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Fruit As A Medicine

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In writiiigto us, a subseriber says that she has frequenüy observed the recoin meiidatioii of fruit as ¦ medicine in these columns, and she wishes to knowifany one fruit hns a superior excellence to all othei 9 in this respect. JWe are not ca pable of auswering this! In speakinj; of the matter, a health authority, sa.vs tliat of all the fruit with which we are blessed, the peach is the most delicious and diíífcstible. Tfcere is nothing more palatablc, wholesome and medicinal than good ripe peaches. It i. a mistaken idea that no í ruit should be far bettcr If our people would eat less bacon and grease at breaktast, and more fruit. In the morning there is an ucrld state of the secretions and nothing is so well calculated to correct this as cooling sub-acid fruits, such as peaches, apples, etc. The ipple is one of the best of fruits. Baked of stewed applü will ffenerully igree with the mort delicate stoinach, and are an excellent medicine in many cases. Green or halfripe apples, stevved and sweetened are pleasant to the taste, cooling, nourishing, laxative, tar superior in many cases to the abominable doses of siüts and oil usiially given in fever and otlier diseases. Raw and dried apples stewed are bettcr for cousclpation tban gome pill. Orangea are very acceptable to most stomachs, havinc all the dvantages of the acid ailuded to; but the orange juice ftlooc Bhould be taken, reject the pulp. The same may be said of lemons, pomégranatep, and all that class. Leinonade is the best drink in f e verg, and wlu'ii thickcni-.l with sujfar is better thau tfttp of s(juills and iiilnr nauseants in many caes of i-oujih. Tomatoes act on the Hver and bowels, and are much more pleasant and -ilc than blue mass. The juice should bo used alone, rcjcctlnx the skins, 'i'hf mall-aeeüed fruit, buco as Máckberriet, figs, ra9pberriep, currants and strawberries, may be classcd nkodg the best fonds and medicinen. The sugar in tliem is nutricious, the acid la cooling and purifying, and the seeds are laxative. We would be mach the gainers if wc would look inore tr onr orchards and fiardeiis tor our medicines and less to tlie drug stores. To cure fever or act on the kidneys, no febrifuge or diuretic is superior to watcr-mclon, which may. with very few eXOeptiOM, bs taki-n in sickneüs aiul healtli in alniost unlimited quantltlet wiili pocltlve benefit. Uut in using t hem, Juice ghonld be taken excludin; the pulp; and taan the méloa thould


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News