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Kverybody is expected to be scientific this week and next. Yoji have oaly a few weeka left to rub that extra colt before fair time. Tlirowoffold fogy notions, udoptstandard time and keep up with the times. Hay fever has commenced to water the noses and eyes of its victirns hereabouts. What's the use of subscribing for your local paper as long as you can sponge the reading of it off the newsdealer? As nearly everybody is putting in an extra ton of coal for wiuter's use, look out for i mild winter - suro sign. L. P. Joslin, the fleet-footed college athlete, is with Boughton & Payne, in the postoflice news depot for the present. Several of the G. A. U. members of this city and vicinity will attend the encampment at Devil's Lake, couirnencing toiky. The city is already filling up with stranirers, whieb is ndicative of i large attendance opon the Science Association meetings. A new sidewalk on the west side of N. Main st., nt the corner of Catherlne st. is a thing pedestrians in these parts aporeciate. Ed. Kent bas sold out li is meat market in the 5th werd to Win. A. Porter and Mort. Iïowan, under the firm name of Porter & Bowen. Petoskey campers are firing the hearts of those left at home by brilliant letters descriptive of the grand times being enjoyed up there. The personal preperty of the late Eugene Arnold bas been purcbased by Byron Green, for $3,300, who will hereafter live upon the farm. You wlll have to do without any homemade blackberry am this year. The erop was nearly a failure.and $0.00 ,1 busliel, witli no home takn. Wheat took a drop last week, and is now quoted at S4c. for red and 80c. for white. Flour took a 50c. per barrel tumble, and is dow quoted at $525. Martin Clark is making a success out of the County Ag. Society's premium list, and the pamphlet will be ready fordlstribution about Aug. 31. Mrs. Slattery bas received $2,285 insurance money, and has commenced remoyiu;r tlie debris from the burned preinises preparatory to rebuildingtlie same. Will Hayley, who has been with Willis Boughton in the postoflice news depot for the past two years, has accepted a situaation with Geo.L. Moore, in the State 8t., book store. Hereis a "scientiflc" way to kill off the housefly pest : " One ounce oil of lavender mixed with one quart of water or alcohol and spriukled about a room will rid it of flies." If you want your houseplants to blossom tliis winter, tiiis is tlte month to start your slips. Slips cut off nnd started at evening are uld to be more certain of living and growing. J. E. Suraner hus been chosen sccretary ff the county a. society in place of W. U. Bendenon, wlio has accepted a commercial agency for a Cleveland house, and is now on the road. If every clock and watch In Ann Arbor could be set by standard time on the 8th of Sept. next, everybody would be benefittcd by the change. It's the raule that's always kicking which raiseg the row. The old plank walks about the city look as spotted as an adder, (if any one knows how spotted that is; by reason of new planks being sandwiclied in among the old ones, to raake " that walk nuswer just oueyear longer." Prof. Steere bas been doing a considerable amount of woik this summer on the Beal-Steere collection in the museum. He fiuüs several thousand dollars worth of rarediiplicates which, when Identified can be exchanged with other museums. Boughton & Payne have their hands full of business now. They run the postofllce, "press office, telephone office, and keep news depot in the bargain, in Room C, niuin hall, university building. But they can handle the business if it can be done tall, and give satisfaction, too. Aid. Kearns, chairman of the general strcet commlttee, has had all the weeda alongtlie si reets under his jurisdiction cut oOwn, and a general " licking up " ordered. Xow is Ann Arbor's great opportunity. She should look her prettiest. Tüe Detroit Evening News commenced 'ssuing a noon edition last Tuesday, and "ow the newsboys on our streets are heard eryinj;: "E-v-e-n-in-gNews! 12 o'c-1-o-c-k e-d-l-g - h. „ n.i at 2 o'clock '- '-, Huis enabling ourcitizens to obtaia freh readlngat mornlng, noon andnight. Hie News never skips any enterprise ""at's practical. Iiurglars seem to have a peculiar faney r the dweiling liouse of Levl I. Wine, '"' N'Thayerst. Sometime ago they made futile attempt to galn admisslon, and on Tlmrsday night of last week they trled it "g'iin. Several shots were flred at the "lan who was prowling around, but all Cerned to be poor marksmen. No one ven drew " first blood." Oucumber pickles can be bought for $1 a bushel tliis year. Scientists are getting thick but not futt on our streets this week. Only a few days now and the darkness and light will be evenly balanced. Cut down your weeds, slick up your yards, and have some style about you. The Detroit Evening News stepped into her "teens" Monday, a pretty healthy child. After this week no more papers will be 8sued in Ann Arbor this sumruer. Do you fall? The latest shade is called " crushed pumpkin." The next thing will be mashed squash, probably. Rev. Mills Gelston, of Pontiac, preached a very instnictive and practical sermon at the Presbyterian cburch last Sunday. Mrs. Keenan, after several years hard labor proposes to go out of the ïnillinsry business, and will close out her store this week. A wandering band of minstrels have been regaling the ears of Ann Arboriteg with strains that sootlio the savage, during the week past. The great scarclty of politicians in the