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ILL PAY YOU TO GO TO DETROIT AND HAVE YOUB EXAMINED AND FITTED WITH 8PECTACLE8 OR EYE GLASSE8 ROEHM teNvRIGHEIT'S, IMPORTERd, JEWELERS AND m TICIANS. 140 WOODWARD AVE. I THEY MAKE NO CHAEGE FOrI TESTINQ EYE8, AND SELDOMÍ FAIL TO GIVE RELIEF"! (pticuTa A I'oftllfvc Curo for Every Form of Sktn itncl Blood lMnic, Trom Pimples lo Sorofula. DBFIQDSINa HUMDtS, numiliatintr, Eruptions, Itchlng und Burniin; Skin Tunnres, cailifonu' Sores, and every species of Itching, culy. Pimply, Inherltod, Scrolulou?, and Cunta:1oub Dieae of the Blood. Skin, and Scalp, with soer ofHair Ircim iufamy to oíd age, are potlUvely ured by Cuticdba Rkíolovint, the Ntw Blood 'urifler, iiiternally, and Clticitha, the L'reat Skin ire, aud C'uticuka !?oap, an exqutti[e bkin beautiiT, exieriialJy. l'. f. tl CIIRKD. I wao afllicted with Eczema on the Sealp, Face, Knre ant Neck, whlch the Srugsist, where I K"t yoar remedien, p;onoiinccd oce of Uie wort cases that had como under bla notico. He aclvised me to trv yoar CUTIOÜKA Kkmediks, and nlter flve day' nse my scalp and pajt of ray faco were entirely cured, and .1 hope in anothtr werk to have my Leek, ears, and the ether part of ray face cured. iiëiohn sladk, 120 E. 4thSt.,New York. s ¦-.!:. AM) NOREN. I have been alli.cted sinre last March with a Skin rtieaee the docu-rs cHlled Eczemu. My tace was covered wlih t-cabnland iprec. and the ICcbiDg and bontBs wen1 ulmut ui bearahle. teeini? 'our CUTItURA lii MKiiii s o hijhly recoinended. 1 concluded to L'ive thom a tri il, DMQs ie Cuticura and the Cniicura sup externally, nd Jitsolvent internal'.y, for four n.onttif. 1 cail nytelt cnred, in grutitude lor hich I tuake )ubltc Btattment. MKS. CLARA A. FhEOKHICK, Bruad liiouk, Conn. Cuticüka Ukmedi ks are sold evcr where. Price, Cuticura, 6ÜCj Ke-olrent, $1.00; Soap, i') cunta. Prepared by 1'otteu Dbuo and Chbmicai. ('o.. otm. Mapa. t-iul lor "How to care Hkln Dltiea8e jTfples, Blackhead Skin. Blemisheaand Buby , 11V1 IliiDiora, ose Cuticura ooap. "ClllCK A THE BAVK," stitch In the sirle, cramps, bhootinjr and t-harp painp, rheuiiiutic. a neimilfric. and sciutlc pains, and ev.ry Sik exteriml pain and ache soothed and m jmN iipflled witb wondertul celerity t WWê 'hat new origina!, elegant and speedy B iiiitidote to pain and inllammatlon, tlie S W Cuticura Plastek. Warrauted the perfeeflon of elegant external remedies, and vHstly superior to all othe piasters. At druffL'iets, I rente; flve f..r Matled free. Potter Druíí and Chemical Comcany. lioston. CATARRH That pare, swcet, safe, aiul eflective American latll ition of Witch-Uazel.Amerlcan Pine, (Jaimda 'ir, Marltrold, and Clover-Blotsom, called SannnV Radical Cure for Catarrh, wlth one box Cntarrhal Solvent one Sandford's Iraproved Inhaler, II In one package, may now be had of al! drug iets, for $1. Ask for Sanfoud's Radical Clkb. C(imilete Local and Constitutiocal Treatment or every lorm of Catarrh. from a Simple Cold or nilu' nza to loss of pmell, taste, and Hearing, 'ouL-h, Bronchitis, and dtarrnal Consampiion, in very packaifcr l 'l'i') mrn, Vov;illl, And public speakers without number owe their present tuefalneM and succes to üanfokd's RadCAL ClIRS for CaTAHRH. Kev. Dr. Wlgin aays: "One of the best remede lor Ciitaarh - nay, the bett reraedy we have iund in a lifetime of sufierlng - is oANFOKD'f Radical Cuhx. It clears the head and tbroat f o horoutfhly that, takiie eacli morning on rising, here are no dUaírueable hawklnt; daring ihe euire day, but an unprecedented clearnes of voice and resplratory organs." Bold by all druggletg. r'rtce, $1:00. - rtl I IKjn WeiirysnlT rerfrom RheuCJU'n'y matifm, Ncuralcia, Weak VOITilrBHJFLECTWO"'"1 s"re Lun''i Couglis VULIA1U JkUSIBB Sll(1 o.11r, Weak Back, J3j iAfflft Weak Stomtichand Bowels " fclSTt Dyspepeia, Female Weak ness, siiiiiiiini; pains tbrough the loins and back, try these piasters. Placed over the pit o' the Stoimch, they prevent and care Agne Pains. Bilions Colic, Liver complaiut, and protect the ystem from h thoitsand III. '25c. Potter DrtiK and liemlcal ( o., BoHton. W. TREMAIN, GENERAL llTOANCB IgBNCï! I ..op HHB ft OKirio; j Oyer Casper Rinsey's Grocery Store, COR. UUUON AND KUÜHTHSTS., North British Insurance Co., Of Lontion and Edinburg. Capital , 13,000,000, Oold. Detroit Fire and Marine Insurance Co., Cash Assets t000,nou. Sprinffleld Ins. Co. of Massaclinsetts, Canh Assels fl,800,000. Howanl Ihs. Contpany of New York, Caeh Atectg $1 ,000,000. Agrlcnltiiral Ins. Co., Watertown, N.T., Caeh Afseti 1 ,100,000. Losse! Llberally Adjns'ed nd Promptly Pald. "r tc t rnr Tt-ï hbi f _ ECIAN'S IMPERIAL TRÜ88. gW B Tliti nw Truit hu ft ira ifrtnt n1 "'"¦ KÊÊm tki i'iiim tut : ylldtlovry motltm, r#UHiing .1 " the hriiUa]wavt. Wwrn day ii'i myit ilh "inJKlk tri. 8rSloiTrll. Rtnnij. for Circüliir. T VteA fn both UnJííTiltT Honpluli. ÍGAN'S IMPERIAL TRUSS CO., ioV 2288, Arjn Arbor, Kielt. Olliop, Hamilton Block. Ann Arbor. Obtained in the United Stat- ml ForeignCuuntriel. GEO.H.l.OTMUOP, 70 QrUwold SU, Detroit, nich.


Ann Arbor Courier
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