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A. A. A. S.

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Tlie ;lth aunual meeting of the American A8sociaton for the Advanceraent of Science, wliich commences in this city to-day, marks a red-letter day In the history of Ann Arbor. It is the greatcst event undoubtodly, wliich has ever takeu place liere. Tliia meeting will cali to our city people from all portions of the unión who are interesteil in sclence and eilucation, and will be the tneans of diffusing knowledge of our graat University and our excellent public schools throughout the length :uid breath of the Union. Ann Arbor is small In population for sucli a great convention, and yet it has fiicilities for its entertainment and convealeBOM for its sessions that but few placea can excel. Aside from that it has acultured, whole-souled, jrenerous people, and though tho entertainment they can oller here may not equal that given in Phlladelpbia, New York or Montreal, yet it will be ampie and tendered with a hearty good will. A 11 n Arbor throws open her gates and hom to the sclentists of the nation today, uncí bids tliem a hearty welcome. THE 1'liOORAM as lar :is we are able to utinounce it; the general outline of wliat is to be done, ís as follows : wednesday: Meeting convenes at 10 o'clock a. ni., at University Hall. Called to order by the retiring President, Prof. J. W. Lesley. of Philadelphia, Pa. Prayer. Prof. H. A. Newton, of New Haven, Conn., President of the current year assutues the chair. Address of welcome by Kussell A. Alger, Güvernor of Michigan; Hon. Tlios. AI. Cooley, Chief Justlce of the Supremo Court of Michigan; James B. Angelí, President of Michigan University; John Kupp, Mayor of the city of Ann Arbor. Reply by President A. II. Newton, of New Haven, Conn. Annouucements and vaiious matters of business, such as election ol new members, consideration of amendments to the constitution, etc. General sessioa then adjourns and sectious orgnnize in separate rooms, as follows: Section A, Mathtjnetic and Astronomy-Vlcepresident, vacant; Secrelary, E. V. Hyde, of (Jluclnuatl, Ohlo. Uoom E. Section B, Phyrtcs- In lecture room of Llbrary Building. Section C', ChemMry- Vlco-presldent, V. It. Nlchols, of linstiiii, Ma88.; Secrelury. F. 1. Kiniiliigton, of tliu University of Virginia. Kootn 2U, Chemical Laboratory. Section D. Meclumicai Science and Kngineering - president, J. Burkitt Webb, ui Ithaca, N. Y.; Secretary, U. H. J. Woodbury, of boston, Mass. Hoom II. uectxon K, Oeology ana ucography - Vlcopresldent, Edward Orton, of Columbuá, Otilo; Secretary, H. Uarvlll lewls, of Uermantowu, Pa. Koom 24, nortli wlng. Nection F, Biology- VIce-president, liurt O. Wilder, Itliaca, N. Y.; Secrelary, vacant. Uoom A. Section O, Hislology and Microscopy-Vlceprosident, 8. il. Gage, Itbaoa, N. V.: Seotalary, W. H. Walmsley, Pliliaüelplila, Pa. ltooin F. Section ƒ, Anthropology- Vlce-presldenl, W, II Hall, Washington, IJ. C; SaoreUuy, lrs. Krniliinie A. Sinlth, ol Jersey City, N. J. Uoom 21, nortli wlng. Section I, Economie, Sciencr and StatMic- Vlce president, Jdward Aikluxon, Boston, Mahs.; Secretary, J. W. Chlokeriug, lioston, Muss. Chapel. The othcr olllcers of the meeting are: Permanent Sccretary, F. W. l'utiinin, Cambridge, Massachusctts ; general secretary, Chas. S. Minot, Boston, Mass.; treasurer, Wm. Lilly, Mauch Cliunk. In the aflcrnoou the vice-presidents of tito fHJvorul Sootioiit; will trivo adilrossos to Üieir various Scctions; those of Stctions C, E, G, and I at 2 o'clock ; Sections D, F, and H at 4 o'clock. In the evening Prof. J. W. Lesl.y, will ik'lirpr his address as retirin; president, in ITniversity Hall. TIIIKSDAY. At 10 o'clock a. m., general business session in Universky Hall. Meeting ol Sections mmi'diately after atljnurnmcnt, wliich will continue tlirough the afternoon. In the evenin? rectption by the citizens of Ann Arbor at the court house. FRIDAT. General business session at 10 o'clock a. m. in University Hall. Followed by meetings of the Sections in tiieir several rooms, continued through the afternoon. From 4 to 6 o'clock p. in. lawn party on tli e campus. In the evening, lecture by Capt. E. L. Corthell, of New York, at 7 o'clock, In University Hall. Subject: "The InterOcejinic l'roblcm and its Scientitic Solution." SATURDAY. An excursión to Lake St. Clair given the Association by the citizens of Detroit. SUNDAT. There will be no meeting?. MONDAT. General business session at 10 o'clock a. m., in University Hall. Potteneed by meetings of Sections as usuü during the day. TUESDAT. General business session at 10 o'clock a. in. Followed by meetings of Sections, as usual. In the evening will be the coticluding exercises in the University Hall. Meeting of the Botanicul club, the Entomological club, and tho Society for the Promotion of Agricultura! Science, will bo held during the week, as conven ience may allow. The badges spoken of last week as be logdMlgned for the membera of the assoefaktiotl and members of the local committees, have all been prepared, and are beiag distributed as rapidly as posslble. It might be well to state that the badge6 admit to the court house reception, and those baring tbem will not neeil tickets. COUllT HOUSE RKCKPTION. Admittance to the Court House reception Thursday eveninj? can only be secured by badge or ticket. All members of the Association and members ot the genen! oommltteeof citizens will be admitted by badge. Badges can bc secured at the University, Hooni 1!, main hall. Contributors to the fond (who are not members of the citizens committee) anü city clergy can procure tickets at Jodge Hiirriman'soflice. Members of the city govcriiment can procure tickets of City Hecordcr Pond, at the Coukier office. Teachers of the public schools can procure tickets at the residence of Prof. l'erry. Members of the University faculty (who are not on the General Committee) can procure tickets at the ofHce of J. H. Wade, steward of the University. The estáte of C. R. Mabley is appraised nt over $1,000,000, and during Jiis üfe time lie jrave iway as nuioli in cliarity and luxurious living as he accumulated, raaking a plomp $2,000,000; and every cent of it nuide by judicious newspaper advertising.


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