city Saturday last can be accounted for probably by the great gatherlng of faiiners at Whitmore Lake. Sixteen of the leasing daily papers of the United States are expected to have special correspondente here during the science association meeting. The "Injuns" took their departure Friday, and are now enlightening the people of Chelsea upon the war whoop and dance, and how to cure the many ills flesh is heir to. We heard a good democrat remark, only last Saturday, that could Capt. E. P. Allen have the race over again with Col. Eldreilge, " (ie would be elected by 500 majority." What looks prettier than the sweet girl undergraduate, all dressed in pure white, with a red red rose pinned to her bosom vieiiiR with her cherry lips in color and perfection- all ready for the picnic? A recent letter from Prof. Van Slyke, who is on his way to the Sandwich Islands to assume charge of a govern. ment school, brings the information that lic had reached Los Angele, Cal., on his journoy. Rev. Dr. Uarasey, the coming Methodist pastor of this city, preached two sermons at Bay View this summer. They were considered by both pastors and laymen as among the very best ever delivered on the grounds. Once ajrain does the Salvation army threaten to invade the precincta of this city, and open up a heavy cauonade on unrepentant sinners. The}' will find the enemy too strong for thein. They better try some easier fort. The WashteHaw Journal very gencroitsly tenders the ladies a live model in the shape of its "office devll," with whiuh to decórate the court house. Our friend has made sad mistake as to the soit of place thu ladies wish to represent. The Ypsilanti Mineral Spring Co., was incorporated Monday, eousists of Clark, Wirt and E. C. Cornwell, will develop the new Ypsilanti mineral well, and engage in and carry on the business of buyin?, bottliug and selling mineral water. The temperance gospel meeting held at the rooms Sunday nlgbt was well attendcd and muoli interest was mauifested. It is designed to hold meetings on wee.k day nighu, and zet the young men of the city, "the boys" interested in the work. The next meeting of the county pioneer soeiety will be held at the residence of H. D. l'latt, of Pittslield, on Wednesday, Sept. 2d. The suggestion lias been made Uut soineof the pioneera take in hand the furnishing of refreshments for the table on that occasion. Willard F. Pett, Ph. C. '85, passed a rigidexamiiiation at Toledo, recently, and has received a certifícate as a Kegistered Pharraacist for the State of Ohlo. Ag ühio lias the reputatlon of requiring an extreraely rigid examlnation, Mr. Pett feels quite conlident of conquering other leída. Thursday morning last, the usual fire item that oecurs just after the Coubier has gone to press, entered its appearance. This time it was a dwelling house on Cemetery st., owned and oceupied by Irving Moore. The flamea had gained such headway before the engines could be got there, that the building was a total Ios3, though some of the furniture was gaved. Insured for $G00 on house and $200 ou furniture with C. H. Aullen. It U estimated that 6,000 to 8,000 of the farmers of Washtetiaw, Livingston, OakhiTi.l and Wayoe counties gathered at Whitmore Lake last Saturday, in attendance upon the annual farmer's picnic. The address of welcowie by Wm. Ball, of Hamburg, is highly spoken'of, as was alao the address of Mrs. Sunderland, of thia city, upon "Home Life on the farm," and also of Prof. Samuel Johnson, of the Agricultural College upon "The Farmer as a Citizen." Music for the occasion was furnished by a choir coinposed of Misses Julia Ball, Effle Scaddin, and Messrs. Elmer S. Cushman and W. Ball. Those attendiuar pronounce it one of the most aucces8ful gatherings ever held. It is probable that th censúa Just taken will show a falling oflT la the populatlon of Ypsilanti and Aan Arbor- Saline Obaerver. It is just a Hule singular how a place can keep growing constantly, as Ann Arbordoes; wlth not a year passing when there are not from flfty to one hundred new dwellinga erected in the corporaiion, and every one occupied, and at the same time deprecíate in populatlon. If the census has been carefully taken Ann Arbor will show a handsome Increase, and from wlint we can judge of Ypsilanti, it bas not been going backwards, either, of late, but making substantial improvements. Thequestion as to "who is a legal voter at school meetings," Is asked so frequently, that we deern it wise to publisli the section of the law itself referring to that matter, and let that answer: Sec. 17. Every person of the age of 21 years. who hos property Hable lo aJwesstnient for school tuxes Id auy school district, and who has roslded therelu thrue nionlhs next pro. eed i ng any school meeting held In sald ilintrictorwlio has resided Ihree months next precedlug such meeting on any terrltory lnlonglng to such district at the time of hokllngsuld mietlug, aud all other purxous who are 21 years of age, and are the parent or legal guardians of any chlldren lncluded lu the school district, and who have for th ree inonths.os aforesald been resldentu In sald district or upon terrltory belonglng thereto at the Urne of holding any school rueetlng, shall bc entltled lo vote on all quesllons arllng In Mild district whlch do not dlrectly Invul vi' the ralslug of money. By these provisions it will be seen tliat part-nts or legal guardians of childreu, whether they pay taxes or not, have a right to vote for school offleers.


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