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No "Hcrmoinc," says tbe Bfeácon, a i ''eotillion dinnerdoes not mean t tie gdet i Hüould follow the leader, over tir onder i tlie table, indulge n a ruay) tliat miglit . smash the chairí, It simply means tlial í your partner slmnld t.ike yoi imt beíween the acts - beíf pardon, of eourse - and waltz in the hall, t lien yon return with renewed appetite to eat anothor U nflle." " I was all run down, and Ilnod's Sarsap:irl)la proved just the medicine I need ed," write hundred? of people. Tnki it now. Nothtng bothcrs n mocjest but bungrj old hen so mncli as wlion shc has made hearly bfDakfMt Off mi old )ov lrfee and iinds Uie urfortunati' old hoe at the end of it. Dr. Rosanko. This name lias beeome so familiar with the most of people thnnirliout the United States tlmt t is hard) y necessarj to state that lie is the origVnntor of the great Dr. Bosanko OoUgtl and Ltirijt ByTUp, the people's favorite lenicdv, whcrt-vcr kuown, for Coughs, Colds, Confumotion and all affectionsof the Throat and Lnngï. Pribè 50 cents and $1 00. Sold ly Kberbach ifc Sou, druggists. TIn' elt'phant and lurtlc niay bccis(obally live to be a hnndn-il years old, but the skunk is the reco;iiiid sccntcnarian of natural history. Thonsmids Say So. Mr. T. W. Atkins, Kan., wiiles: ' I neverbesitate to ivcoiiiniend your Electric gitten to niy cu8tomer8, they gjve eiitira Batlífactlon and uro npid seílers." Blectric Bitters are the pinest anll lest medicine knowu ani) will positively cu re Kidncy and Livcr comphiitits. l'nrily tile blood and regúlate the Boweli. No fiimily can Kflbrd to be without them. Tlicy wiii save liundreds OÍ dollars n doctor's WUs everyycar. SoM :it tittv funis a bottle by Eberbacb & Soij, Wlicnt, now tliP nidst iliipottütit 'crc:l cro cultivatcd in ;tl! tíktti Ot ilio umld. and one of' tlie principal mMioles OÍ Imman food, wns derivfdt rom i wild tarta ofgrass, and can only be imprnved and niaintainedby curcful cultnii'. AlfthOAgli widrly dUMtflinstttf, it Í8 nowbcre fmuid Krowing wild. Cnre fur Pile. Tho tirst syinptom ot" l'ilcs is an intense itctlog at niglit alUTgetlinj; v:mn. ' I ' i i - unpleasanl seqíatlon is imrnedjatelj relieved by an nppticatioii óf Dr. Boííanto'a Pile Kcinedy. Piles lo all íorms, Itrli, Snit Klicuin and BingWQMi can be per. niaiienlly cured by tln: use of tliis glflai rerhedy. Prfce 5(1 cents. by Dr. Hosauko Medicine Companv Piqua, O. Sold by Klierbach & S,.n.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News