
MIMO.VIC DIRKCTOKÏ.: ANS Aruor Cdmm, No. 13 meets flrst Tuesday of eaoli naoutb, W. G. Doly. K. C; W. A. Tolcliard. Recorder. W (Slll'ii AV, No. l, R, A. M.- Menta rlrst Monday eaeh month. Isaac II, H. I; Z. Uoath, Secretary. BUSINESS CAROS. V. 11. JACWLSOX, D'.lESIIlWllTilIMIITIL ! OiTFICK : Ovor Bacli & AbeI's Dr.Y Oood Store. . Entrañes next to National Bank. " 1' HII.Í.IAÍI I1EKZ, House, Bign, Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! Ftoaring, Gnutngi OHding, and Calelmtnlnc, and work of overy descrlutiOH done in the best Btyle, and warriuited to glve atiefaction. Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St., Anr, Arbor. W. W. Sc A. C. MICHOL8, DE1TTISTS. Kooms Over Ann Arbor Snvings Bauk, Masonic Temple Block. GAS or VITILIZED AIR A-lininlstered for Ihe palnless extraction of teeth. CET THE BEST F1RE INSURANCE I $29,000,000. Secnrity held for the protectlon of the policy CHRISTIAN MACK Bepresente the followlng flmt-clai-8 compnnte, of whiih one, the .Etna, hiie alone paid $5,l)ÜO,00O flre lossi'8 iu slxty-fivo ycars : Etna,of Hartford $ 9,102, II Fnuiklin of Philailelphia 3,1 18,7i:i Gemianía, N. Y 9,700,729 Oerman American, N. Y 4,005,9(18 T.oudim Assaraoce, Londtín... 1,416,788 Michigan P. & M., Detroit. . . 287,608 N. Y. Underwriters, N. Y 396,679 National, Hartford 1,774,505 rhooiiix, Brooklyn 3,759,036 T,osses liberally adjusted and promptly paid. PoliciM issued at the lowest rates of premium. llltf LUMBER! LUMBEK! LÜMBEK! It you contémplate building, cali at FERDON Ij'iui liim! Corner Fourlh and Depot Sts., and ge our figures for all kinds of LUMBER! We manufacture our own Lumber and guarantee AERY LOW PRICES WGive us a cali and we will make it to your interest, as our large and wcll graded stock fully sustains our assertion. Telephone Connections with Office. T. J. KBECH Supt. JAMES TOLBERT, Prop Robust Health TT' Is not always enjoyed by those who seem to possess it. The taint oí corrupted blool may bo secretly undermining the constttutión. In time, the poison wfll certainlyBhowitseffects, and with all the more vlrulence the longer it has been allowed to penncate the system. Each pimple, sty. boíl, skin disorder and smi-: of unnatural lassitude, or languor, ia one of Nature'B waraliigs oí the cousequeucea oX neglect. r Ayer's Sarsaparilla Ia the only remedy that can be relied upon, In all cases, to eradicate. the taintof heredltary disease and the Bpecial corroptlona of the blood. It Is tho only alterativa that Is sufliciently powerful to thoroughly cleanso tho system of Scrofulous and Mercurial lmpurities and the pollution of Contaglous Diseases. It also neutralizes the poisonn left by Dlphtherla and Scarlet Fever, and enables rapid recuperation from the enfeeblemeat and debility caused by these diseases. g Myriads of Cures Achlevcd by Ayer's Sarsaparilla, In the past forty years, are attested.andthero Is no blood disease, at all poasible of curer' that will not yield to it. "Whatever th; ailments of this class, and wherever f ound,l from the scurvy of the Aretio circle to thoi 'veldt-sores" of South África, this rem-j edy has afforded health to the sufferer by whom it was employed. DnigglKta! everywhere can cite numerous cases, with-j In thelr personal knowledge, of remarkable cureï wrought by It, where all other treatment had been uuavalling. People willdowellto - - Trust Nothing Else than Ater's Sarsaparilla. Numerotu crudo mixtures are offered to the public as "blood puriflers," which only allure the patiënt with the pretenso of many cheap doses, and with which It Is folly to experiment whilo disease is steadlly be-' coming more deep-seated and difücult of cure. Some of these mixtures do much lastinc harm. Bear In mlnl that the only medicine that can radically purlly the Vitiated blood Is ,- - . Ayer's Sarsaparilla PRKPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Haai Sold by all Druggists: Price $1; , Six bottlei for 6. ¦
Ann Arbor Courier
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