio to go to New Orleans and bring to Washington the surplus silver dollars of the New Orloans Miut - about $10,000,000. A KiiiE in Jarsey City tonemnt-houss on the l.'ïth rendered seventy-five families homeless and destroyed $0,000 wortll of property. ÍT was announced on the 13th that the recent storm which visited St. Lawreuce and other counties in New York was the most dest uctive on record in that section, i although the loss of life was ouly two ' stead of eiaht as at flrt reDorted. Theiik as a sligíit frost at Des Moines, Ia., early on the morning oí tb o HtU. Ik a fight between cowboys and I'iegan Iii'lunis iu Montana a fewdays ago, twenty Piogans were killed and teventy-flve stolen horses recovered. i Hk.nry Frkese (colored) was hangedon the Mth for murder at Catlettsburg, Ky., dying with the declaration that ha was Ruing to glory. At Laredo, Tex., two Mexieau murderers were executed. A SCHEDUI.E made public on the 1 t!h of the isicts and liabilities of John Roach Bliows the liabilities to be $2,222,877.81 and the actual assotB to be {4,49,478.38, a surplus of over $2,000,000. It wns reported on the Hth that the oorncrop in Central Illinois would be oue of the largest over known, many fields averaging seventy-fl ve bushels to the acre. SlX tonsof bad fruit and 2,0(10 poiind of decaycd fish were seized in Now York on the Hth and dumpod from the offal doek. Special telegrama of the Hth to linnlilreet's from leading business centers report a continuance of the improvemeat recently uoted in staple dry goods, wool, and boots and shoes. This was more sp. -i'ially noted in the East at the large clties. In the South the situatiou wasalso improving, the cotton prospecta being bright. A kerosene lamp was upset on the Hth at the residence of Mr. Dunham, near WJiMIDg W. Va., setting the house on fire. One of the chíldren, a girl of ten years, was burued to doath, and Mr. Dunhaiu, bis wife and three otber children were fatally burned. Hiuam Fkantz, a noted d?sperado, was shot and killed by au officar noar Middleton, Pa., on the Hth, while resistiug arrest for robbery. A cloud-burst on the Hth near Reading, Pa., did groatdamage to property. A GENUINE and fatal case of Asiatic cholera was on the Hth believed to have occurred at (.'aniden, N. J., tlie victim being Murgaiet Kealey, who came from Ireland a tw daj's ago. l.iKUTBNANT Howk, U. B. A., and the detail of Fouith United States Artilleryiiu-ii, who had been doing guard duty at the Grant cottage, Mount MacGregor, for several weeks, received orders on the Hth to return to Fort Warren, Boston. Thk body of a colored man was fouud on the Hth in a New York teuement, where it had lain seven days becauso of ttae widow's inability to raise money for burial expenses. Destructive storms prevalled on the Hth on Long Island, iu New Hampshire, Pennsylvania and other Eastern States. The losses to the New York Central Railroad from the recent wash-outs would exceed $100,000. "Buck" Andirson, a Cherokee desperado, was shot and killed the other day near Fort Smith, Ark., by a üeputy United States Marshal, while resisting arrest for smuggling whisky iuto Indian Territory. There wre 177 business failuros In the United States and Canada durin.' tha seven days ended on th Hth, against 211 the previous seven days. The distribution was as follows: Middle States, !8; New Enjjlaud States, 24; Western, tó; Southern, 27; Pacific Statos and Territorios, 20; Canada, 17. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. St. Loüis proposes to erect a monument to General (irant, and a committee has been appointed to solic.t tho neces3ary tanda. Hon. Robert Mallory, inember of Congrcss from Kentncky during the war, died at nis farm near La Grange on the l'Jth. The auti-Monopolists of New York will meet at Albany, September 8, to nomiaten a State ticket. James W. Marshall, the original discoverer of gold in California in 1849, died on the llth inpoverty at hishome in Coloma, Cal. His age was seventy-four years. Mus. Helen Hunt Jackson, widely known as an authoress, and appointed by President Artuur as special Indlan Commissioner, died at San Francisco on the lÜth, from cáncer in tho stomach. Wll.l.lAM A. Povd, tbo woll-kuuvvu muslc publisher, died at his residence in New York on the 12tli. A pktition asking Secretary Bayard to use his good offices in behalf of Louis Riel, on the ground that hé is an American citizeu, was in circulation in Massachusetts on the 12th. The Pennsylvania Greenbackers met at Erie on the 12th and nominated Dr. Whitney, of Warren Connty, for Treasurer of State. Resolu,tions were adopted indorging the National platform of 1884; denouncing tbe hoarding of money iu the United States Treasury, and favoring the issue of full legal-tender money in place of National bank notes. Henry M. Oliver, the composer of the oíd and familiar psalm tune "Federal Street," died at his home in Salem, Mass., on the 12th. General Butler and ex-Seeretary Robeson hare purchased au extwisire cattle ranch in New Mexico. C. P. Judd, recently appointed by the President special agnt of the National Labor Bureau for Nevada aud the Territorles, was airested on the 12th for 1 orsestealing and coufessed his guilt. The appointment of C. P. Judd, the special agent of the National Labot Bureau, who was recently arrested in Colorado for horse-stealing, was revoke 1 on the 14th. The Massachusetts Prohibitionists will meet in State Couvention at Worcester September 10 to nomínate a State ticket. . FOREIGN. A train