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The T., A. A. & N. M. R. R.

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The ald is all raised for the line of tlie Toledo & Aun Arbur railroad through Howell. Work will be commenced as Boon as one or two pieees of riglit of way can be clorad up. Surwofa ure ninnini; a new line direct frow llowell to Hamburg, and connectinu; wlth the Air Line of the Grand Trunk at that place, mstead of running from Howell to South Lyon via Brlgbton BI had been proposed. Twenty tliousand dollars of the aiil trom this section was voted as a bonded debt by the vlllage of Howell, nd theremaiilnLf20,000 comes in subfC.rlptlons from all classes of citizens. The ioiit'st laborinjr men have giyep wilh capitalista O secure the road. - Detroit Ev. Journal. Another railroad meeting was heldin the Hall Tue.sday eveningat which a committee made up of ten of our eitizens and farmers neaf by efeoten to solicit from tiie farmers living in the territory contiguou.s to this vil laffe, the f6,000 asked Of them by Mr. Ashley. They will bejfln work at onoe, and Bhdüld meet wlth such snccess as to have tlieir work completcd in a week or ten days. We are promUed the road il' the inuncy la raised We must have the road ! - Brighton Citizen. The villaje authoiitics havr ssihmI the $20,000 bond.1 for the nnv railroad, and t'icy have been placed In trur-t in the Fourth National bank of New Vork City, tobepnid II the road Is bnilt from Owosso to this place, Jan, 1, 1897) if not, tobe canoelled and returned to the rathorttSea of the vlllage Of Howell. A was atated last week, Mr. Hubbell threatened to serve an nijunctlon on Uie council to restrain them from Itfulng the houds, and so, not to be delayed orbeaten in the matter, President CorgOQ and C'lerk Chapel went to Detroit Wednesday of last week, made out. thcir bond and forwarded them to New Vork, thus clVcctiially (Óenolng Mr. II. on that score. As to railroad newi there la not niuch that on be uüd this week that we have learued of. Such work neessaiily moves slow. Jt takes time to doed contracta and get men to work. Mattcrs continue to look promisiiiL', however, the ealiy couitiieuceinent of the same. Mr. Ashley has requested tlieouncil to act opon the propotltlon to grant him tbe riffht to lay the track the leDgth of North Street, at their meeting to-night. We learri they will do so, and we ftlao hear there will be sonie opposltlon, prlnclpally from Mr. Ilubl)ell. However, it is coinmonly believed the rlght so to do will be tfranted. The cut thmugh tbe street will be èjghteen feetdeep, andeacb laterHiTting street will Ie brfdfeed wilhsoll


Ann Arbor Courier
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