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I THE LINE LEOTEDBY THE U.S.COVT TO OARRY THE FA8T MAIL. It it the only line with lts own track frcm CHICACO TO DENVER, Ellher by way of Omaha, Pacific June, St. Joscph, Atchison or Kansas City. It connects in Union Depots vvith thrnmih trains from NEW YORK, PHILAOELPHIA. BOSTON and all Eastern points. It is the principal line to 8AN FRANCISCO. PORTLAND & CITY OF MEXICO It traversas all cf the six nreat States of ILLINOIS, inWA, MISSOURI. NEBRASKA. KANSAS. COLORADO wich branch lines to all their inportant cilios anú From CHICAGO, PEORÍA or ST LOUIS, It runs every day in the year from one to threc clcuantly equipned through trains over its own tracks between Chicago and Denver, Chicago and Omaha, Chicago and Councll Bluffs, Chicago and St. Joscph, Chicago ancf Atchison, Chicago and Kansas City, Chicago and Topeka, Chicago and Cedar Raplds, Chicago and Sicux City, Peoría and Councü Bluffs, Peoría and Kansas City, St. Louis and Omaha, St. Louis and St. Paul, Kansas City and Denver, Kansas City and St. Paul, Kansas City and Omaha, For all points in Northwest, West and Southwest. ltsequipment is complete and first class in every particular, and at all Important points Interlocking Switches and Signáis are used, thus irisuring comfort and safety. For Tickets, Rates. General Information, etc, regarding the Burlington Route, cali on any Ticket Agent inlhe United States or Canada, or address T. J. POTTER 1sr V.P. 4. Gfn. Mob.. Chicgo. HENRY B. STONE, AS8T. Gen. Mgh., Chicago. PERCEVAL LOWELL, GcN. Pass. Agt., Chicago. Estáte of flaimtili l. t STATK 09 MICUIUAN. CaoïtJ of nuw, b. At a esslon of the Probate Court lor the County o' Washtenaw, hilden nt tue Probate Oftlcr, in the city ui Anu Arbor, n Moariaj, the iwtmty day of Ju!y, in the yeur ose lii maand eiKht hun ded and eiuhty rtve. Present, WIHlam n Harrl man, -I n ilii-e "l PrOlMte. In the matter uf the esttte oí H innáh M. Cate, dceas-ed. Knfus Cate, cxècvt r ol t tic 'nsr win lill'l testament ol HAld dei e ..-e!, 0ÖO1O8 iïlio coilrt .mii representa t hut be Is now prepared to vender hls ttnal account as urn executor. Thereupon it is order. 'd, tt,.n S:iturday, the fift.-entti day ot Aiiltiihi in-xi, i! 10 oV.lock in ih lorenoou. hf isatned tor ixHiuiinutr aud i1Uw1dL inch account and that thf heirs at law o! aaid 1 aud all other persons ]ntTuftÉd tti -niti eatata, are required to apponrat a seasion oTcaid court, ttieti tw be nolden at thu l'rnhati otlin-, in the city óf Aun eaid county and show catict'.i' an.v there u-r why the said account ahonld uoi be aliowed, And it ia further ordered, that :iid exocütot ííive notice to the persona interest ed in snid aritato. Oi 'tie peud ency of said account, and thu hearing therc-ot, by c usinv n copy of this order to be .ublinlutl in the Ann Arbor C'otirt'er, n prluted ami rircu!atinK In said county, two suc esslvc weeke pn - vioas to ald day ol beariu. (A copy.) W1LL1AM ü. HAKR1MAN, .Indceof Pmbatfi. V.I. (J. ÜOTY. Probate mtft' l.'"7-lij!l Eslate of (jerge Kinu'. OTATE OF MICHlQAN,CoantyolVVa8hteDnv,8ii At a íession of the Prohate ('ourt lor Coonty o( Waehtt'uaw holden at the Probate ' rffles, ie the ctty of Ann Arbor, on Tut-sduj, the twentyeitfltth day ol July, tn the jeai' nne tbuoaiiod -iii! hundnd and tiyhly flve. i'ru.-fiit, VMliinm D. liarriman. Judgeot Probate. In the matter ot Ut evtate of Qeorgc K:ns deceaaed. Geotgo W. Biiley, the ext-entor of the l&pt will and tPitamSDI ol i-aid decvaaed, comus tnto court and representa thu he te t'O prepared to rtuder hU Uual account as auch ext-rutor. Therenion It Ip ordered, that Tucsdny, tht tweuty-fifth day of August next, at ten o lock in tlie foreuoon, be aaaigned lor ezainlntng and alInwing auch account, and that the d leñatees, and heirs at la of Mié and all other persona, intereated ba MM ostate, arerequired i m-bk.d.ii said r.iurt.theii to be holden at the Probate tjtn.-o. in the city ol Aun Arbor, in said conniy, and abow canftei i f anv there be, why the aul acooonl ahoald nol !"¦ allowed. And it is inrther ordered, th;it said exec tor give notice to the peraona Ültereeted in said estáte, of the pendencj ol s:til accoont, and the hearinp thcr.