on the Grana Trunk struck an express wagon containing tteorge Walah and James Miller at Klue Bonnets, Canada, the other evening, demolishing the wagon and killing both men. Great mortality was reported on the llth among the Russians on the Afghan frontier from cholera and dysentery. Seven Cuban bandits were recently executed at Matanzas. Further advices on the llth coufirmed the recent report that over ten thousand Christians had been massacred by the Black Flagsof Tonquiu, in the urovinces of Biendile and Phyen. Murders and incendiary fires were of daily occurrence. Great mortality was reported on the 12th among the English troops at Suakim. Korkofan, where a famine prevailed, was in a state of anarchy. Natural gas was atruek on the 12th at Port Coiborne, Ont., in sufflcient quautity to light up the town. The local Board of Health of Montreal on the 13th declared sniall-pox epidemie in that city. Laroe numbers of Afghan troops were on the 13th said to be massing in the yicinity of Herat. Thk reported occupation on the 13th by Qermany of the Caroline Islands, which are claimed by Spain, producid considerable excitementat Madrid. The volcano of Cotopaxi vu in a state of eruption on the 13th, one hundred houses having been destroyed by the lava. Paris advices of the 13th say that the reports of the massacre in Aiiarn were greatly exaggerated. Instead of tea thousand, it is now stated that only a few bundred Christians were killed. Two hundred Indians were on the 13th said to be on the war-path between BwUt Current and Battleford, Northwest Terr tory. Lord Randolph Churchh,i. made a speech on the 13th in which he set nis critics at deflance, predicted a Tory victory in the approaching electiou, aad declared that the Conservatives aitned to giv jeace to Ireland and security to India. Ejoht persons were drowned on the 14th at Koyan, trance, by the upsetting of an excursión boat. Advícks were received on the 14th at -isbou annomiciug the death in West A Mm of King Hiulla, and stating that the nativei, Mtributing bis death to the witchcraft of the white, massacrsd twenty EuropeaHs, iucluding three French misionaries. Incomi'LETE returns on the Utli showed ,9:." now cases of chorra ia Hpain and 1,389 deaths. Iu Granada the diseuse was increasing at a terrible rate. Advicks receivedt Washinj{ton_on the 1 I i 4 ( U from Captain Tïealy,conmiannmg un ' revenue-cutter Corwin in the Northern Pacific, give dotailsof the loas in the ice of the barks Napoleon and Gazellp. Two boats from the barks werft lost and eighti een persons perished, and four men wera I lio.en to deatb in other boatj. Rjtv. Mr. White, the Chaplaiu of the 1 KtKïlisu Churoh of All Saints, ooiiducted a servicn at Baden on the ltih ia memory of Creheral (rant. The church 1 was decorated with wreaths of iiiunortelles. Many Americans were present. Parliament was prorogued on. the 14th, , the Queen's speech boiug read by the Lord High Chancellor. One-Aruow, au ,'Iudian chief, au associate of Riel, was convicted at Regina on the 14th of treason-felony. LATER NEWS. Ths düftth of llorftaret Keeley, whlch j occuned recently at Kirkwood, Pa., was I on tlie lúth attributed by a Coroner's jury to cholera morbus, and not to Asiatie cholera, as at first suspectd. Considerable excitement prevailed on the 15th at Ishpeming, Midi., over the alleged discovery of a rich gold-quartz vein. At Montreal there were forty cases of mall-pox iu the hospital ou the lGth. Over one hundred houses were placarded throughout the city. Court Ahlkrs, Charles and Mark Rich and Jacob Mezler were drowned near Pittsburgh on the löth by the eapsizing of a boat. At Greenwich, Conn., Jasper W. Umborfield, aged seventeen, shot his cousin, Jo ham Carpeuter, aged uineteeu, ou the Kith, and ihen committed suicide. Ann Hooan, a colored woman reported to be 120 years old, died noar Vicksburgh, Miss., on the lBth. A dispatch of the 16th from Cairo states that a civil war had brokeu out at Khartotrtnr, mul that the Slehdi's successor and othor offlcials had boen killed. Throughout Spain on the 18th there were Ü.TWi new cases of cholera and 1,728 di-ntus. The total number of deaths to date was stated at 57,000. Sixty-four deaths from cholera occurred iu Mai seilles, France. At Graham, Ga., the house of Simon Ashley (colored) was burned on the l.jtb, aud the dead bodies of his four childreu fouad iu the ruins. It was thought they were murdered, aud the buildiug fired to evidence of the crime. Thk Roman Catholic Church in Unionville, Conn., was burned on the 13th, iuTolving a loss of .f250,000. The American Consul at Constantinople on the 15th made a vigorous protest to the Porte against the expulsión of Americani from Jerusalem ou the ground that they are Jews. The prevailing epidemie at Porter, lnd., was on the l(ith attributed by a physician, who had made a thorough investigaron, to the use of jdecaying meat, cheese and sa usage. Walter Lenox Maxwell, the supposed murderer of Preller at the Southern Hotel in St. Louis, arrived in the latter city on the lcith in charge of Detective Tracey. Ilis trial will take place in üctober. Continued drouth in England was on the lüth seriously damaging crops. Thk exchangos at twenty-six leading clearing-houses in the United States durIng the week ended on the 15th aggregated $724,424,808, against $717,753,908 the previous wcok. As coinpared with the correspoii.liii.r prnod of 1S84, the iucreae amounts to 8.1 per cent.


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