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A Natural Park

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Some little discussion Is being Indulged in by residente of the soutlicrn portion of the city over a public park, and strange to say they are all unanimous in locating it In that part of the city. The land in probably as good there as anywhere else, and in the cours; of ages, a handsome park could be built up, but It would cali for the expendlture of immense sums of money, and the lapse of a generation at least to give the trees time in which to grow. Then there is the entire absence of lake or river, an almost absolnte necessity to the beauty of a park. But Ann Arbor has within aud adjoining her borders almost a natural park. It has all the requsites necessary: lake, river, trees, hill, shady glens, babbling brooks, etc. The location referred to Is the strip of land running from N. Main street, to the water works supply basin and pump houses. Take a strip of land, say one-half mile wide. reaching from the railroad south (where it could be obtained), and about one mile In length- we believe that would cover the desirable grounds. The land could be purchased at a reasonable figure as it is valueless for agricultural purposes, because of its being so broken, and its beauties, wlth very little outlay could be made to equal anything of the kind, in Michigan at least. When the Cornwell Bros. complete their uew mili dam there will be a lake here of large dimensions for a park, with a good bottom, which with little labor could bc made navigable forsmall sail and other boats all over its surface. The water will be raised twelve feet, and a lake a mile or more long, and varying in width will be constructed. A grand course for boating will be made here, and for those loving acquatic sports a resort will be established. Another thÍHg to be considered is the fact that amagnifleent road bed runsalong the banks of this lake and river its entire length, being nothing more or less than the old railroad road bed. To make this all that would be desirable would cost comparatively little. It could be widened out and graveled and make such a drive as is not to be found anywhere hereabouts. Then on top of the hill another drive could be constructed from which some of the handsomest glimpses of landscape to be seen In Michigan is to be viewed. Cascade and other glens, through which flow rivulets could be made grand parts of this beautiful spot of earth. There are other things about this stretch of hill, valley, glen and river that comniends it as a splendid site for a park. But the despoiler Is rapidly at work, and in a few years these hillsides will be stripped of their trees and their beauty, which would require years and years to bring about again. But the expense ? Yes, the expense would be something. Every city that i has a park has to pay for it. But no city i could have a handsomer one and at so liltle expense. Then, too, the expense would not fall upon the people in any one year. It would be spread over many years, and be gradually built. The first thing to do would be to secure the land, stop the destruction of the foresta. Aftcr which the drives sliould be built and the other improvements made as necessity deiuanded, or finalices would allow. Ann Arbor expcnds annually from $8,000 to $15,000, and of this amount $10,000 is paid by the llquor tax. The estimates for the city of Kalaiuazoo, which has always been considered one of the most economical in the state - so nmeli so tliat a city charter and governraent was procured only two years ago - amount this year to upwards of $111,000. It will be seen that Ann Arbor has yet to experience her first symptom of taxation. Of course, this is simply a suggestion. But if Ann Arbor really wants a park, here's the location. And no one will be particularly benefited by the looation either, so that ,no class of property holdere need be jealous of anotlier class in different sections of the city. And still, the objection could not be made that it is too far away. Services will be renewed in the Presbyterian Church next Sunday evening. Geo. Miller, the tnason, feil a short distance on the Cathohc school building and broke his arm. Pipe mains for the water works have arrlved in sufflcient quantities to warrant the further laying of the same, and Hutzel & Co. will get their forces together and commence business again next Monday. At the pioneer meeting to be held at the residence of Henry D. Platt, in Pittsfield, next week Wednesday, Hon. Thos. W. Moore, of Adrián, is to deliver the address. Everybody invited, and neurly everybody expects to go. The annual meeting of Zion's Lutheran Church was held Monday even ing, and the following officers were elected: Deacon - ChrUtian Mack; Trustees - John Walz (one year to flll vacancy), Henry Waesch and Frederick Schmidt (each three yearg). The revived Northville Record, under the supervisión of E. Roscoe Reed, foruierly of the Maple Rapids Dispatch, comes to hand, and is a creditable sheet. It is to be hoped that Mr. Red, who is a good newspaperman (and aformer Ann Arbor boy), will meet with success. Dr. Stowell reporta a very successful meeting of the American Society of Microscopistsat their annual meeting, nt Cleveland, last week. Over 50 new members joined the associution. There were nearly 200 members In attendance. The doctor expects to return to Petoskey next weck. Last spring Roswell Waterman brought home f rom the N. O. Exposition.some kernels of white corn, which he requested his neighbor Clark to plant, placing one kernel ia a liill. He did so, and from se ven kerneis he has now growing 30 large corn stalks, somc of them eight feet high. Mr. Allaby, on Washington St., has put down an excellent concrete walk in front of his residence. Now, if those horrible brick walks on that Street could be taken up and replaced with concrete their owners would receive the warmest thanks of the numerous citizens who travel on that popular thoroughfare. In scveral places in the state they are raising funds for the purpoe of erecting raonuments to the mcmory of Gen. Grant. If the people of Ann Arbor and vicinity wlll take the matter up they might erect on the court house lawn such a memoria] tablet, as would at the same time do honor to the people. and be an ornament to the groundi.


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