-oi, b lauslit,' copy ol thia order to be pubhshed in the Aun Arhi a uewspaper printed and Glrculaled i" said county, two Buccesaive woeka prerioni" to said du oi hearing, f A trae c&py.) W1I.I.IA.1! U. llAlil i.MAN, Jtiiiir.' o! Probate WM. Q. DOTY. Probate Keainter. US8 umi Estáte of N'aiicy Wheeler. STATa oe MICHIGAN, County of Waabtenaw, at. At a eision ot the ProbAte Court ;or the County of Washtenaw, holden at the 'ffl. In the city of Ann Arbor, on v n. .i i . the l-' h das of Aognst in the year on. thounnd elghl hundrad and eijrhty-flve. Ptesevt, Wffltam U. Ilaniinim, Judce of Probate. lu the matter ut' the eatate "f Naocy W] deceaed. CaU'in ex ent r of th'1 ias u iil and testament of snnl d. c. coruea t to court and repre-ents l1 at he i? now prepared to r. nder hie tinal account as such . xecator. Thereupon If is erdered, n i Tnevday, the löih day offSeptembtr next,at l"o'clock u. the forem on be assined for the exanjii li-tc Hiin allowlng ol ra'd account' and thai the rievisces, Jeateer-, ut d heiraat law ol said de eased, and allotber pcraoni Intereeted in etaid estáte, are requttetl to appear at a ession of said rourt. then to be holden .it the Probate Office, In the city of nu Arbor, and 8how cauae, lf any there be. whv the i mi er o the petitioner should not be grauted. And It is further ordered, That aaidcXecntor glve notice to the pursons nteregted in aaid ¦ itats, oi tii1 pondency of said petition, and the hearing thereof, by causin? a copy of this order to he puliiuht'd In the Ann Arbor Oourler, a newspaper printed and circalating in said county, tbree anceeavive wee-k previoue toaaid day ot heariní. A mie copy. W1I.HAM D HARRIMAN, JudKeofProtmte. WM. O. DOTY, Proba'e Regljter. ISrTO 't. MIMI NO FEE!! ) STiBLisiiED issi. f Merrill UNTIL BETTER ƒ ETRoit,mich. Block. Ld(. Thí Regular, Old-Ectabliahel " L Q PHTSICIAX & SURGEON RWff i tóll treatiag with the grci'.iit 1 T 8KILL AND 8UCCES8 YOUNGmenmïddle-aged meñ and mll pcrsonj who by theirown arts of Imprudenceort'ollyat anypcriod of life havcbrought opon tnemsclves, tV.o evil cffccts fullowing closely upan tho heels of transgression of the laws of nature, should consult the crlcbrateil Ir. Ciarl.e tonce.UemeuiÏjerlNerTousdlse.iscsfwithor v.ithoutdrcams)or loblllty a:.d loss of nerve powor treated scientüïcally hy ncw D-.ctbods witii rever failing succcss. -j-rt malies r . diffcrence wliat you have taken or wiio lias íai led to cure you -?-The terrlMopoIionsofPphlligandali bad bloodandlwiüioasos. cru] letchrcradtcatedwilhoutmercurv, Kmoinlcr that tliisona horrible ilsoasc.if ticc'-cctcd or improperly trciuJ.curgeaiho presentand cominggencratiun WAUnnnatiiral dlschvvea cnred prnmntlT Without liinJrance t.) h , experiment Eoth ca:5... r . .y. Ago and epcrlencoimp it.Aivr tton irnnr.-intro oí cure tivcu In Ovórjr c;o U'iuertakea, ¦endt-voBtampifnrcplfhratrtlworks on Chronic,Kcr-iü!is,aTHlUeli;ato Uiseana You haveanexiuiui'.ivofiymptoni.-xtolocyl.ywl'.icli tostudyyour own cas-, l uiisult,(ion,person. allyorby letter, i.-,.e. (KUcm and p.iri.Vrs prirate. Mfflcineeiitcv, rywhere ecure f rom exposurO- IiourSjt to8 ; SunJay,9 to Addrcss: F. D. CLARKE, M. D. MESRILLB1.0CK, DETROIT, Mwh. , THE BEST Rubber Overshoes TO WEAR OVER Yont W00L BOOT6, are thoae now made by the"Cund-e"liubber Co., erprcssly for Michigan trade forthc eoason oflS85and6. ETERY PAIR WAERANTED gainstcomIng apart In cither ole or upper aul guaranteed to glTe atlsfactlon in every reapect. Mad for Reputation, giving the wcarcr mors for hii money than he can got in nny ther mako ofgoods. OtBESTBOOÏNTIICK, andnotot ordinary overshoc stock. Tho soles made tho ¦ame ai Rubber Boot Soles having a tliick tolo and then a tap solo npou that. Thit tap ole is thickened in the mtddlo, and is DOUBLÉ TIIICK ON THi: HAI.I.. Thl la the freat wearing point. Tlio Doublé Thielc Ball and the Boot Stock upper, give a shoe whlch wlll pogitively outiaat' an.j othtr öboe in the market even of the vcry best tmwl NO HICHEft IH PRICE. Thonsasds of dollars suved to Wool Boot wcarere thl acaeon. Don't b nfruid uf the qunllty. THE WARRANT SECURES YOU. Cali for tho "Candes DoulU TUck Hall goodi." ¦ , Warrant slamp, d o, i t. ry shot. l ..... (..'lic.'., R. & J. (f SI J I(S A.CO. ' Detroit.


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