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MACKINAC. Tha Moit Delightful SUMMER TOUR Palaoe 8tmen. Low lUtei. ïour Trip per Week Batween DETROIT AND MACKINAC And Every Week Dajr Betwera DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Wrlte for our "Picturesque Mackinac," Illustrated. Contain Full PartimilsrB. Mailod Fre. Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nav. Co. C. O. WHITCOMB. QCN P. AOT_ DETROIT. MICH. GILBERT BLISS. smU_ Obtained in the United States and ForeignCountries. l.l il.ll I lllllKiil', 70 Uriswold St., Detroit, Ilicb. ¦7 ¦" ioitfazx, lisas, Rúdd Leaf, Fine Cut tj#l Navy Clippirujs .gLjS? nUPTURH! ( EGiN'8 IMPERIAL TKU88. I Thii new Trun hu % tnrai iprtng ml imtin1BBBy TKt i'Rtill'M ; yleliii 16 -very mnlion, rcU'tninf r ihf litrni lwv. Wnrn rfuy atul myií wilh eom ¦B fnrt. 8ent on TrUl. Gnclow S ;mn, for Circular. df LJwd ín bnih L'nlvertlty HotpftaU. LGV'S IMPERIAL TftUSS C0., Box 2288, Ann Arbor, Mhh. Ofieej línmilton Block, Ann Arbor. AYER'S Agne Cura oor.talns an antidote for all malarlal dUorder wlnch, o far as known, is ued Ín no other reinedy. It contaiiu no Quinina, nor anjr mineral nor Ueluteriuu lubstanoo whntyer, and consequent !y [.roiluo noinjurioui effect npon tlie constitutlon, but.leavei the yitem as liealtby as it wal before the alLack. WE WAEKANT AYEE'3 AGÜE CTOE to cure very case nf Fcver aml Apio, Intcrmlttent or Cliill Fevar, Reinütent KcTpr, Durab Agüe, Bilions Fever. Rinl l.iver Cotuplaint caused by majarla. 1" faie ol tallur, íter due trial, dealers are Hutht ..' -I, Wy uur circular dated July Ist, M)" lo rerui.d til monej. Dr.J.C.Ayer&Cc, Love", Mess. Sold b;all lo uugisis. EVERY LIVE MERCHANT IX ANN ARBUR. Should advertise in THE COURIER. THIS PAPERA"""" i ii iv i nrun kowkh. coa Kewspaper Advortlalng Bureau (10 Spruca ¦¦¦¦mBB ¦¦¦ tlsing contracta rany NCUf YflRIí le uiuUu for It lüHCfl lUllIVa


Ann Arbor Courier
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