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Milo Pulcipher is on the sick list. A. L. Noble is expected home thlg week. Joe T. Jacobs is in Columbus on business. Miss Soule has returned froin a vUit at Bay City. Miss Lucy Marshall of Holly is visiting in the city. R. D. Hargar, lit class of '84, is in the city on a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Prof. Stowell returned home Saturdny. Miss Carrie Winans has returned from camp at the Lake. Maj. Soule and wife returned from Mackinac Thursday. Misses Alice and Daisy Richardson leave tor Boston to-day. Chas. E. Hiscock returned Friday night from his trip up the lakes. City Marshal Chas. S. Fall has been quite sick for several days. Mr. and Mrs. Ben. D'Ooge have returned from their stay at Charlevoix. Dr. Sidney Culver and wlfe, of Mason, are in the city visiting relatives. Miss Carrie Brittoi, of Sibley st., Detroit, is visiting Miss Birdie Blisg. Prof. I. N. Demmon is busy tliis summer conducting teachers' institutes. James Hallock of Holly moved to this city this week to edúcate his family. Burtrou D. Keith and wife, of Jackson, visited relatives in the city Friday last. Mrs. P. T. Waldron of Elmlra, New Tork is visiting at Hon. A. J. 8awyer's. Maj. Soule attended last week at Benton Harbor the reunión of his regiment. Prof. Henry W. Rogers and wife are spending the summer at Ocean GroveN. J. Mrs. Paine, of East Unlvorsity ave., has returned from a visit among frieuds in Ohio. Will C. Carman, of East Saginaw is visiting his sister, Mrs. Geo. H. Pond, for a week. L. C. Hill and C.W. Dodge, of Detroit, are at Gilbert Bliss' during the Science meeting. Miss Julia Royce, returned from a visit among triends at Otter Lake, Pontiac, etc. Saturday. Julius V. Seyler will attend a lawn party at Ypsilanti this evening, given by Prof. Pease. Dr. Pengra, formerly Dr. Vaughan's attending the Scienco assoclation meetings. Mts. Rufua Waples, Jr., of New York is apending a few weeks with tho family of Juilge Waples. Prof. F. II. Taylor, of Albion College, is visiting his father-in-Iaw, B. Brown on State street. President Angelí, wife and famlly returned from Naragansett Pier, Rhode Island, Saturday. Major Gil Osmun, of Lansing, private secretary to Oov. Alger, gave us a short cali tliis morning. Miss Emma E. Bower returned from Mackinnc Tuesday evening, much improved by the trip. C. II. Perkins, Esq., of Grand Rapids, was the guest of Alex.W. Hamilton and fuinily ovor Sunday. Mrs. Archie Johnson and son of St. Paul, ;Minn., are visiting lier parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. Bliss. Miss Mamie Bliss of this city is Tlslting Mrs.Grosvenor,aiidotherfriends In Jackson, for a couple of weeks. Mrs. Neal. of S. 12th st., returned from Bay City, Saturday, where she had been visiting ï-elatives and friends. Prof. Delos Fall, of Albion College, and faoiily are stopping with his brother DeWitt, on 'l'hompson street. Volney Chapín, of St. John, where he holds the posltion of asslstant postmaster, is visiting relatives in the city. Mr. P. N. IJoiiiish, of Boston, Mass., ia a guest of Herbert Randall during the sessions of the Science Association. Aliss Huttie Haviland expects to leave the city Friday for Concord, where she has accepted a situation as teacher. Chas. A. Eister, nightchief of the Western Union telegfraph, at Detroit, has been visiting his old home during the week. Geo. W. Millen returned from hls Chicago visit Saturday. The rumors were rumors only,he is still in the single ranks. Mrs. Mary Ann Alcott and daughterof Syracuse, N. Y., are visiting the former's father, Mr. I. Morwick, on Washington st. Prof. A. J. Cook and wife of Lanslng, are the guests of Evart H. Scott and wifc, during the meeting of the sclence association. Mrg. Garrlgues, teaeher in the Hijrh School, can now be seen at her new residence 37 E. Liberty st., the old Collier place. Prof.T. B. Stowell, A. M., Ph. D., of New York, ia visiting his brother and also attending the association meetings now in session. Mrs. N. Keith, of Dexter, has been vising her daughter, Mrs. E. E. Beal, and brother Geo. H. Pond, and families, during the week. Johnnie, the youngest son of A. D. 8eyler. went to Detroit, Saturday last, tostay a week or so with his brother before school commences. Julius Werner, for the past flve years in the Courier book bindery, {roes this week to Minnesota to enter a college to study for the ministry. Prof. Williams, of Cornell Universlty, Mr. .T. H. Korstcr, of Williamston, and Mr. Samuel .Johnson of Lfttislng, were callers at the Coukieu office last evening. John Sweet went to Elyria, Ohio, yesterday, and whun he returns It will notbe in the same state of single bleRfledness as now. In fact it will be doubly Sweet then. Prof. C. N. Jones bas returned from Naruganaett Pier, R. I., and will superintend the unpacking of the Chinese collection, which is in the museum In packuges. Miss Mary Wood, of Denver, Col., who has been spending the summer at E. W. Coddington's is now tn Detroit, accompanicd by Miss Mand Coddington, visiting friends. Miss Nettie Ames, who has been spending her vaeation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Ames, In this cily, returned yesterday to Minneapolis, Mimi., to resume school duties. Itev. W. M. Beauchamp, of Central New York, is the guest of H. J. Brown and wife during the science association 'meetings, and will probably occupy the pnlpit in St. Andrew's church next SunSay. ' Bert S. Parsons, gradúate of the law department'85,who hasbeen east slncegraduation, has been in the city during the werk meeting old friends. He is on hls way to Duluth, Minn., where he will hang out hië shingle, and seek fame and lucre. Here's success. Chaplain John D. Parker, U. S. A., stationed at Fort Hayes, is in the city attending the Science meeting. Mr. Parker is an alumnus, U. of M., 59, and visited our city last fall, giving a glowing degcription of the changes he noticed In an absence of many years. Samuel P. Foster, of Hermosa, New Mexico, is visiting his únele Isaac N. 8. Foster of Ann Arbor town. Mr. F. was driven out of the minlng district by the Indlans, and is therefore Ukinir a vaeation. Now tli at the leader of the Indiana hasbeen killed, he predicts more peaceful times for the inhubltanU In that ection.