
An End to Uone scnipin. Edward Shepherd, of Hariisburg, 111., ssvs : "Havinx nceived so miich benefit froiu Electric Bitters. I fcel it my iluly to let sutfering liumanity know it. Have liad ii running sore on my leg for eight years; my doctors told me I would have to have the bone scraped or leg mpiitntcd. I usïd, instead, threc bottles of Klectric Bitters and geven boxei Uucklen's Árnica Salve, and my eg is now sound and well." Electric Bitters are sold at fiflv cents a bottle, and Bucklen's Árnica Salve at 250 per box by Eberbach & Son. Time is always rdpiesomed aa carrylnit a scythe, and we supgose liu will continue tocarry thl.s primitiw apricultural linplenient untll Time símil bu no mowcr. - Botton Cuurijr
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News